A couple suggestions  (Read 2806 times)

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A couple suggestions
« on: 8 Apr 2018, 01:47:46 »
Ok I've got a few things I'd like to see on the server

My first idea is a command where you could do /web and it will link you to the web site this is sorta a small thing but i think it will be nice for people like me who like having quick access to the web site

My second Idea is Mob spawners not like the naturally spawning ones like skele, spider, and zombie but spawners like evoker, wither skele, and witches <---- (not nessesarly those they might be a bit to OP but still you get the point) it might be possible mayor only though which I find quite likely they would also be priced on mob rarity and the drops they would have

Ok my third idea is put cobble stone in the all stone sub-catagory it's also a minor thing but when mining it would be nice just to remove all my stone in one swoop

Again another minor thing but can you make /visiit a short cut for /visit and /hoem a short cut for /home there problably would be more but those are the ones I misspell quite a bit and it would be nice if they could just count

« Last Edit: 8 Apr 2018, 22:09:01 by Diamondpuppy808 »


Re: A couple suggestions
« Reply #1 on: 8 Apr 2018, 15:07:01 »
Hey there :)

Nice to see someone else but me post suggestions :) And I like quite a few.

The /spawners page is not covering the mobs we've been able to get ingame since the EULA change and move to 1.12.2, I would not mind seeing at least a rabbit spawner and a few others in that list.

I agree that it would be nice to have the ability to place a certain angry mob type spawner in a location that fits the design. But i can imagine someone just getting 4x skelly and making a bit overpowered grinder. Not sure if it's perhaps an idea to limit the purchase to 1 a player or whatever.

Idea 1 by the way, for the /web, /website, /url, /forum, /forums, .. or whatever is reasonable is pretty good. I just use the url: noobs.town, this resolves to the full url.

Idea 3, yeah the "sell specific stone" has all the stones like smooth too, but not cobble, it's no big deal but it feels like you'd expect it there too haha i agree

idea 3 (i guess you meant 4). If we get /visiit i think we need /visitt too and /shoop, /sop, /shopp and /monday, /monay for /shop and /money :D i keep mistyping it


Re: A couple suggestions
« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2018, 13:28:41 »
My first idea is a command where you could do /web and it will link you to the web site this is sorta a small thing but i think it will be nice for people like me who like having quick access to the web site
Since it was simple to do, I've now added this you can do /website or /web (and a number of other website related terms) to get a simple line in the chat listing this being the site. See the completed work item at: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/command-to-get-webiste/

My second Idea is Mob spawners not like the naturally spawning ones like skele, spider, and zombie but spawners like evoker, wither skele, and witches <---- (not nessesarly those they might be a bit to OP but still you get the point) it might be possible mayor only though which I find quite likely they would also be priced on mob rarity and the drops they would have
You can't even get the common hostile mobs as spawner blocks available to place because they'd already be too overpowered, it's therefore unlikely we'll allow you to get the rarer mobs as spawners. Part of the game is exploring and trying to get those rarer mobs if you want them.

Ok my third idea is put cobble stone in the all stone sub-catagory it's also a minor thing but when mining it would be nice just to remove all my stone in one swoop
While I can understand where you're coming from with the idea about cobble being a stone; however cobblestone isn't considered the same block type as stone in the game. While I understand your reasoning, in Minecraft they're a completely different block type, which is why you have to do it separately from the main blocks menu. The "All Stone" option is for all of the different sub-types of stone (granite, diorite, etc.) which are considered to be the same block, but just a different type of Stone.

If in-game you use "F3 + H" to turn on advanced tooltips and open the blocks shop menu you'll see that all of types of stone included in Stone are under block ID 1, with a different data type (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) for normal, diorite, etc. but cobblestone is a completely different block ID (4).

By them being separated it gives you more options to decide whether or not you want to sell cobble or not, if they were for some reason merged I imagine we'd get others complaining their cobble is being sold when they want to keep it because it's a different block to stone.

Again another minor thing but can you make /visiit a short cut for /visit and /hoem a short cut for /home there problably would be more but those are the ones I misspell quite a bit and it would be nice if they could just count
We don't particularly want to encourage people to use the incorrect spelling of commands which is why I don't really want implement something like this, it would just allow people to become sloppy with their use of spelling. Plus if people are expecting there to be misspellings of commands they might be confused why say "/visiit" works, but not "/vissiit, it could get into a big list of options for something so simple.

I can however see a benefit for adding in a "did you mean..." type of matching system when people use a command that doesn't exist so that people who do mistype or aren't quite right get a hint as to the correct command, or what they might have meant. This could then be expanded further to help people with commonly misused commands to point them to the right command to things too. I have made a new work item relating to this at: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/add-command-hinting/

Thanks for all of the suggestions! For tracking updates and information it might be nicer to put any further suggestions into individual topics so that people can comment on specific ideas and then in the list of all suggestion topics the subject would be clearer to read too. But I appreciate the ideas.
« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2018, 13:33:12 by ItsLawrence »