Sellable pets  (Read 4090 times)

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Sellable pets
« on: 20 Apr 2018, 22:35:55 »
That's something I've seen on different servers and I'm wondering if we can add it here the only issue I see with it is it might effect with the /pet that we have already I really like the idea of making a parrot farm or something like that


Re: Sellable pets
« Reply #1 on: 22 Apr 2018, 08:25:25 »
That's something I've seen on different servers and I'm wondering if we can add it here the only issue I see with it is it might effect with the /pet that we have already I really like the idea of making a parrot farm or something like that
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "Sellable Pets", could you explain some more; what does it allow you to do? Is it a change to /pet or an entirely separate idea?


Re: Sellable pets
« Reply #2 on: 22 Apr 2018, 18:33:13 »
Ok let's say I found a parrot and I tamed it. Then mrfloris walks up and says "hey I want a parrot" then I do /pet give mrfloris ( problably looking at the parrot too.) Then mrfloris has a parrot and I don't


Re: Sellable pets
« Reply #3 on: 22 Apr 2018, 18:37:04 »
I do want a parrot pet.


Re: Sellable pets
« Reply #4 on: 22 Apr 2018, 18:38:44 »
That's something I've seen on different servers and I'm wondering if we can add it here the only issue I see with it is it might effect with the /pet that we have already I really like the idea of making a parrot farm or something like that

I'd love to use /gem to buy a special pet-egg that is like a container. It can be a one use only.. You pick up a mob with it, and then when you rename it and place it, the special egg disappears, but instead, .. you have a pet. It would be nice if that's possible :)

Another way to have tradable pets using the current /pets system is a transfer button that opens a gui with heads, we click on the head and the pet appears in their /pets gui as a new pet if they dont have one already.