Hey guys,
Once in a while, especially as time goes by, we'd love to just be able to move a spawner around a bit to match the design.
Sometimes we learn it's uneven, or a floor too high.. that sorta stuff.
I wouldn't personally object against having an option to pay with /gem or /money or mcMMO levels to have the ability to once or twice a year move a spawner up to 5 blocks in any direction. We wouldn't even have to be able to pick it up etc.
Just how we type: /spawners to buy one (which btw, is ready for an update with all the new mob types btw hehe), it could have controls to a next page at the bottom, where your own spawners you purchased through this system are listed, or even better, we point with our mouse at the spawner unit and type: /spawner move, .. and get a GUI with blocks to move it up down, left right .. and when it's in the right spot, we click save, with a confirmation box saying: you sure you want to pay x ?
Well, whatever the system might be that's handy, but.. it would be so handy to just move a spawner up or down a few places once in a while.