UPDATE????  (Read 7802 times)

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« on: 31 Mar 2020, 03:00:20 »
Now I have no idea when the last time the server has been updated..  but, sees how popular its been...with this stay at home deal... people might get back on more, but again... is the server ever gonna be updated to current minecraft? 


Re: UPDATE????
« Reply #1 on: 31 Mar 2020, 05:58:10 »
I'd like it to be. But if I remember correctly, paper (what the server uses for plug ins) isnt updates to the correct version yet, but I'm not positive.


Re: UPDATE????
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jun 2020, 18:32:26 »
Now I have no idea when the last time the server has been updated..  but, sees how popular its been...with this stay at home deal... people might get back on more, but again... is the server ever gonna be updated to current minecraft? 
There are definitely plans to update to newer versions of Minecraft, yes. Unfortunately this is quite a big task with all of the different changes and things I have to change, but I will be working towards this as one of the main upcoming things. I apologise but it'll probably still be quite a while, for now you'll have to continue with 1.12.2 if you wish to play on Noobstown!