
Noobstown => Market Place => Topic started by: craftymatt13OH on 7 Oct 2014, 19:13:08

Title: Tangled Sticky Mess In Shop
Post by: craftymatt13OH on 7 Oct 2014, 19:13:08
We have a tangled and sticky mess in our CraftyBama shop in Skyside and we need your help to clean it up. *Screams, Clean up isle 12* We now have Cobb Webs for sale in our shop for your Halloween decorating needs. As you know cob webs are difficult to obtain so supplies are limited so may not be restocked. Between you and I, I heard from a little fly stuck in a web that the spiders are going on strike as they refuse to make webs for decorating purposes. So supplies will be extremely limited.

Also, we have added a 2nd DC of eggs to our shop so that you may help your friend with Halloween decorating of their house. For easy access to our shop do /visit Craftymatt13OH   Enjoy. :)