
General => News => Topic started by: justinwon on 22 Sep 2011, 23:35:06

Title: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 22 Sep 2011, 23:35:06
The 1.9 pre-release is out right now, download it at! Notch has also said that the 1.10 release will be coming soon, with even more Adventure-related updates. As we are going into the new update, the previous 1.8 section is now closed, and all 1.9-related discusson can be discussed here. Enjoy!
Server hosts can update their servers at
1.9 includes:
•New mobs


•Magma Cube

•Snow Golem



•New blocks

•Netherrack Bricks

•Netherrack Stairs

•Netherrack Fence

•Lily Pad

•New items

•Blaze Rod

•Ghast Tear

•Nether Wart

•Gold Nugget

•New generated structures

•Nether Ruins

•New Bugs

•Biome tinting is too harsh between regular water and swamp water, rather than blending.

•Can no longer jump repeatedly by holding a key

•Snow golems do not take fall damage
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: Jayjay36 on 23 Sep 2011, 01:02:28
Thanks a lot Justin, I'm really looking forward to 1.9 XD :D
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: magicman4774 on 23 Sep 2011, 01:37:59
Wow minecraft is rapidly evolveing. This is awesome.
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 27 Sep 2011, 23:24:58
Jeb tweeted a new image recently, indicating some significant changes to the inventory - stats, possible bottles for potions and more! An earlier tweet seemed to support the potion theory, with a mention of a possible blindness potion. He seemed to indicate that the inventory/stat changes would not take effect in 1.9, however.
Already, we have seen a large shift in the way Survival Mode plays, with the inclusion of NPC villages, more expansive dungeons (including strongholds, and nether forts), a large number of new creatures and more. What will be added next? Keep an eye out for more updates!
Title: Re: New Mincecraft Monday
Post by: justinwon on 27 Sep 2011, 23:27:14 (
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: Jayjay36 on 27 Sep 2011, 23:37:00
Thanks for the update Justin!
Title: Re: BIG NEWS
Post by: justinwon on 1 Oct 2011, 00:44:39
Notch recently commented on the perception of Endermen as they currently exist, saying "they're annoying, and because I nerfed them and made them too easy. I shall fix this." Any number of changes could be made to the Endermen to make them more difficult - more health, higher damage, more aggressive behavior - time will ultimately reveal any changes made to them.
Endermen have been a popular topic since their introduction in the 1.8 update, starring in numerous videos that run the spectrum from hilarious to terrifying. They have certainly set themselves up to be as well known (if not more well known) than Minecraft's ever-popular Creeper. What changes await this elusive monster? We will find out soon!


Jeb has provided us with the last Pre-Release version of 1.9 - get it here! Remember, this cannot be obtained via the launcher, and must be installed manually. Don't forget to report any bugs you find here, so they can be properly documented and fixed!
Server hosters can get the new SMP jar here.
Note: "There's a hardcore tooltip remaining in the world options menu. Please ignore it, hardcore is a game mode, not world option."
Notch also noted that there will be at least two more major additions to the game, followed by a code freeze (restricted code changes) prior to the official launch of Minecraft in November. Very exciting changes - keep an eye out for updates right here!
In addition to the wiki, you can check out (and talk about) the newly-discovered changes right here!


Jeb has been discussing potions quite a bit lately - it seemed in the early stages of planning that potions would be brewed using a cauldron. However, recent comments strongly suggest that the cauldron is being replaced with a brewing stand (seen above).

In addition - Notch strongly hinted at an upcoming enchantment system, complete with an enchanting table or similar object (seen below). While he did confirm that it would cost Experience Points, have a 3-tier system and be "totally random", any other information on the topic has been somewhat cryptic.
With all the recent monster, item and biome additions to the game, one thing is for certain - 1.9 will be a feature-packed release!
Title: Re: pics of the last post
Post by: justinwon on 1 Oct 2011, 00:46:44
the pics are too big so i can't post them here
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 1 Oct 2011, 00:47:42
i don't know what just happened
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: Jayjay36 on 1 Oct 2011, 20:03:08
I can see the pictures perfectly but you've posted the same picture twice, I feel eager to play the full 1.9 update but i don't want to play the pre-release.

Thanks Justin!
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 2 Oct 2011, 19:04:18
Potions have already been confirmed for a future release - but how many can there be? Jeb had this to say about it:

"In the prerelease, there are 161 brewable unique potions. Unless we change it, there will be 2,653 with all ingredients added."

While the code for potions is already somewhat in place, there do not appear to be any plans to make them available until the 1.10 release. We do not know all 2,653 possible future combinations; however, we have compiled a brief list of some known potions and their effects. Take a look at
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 4 Oct 2011, 05:16:35
Notch has revealed a new addition to the recently added breeding mechanic - baby animals! The most recent Pre-Release version allows for animal breeding, by giving two animals some wheat, which puts them into what most have called "Love Mode" - which then produces a fully-grown, new animal. With baby animals, we may begin to see a form of life cycle with the native inhabitants of Minecraft!

Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: Jayjay36 on 4 Oct 2011, 08:35:09
LOL It has a humungus head.. Well compared to Its body.
Title: Re: upcoming stuff and news
Post by: justinwon on 8 Oct 2011, 05:38:57
Ender Realm?

It appears that the Endermen have their own realm! One might conclude from the pillars that Endermen are aspiring builders, but they may serve alternate purposes. Additionally, both Notch and the above-shown image strongly suggest the future addition of dragons - a feature sought after by players for quite some time! As of this writing, there are no specifics on the new monster. We will update you as the information becomes available.

Stronghold Locators?

Jeb recently noted an upcoming feature - the ability to locate Strongholds more effectively! Many players have noticed the sky-high, 1x1 glass towers that indicate the presence of a Stronghold, but these have been confirmed as a debug feature, which will be removed. Strongholds are an exciting addition to the Minecraft landscape, giving players more incentive to explore the world - who knows what could be found inside?

Minecraft - Pocket Edition Comes Out Today!

The wait for Minecraft - Pocket Edition is over! You can now get it for the Android right now! A strong addition to the Minecraft suite, MPE hosts a number of familiar features, including:

    Randomized worlds
    Build with 36 different kinds of blocks
    Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network)
    Save multi-player worlds on your own phone