Fishing Tourney, Sunday July 19 (Dracomere) & Future Fishing Information Thread  (Read 3409 times)

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Note: Each Sunday, the fishing tourney information will be posted in the comments of THIS thread. So please keep an eye on this thread for future tournament winners/information/location/etc.

This Sunday the tournament will be hosted in Dracomere! If you wish to host one in your town, please message me and we will discuss making plans! The rules are listed below for your convenience.

1. There will be no building or destroying in the fishing area.
2. Rods and food are the only items needed. Armor can be used and enchanted rods are welcome as well. Any other items will be asked to be stored before teleporting to the fishing area.
3. You must stay in your "box" during the competition and be sure not to interfere with other players. If we find that you are interfering we will ask you to return to your box or you may be withdrawn from the competition.
4. All server rules apply. Chat will be happening in /ch l and you must remember to apply the server rules to the competition and other players and staff members.

Once the tournament is ready to begin, each player interested in participating simply message a staff member and we will check your inventory to make sure you are only equipped with a rod and food. Again, if you have other items in your inventory we will ask that you store them and we will recheck your inventory. Once you're cleared, we will teleport you to the waiting area. You may not teleport other players into the waiting area, they must be checked by a staff member. If a player fails to do so, they will be removed and disqualified from the competition.

Sunday's event timetable can be found below:


The goal of the tournament is to simply be the first to catch 64 raw fish. There are spots for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners!


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me in-game, via PM on the site, or simply leave a comment below and I will do my best to respond!


Just to clarify, In Dracomere, which lake/pond will the upcoming fishing tournament be held at?


uh there's more than one? haha I've been meaning to go look at the docks and make sure everything is up to standards. Once I have a look around and have spoken to TidalMewMew I'll let you know. :)



According to TidalMewMew there is only one lake/fishing area which I assume is the one that has been used before.


Okay, thank ou, I thought it'd be that one again, there is sort of another pond like water h ole nest to the dark room. The lake used before, is more suitable for fishing tournaments, I think.


Okay, thank ou, I thought it'd be that one again, there is sort of another pond like water h ole nest to the dark room. The lake used before, is more suitable for fishing tournaments, I think.

I think you're speaking of the parkour course or there's a fishing area near the dark room/parkour course/acro so people can party lvl a little bit of everything.


Winners for July 19

1st: sir_andrew99876
2nd: mprint
3rd: ChitterChatter_

Thank you all for participating!


hey can i build a area on my plot where we could host it one sunday



Currently we're only hosting tourneys in towns. It helps promote the towns on the server. Maybe in the future we will allow wild fishing tourneys.





Is a tourney happening today??


Nope, no fishing tourney today. Next Sunday though! :)


This Sunday's Fishing Tournament (August 2nd) will be held in PembrookeShire. The times will be the same as stated above and the rules are the same as always. Refer to the post above for any more information!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to mail me in-game or here on the forums!



Winners for August 2

1st: mprint
2nd: eboniics
3rd: ecctv

Congrats to the winners and thank you all for participating!


Yea! I got close this time! Next time!


This next Fishing Tournament (August 16) will be held in Gallifrey. The times will be the same as stated above and the rules are the same as always. Refer to the post above for any more information!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to mail me in-game or here on the forums!
