Rules  (Read 4478 times)

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« on: 12 Aug 2012, 04:57:10 »
The rules on this server are unfair and need refining.  Lets say i went and griefed a house, ok that would be a two day ban.  But saying ONE ip in the chat bans you FOREVER.  The ban for hacking and cheating is the same for saying ONE thing.  If Mods, not just one, but multiple, agree that the ban is unfair, you should be unbanned.  Refine the rules, this is unfair.  If you break a rule accidentally or with out knowing you deserve a warning.  The rules are too hard to find and they are outdated.  Also you can't use the forum rules for something that happened in the GAME.  The advertising ban is unfair and people agree with me.


Re: Rules
« Reply #1 on: 12 Aug 2012, 05:07:55 »
I actually don't agree with you. I'm personally of the opinion that since this server is owned and operated by private individuals, it is entirely their call on what the rules are and how they are enforced. I also have found the rules to be easily accessible, understandable, and simple to follow.

Now, do I agree with all the rules as they are defined and/or enforced? That's a totally different question. And it's fairly easy to respond to: if I (or anyone else) don't agree with enough of the rules, how they are enforced, how they are worded, or how accessible they are, then I am free to leave and find another server more suited to my tastes. That's the nature of privately run game servers.

I'm sure there are many people who agree with me that it's eminently fair, but I will not speak for them or use them to try and give my argument further weight. I will let them speak for themselves. :)

[addendum] For the record, I am not leaving. I like it here, rules and all. :)
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2012, 05:11:08 by Halikar »


Re: Rules
« Reply #2 on: 12 Aug 2012, 07:52:12 »
I see both sides of the equation here.  A warning would be nice, but following the first rule of reading the rules should also be taken into account.  If you start bending the rules, the entire structure will break and fall to corruption and favoritism.  The sever wouldn't be as stable as it is without those rules being strictly enforced with a no tolerance attitude.  As for your particular case, I read over the ban appeal and again, I see your side of the story, but not being present, seeing the exchange for myself, and not being a Moderator, I can really have no judgement on the issue at hand.   Try to understand, these rules are in place to improve the quality of the entire server's game experience.  If you do not read the rules, and you break one, then the punishment you receive is just, as the rule is already there for you to access and know.

That being said, whether said rules are fair or 'right' isn't something up for debate.  It's their server, their rules.  If you do not agree to such rules, you have the right to find another server to move along to.  If they choose not to explain why they have said rule, it is again, their right to do so, and you are not obligated to have any further dealings with them.

I agree that there should be a more clear explanation of where to find the rules.  Mayhap a change in the /rules that gives the expanded details of each rule, or at least it directs you to the forum board to review the full list.  It took me a bit to get the hang of the server, and find the full rules detailed and layed out, but I also took an active role in searching to make sure I didn't oppose the guidelines of the Admins and their server.

Our suggestions can be read, and taken into consideration, but ultimately it is the owner of the server's decision on how to run the world. 


Re: Rules
« Reply #3 on: 12 Aug 2012, 08:43:26 »
The rules are not outdated, and they are not hard to find at all, /Rules. And I agree with Halikar, they are VERY simple to follow, if you can't follow them, you don't deserve to be here in my opinion. Advertising is always a permanent ban (From what I've seen, correct me if I'm wrong). You chose to give out information about a server, an OP saw that as advertising, you were banned. It was your choice to give out other server information, not anyone else's, YOURS. The advertising rule is not unfair at all in my opinion. When you sign the terms to play and use Noobscraft services, you agree to abide by the rules, if you do not, you will be punished. I really don't see how the advertising ban is unfair. Obviously the Staff doesn't want people sharing IP's in global chat. I would also like to know who would agree with you, because your words just seem like rubbish to me.


Re: Rules
« Reply #4 on: 12 Aug 2012, 11:07:28 »
This is a real shame, it really is. Huskers is great guy man, he was just a nut case that day and said an ip address                                               , he really never meant to. But there's only one problem with this husk, it does state in the rules that you are not allowed to give out any ip address's witch results in a permanent ban.

What was it man? Did you not read that rule in-particular or was it that you forgot about it? 
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2012, 11:09:50 by BuckieUK09 »


Re: Rules
« Reply #5 on: 12 Aug 2012, 14:14:55 »
there is a problem with unbanning a person for saying a ip. If they unbaned a person for it then they would have to unban every other person who has done that so that it could be fair and that would take up time to do that.


Re: Rules
« Reply #6 on: 14 Aug 2012, 04:16:40 »
I also wish these sorts of things could be looked at more in-depth.  It was obvious that my intent was not to advertise for this server.  Someone asked a question and I simply replied, unaware that saying one thing would get me banned.  I understand the advertising rule if someone comes on and spams the chat for a server, but I said it once.  And in no way did I benefit from "advertising".  If you can see the intent was not advertising, then a temp ban or a warning is definitely appropriate.  Thank you all for responding, I am just still upset about all of the time I put in the server just to go to waste for a silly thing.


Re: Rules
« Reply #7 on: 14 Aug 2012, 04:22:55 »
Also I'm pretty sure the rules have been changed since I have been banned.  They are worded differently but I don't have a way to prove it really.  Before, I swear it said you cannot spam the ip.  I actually have something that quotes the previous rules "It's fine to talk about a server, but not acceptable to spam the IP out." Before it said "spam" the ip out, now it says: "send" the ip out.  I promise these were the rules because this was in my message to waterworth when i quoted it from the rules.  What do you guys think?


Re: Rules
« Reply #8 on: 14 Aug 2012, 04:44:15 »
Looking over your ban appeal, I see where you brought that up, but it was countered so I'm not sure.  Maybe Waterworth could take another look at your ban and perhaps review what has happened between now and then?  I see where he said the ban would stand and the topic was locked, so there may not be anything you can do at all. 


Re: Rules
« Reply #9 on: 14 Aug 2012, 04:44:54 »
Huskers, its fine to talk about a server yes but you cannot say the IP address. E.g, if I said, "Oh that lockcraft server is cool, you can do so and so", that would be fine but if you give out the Ip address of that server in the chat, that would be unacceptable. It doesn't matter, spamming or not spamming, if it is said you will get banned. Giving out an Ip address on the server can cause loss of activity from the members, if they decide to go and have a look at the server advertised they might not come back, you know what I mean?

You know im not happy with this outcome for you husk and wish you could get another chance but the rules must be taken into account.


Re: Rules
« Reply #10 on: 14 Aug 2012, 05:39:57 »
Frequently with such rules, it's the spirit and intent of the rule that must be followed rather than trying to skirt it by sticking to what one believes to be the letter of the rule. The spirit of the rule, no matter how it is worded, is fairly clear: do not give out addresses to other servers.

Your argument is based entirely on the wording, the letter of the rule. That's essentially taking the position that you are right, the server and it's policies are wrong, and everyone else needs to change to suit you. I don't know of very many situations where that ever actually works. If the wording made you misunderstand, that's one thing. You apologize, point out why you misunderstood politely, and move on regardless of the decision. That isn't what I've personally see you doing however. Sometimes you get the same attitude directed back at you you exhibit ourwardly. And that might be what you are seeing in this case.


Re: Rules
« Reply #11 on: 14 Aug 2012, 16:25:15 »
Remember that this is the internet, where virtually anyone has access to it.  Giving out IP Addresses are not only advertising other servers, but could lead to potentially damaging or inappropriate material as well.  We're not saying this is what you did in this case, just trying to explain what average members think of the rule.


Re: Rules
« Reply #12 on: 14 Aug 2012, 17:23:58 »
The rules are very clear to understand, but I can expand on all of the rules if it makes it easier to understand.

Advertising is always a permanent ban, and it will always be a permanent ban. We don't want to lose our members to other servers.

In the Forum Rules it states;

You are also not allowed to use our services for commercial gain.

You are receiving commercial gain if you are taking players from our server to play on someone else's.


Re: Rules
« Reply #13 on: 14 Aug 2012, 23:59:06 »
I'm just curious as to if we are allowed to send an IP in a private message just once. (I haven't, and nor do I plan on doing so, but am just curious.)

This server is pretty much the only server I play on. Sometimes I'll play on a server with Creative inventories, but don't want to go into details for the worry of getting banned.

Some other question just popped up for me. Are we able to give a link to a Planet Minecraft page listing the server?

I'm not planning too, but some others might be wondering along with me.

Pretty sure these answers will all be "no" though.


Re: Rules
« Reply #14 on: 15 Aug 2012, 23:37:22 »
Air, even sending it in a PM will get you banned. Sending on on the server at all is breaking the rules. Had an idiot friend that tried to pm me his server ip after I warned him, and he was gone the minute he sent it, lol

If you're going to send something like that, best to just keep it to email, fb, or skype messaging to avoid any issues.


Re: Rules
« Reply #15 on: 17 Aug 2012, 03:49:40 »

We 100% do not accept people advertising their or other servers on our server. It's fine to talk about a server, but not acceptable to send the IP out. Scam is also a no no. Taking people's in-game currency by scamming is against the rules - especially if you're scamming a newbie. You Will be delt with appropriately if caught.

I found this under 'server rules'.

I only post this because I remember seeing that it was okay to talk about a server, just not give out the IP.  But It's the Admin's privately owned server, so it ultimately is up to them, and how they interpret rule number 6.

I also am against advertising on this server, and agree with this rule.

Mayor of Oakvale


Re: Rules
« Reply #16 on: 18 Aug 2012, 03:00:43 »
Congratulations James on reaching your 100th post!  8|

Air, even sending it in a PM will get you banned. Sending on on the server at all is breaking the rules. Had an idiot friend that tried to pm me his server ip after I warned him, and he was gone the minute he sent it, lol

If you're going to send something like that, best to just keep it to email, fb, or skype messaging to avoid any issues.

Thanks Omega for clarifying.