This is a guide... to end city hunting!!

This is a step by step guide to finding and raiding end citys
1. Get a elytra and fireworks: This one is simple enough, get an elytra you will most likely want one with Unbreaking III (and if possible mending but this isn't as essential as Unbreaking III) Usually you can buy them for 15,000Nbz. Now fireworks you can usually find a stack for 500Nbz Try also not to get fireworks that actually explode, why you ask? well if the fireworks explode they will damage you.
2.Get amor, tools, weapons, and blocks:Any type of these will do.
3.Get to the end: Just do /warp end then walk forwards to go into the portal then BAM! Your in the end.
4.Start flying: Fairly simple, find a ledge to jump off of then, while falling double jump, you may want to practice this one in the wild/town world
5.Find an end city: Not to hard to do just takes a bit of time. Just fly forward in a direction and fly till you find a city.
Now that you know how to find one here is how you raid one:
If there is a ship: Make sure the ship has a dragon head:
If it does: Well congratulations! you found a city that hasn't been raided (unless someone thought it'd be funny to not grab the head)
If it doesn't... well you gotta find another city

If there is not a ship... well you actually have to go inside to check to see it it's raided.
there are 3 "buildings " that you can raid:
Ship:1 Elytra 2 chests.
3 Floor tall building:1 chest 1 ender chest
Very tall building:2 chests
You want to come from all these buildings from above then mine down to get to the chests once you've raided the chests in that building you want to break through the side and fly to the next building with a chest.
This has been my guide to end city hunting I hope you enjoyed. If you think it needs more detail or just want to ask a question just post below

If you want a crazily in-depth one, just find me online.