Noobscraft for Newcomers  (Read 3064 times)

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Noobscraft for Newcomers
« on: 4 May 2015, 18:09:01 »
So, I was browsing the forums lately, and I thought - wouldn't it be great if us members all contributed to a joined guide for newcomers?
Well, that wasn't my thought exactly, but you get the point.
This is going to be a little different. Basically, anyone can add a little tip directed at the newer Noobs to help them out on their journey.
I'll start:

Don't rush.
Make sure to collect plenty of resources in the Mining World. Vote with /vote every day, and have patience. Let your money rise slowly, and don't aim too high at first. Make sure to take your time with things like buying Wild Chunks, as there isn't much use selling them even if you found a better location.


Re: Noobscraft for Newcomers
« Reply #1 on: 4 May 2015, 18:15:12 »

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the in-game tip system, feel free to add them below and I will look to incorporate them in-game.

Further, I would be more than happy to read through and edit (if necessary) any guides that players make and officially endorse them, providing the information is up to date and correct.



Re: Noobscraft for Newcomers
« Reply #2 on: 5 May 2015, 10:19:32 »
Could there be a in game message that displays to a new member or guest, like a frequently asked questions helper that reply's to them almost instantly after they ask a question. Some questions it seems that new noobs seem to ask are, How do I go to a town?, What's the teleport command?, How do I see the list of towns?, Can I join a town?, ect. It seems that some questions that are asked greatly by new people are sometimes answered less often. More so because so many of them ask the same questions over and over that it gets hard to keep helping them when you don't really know if their visit to the server will make them want to keep coming back or discard it forever.


Re: Noobscraft for Newcomers
« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2015, 06:13:07 »
”Hey, I’m new to this server-what do I do?”

Is a question most of us have asked or seen in chat. It’s also difficult to give a good answer in chat so here goes an overall look and tutorial for Noobstown.

How is this server set up?

Noobstown is a family friendly, vanilla, economy, survival server which means no bad language and no scamming/stealing, you don’t need mods to enjoy Noobstown, you can make money and you can die and lose your stuff. There are 5 different worlds in Noobstown. They are the Town World, Wild World, Mining World, The End and the Nether. Some of these worlds have some different features.
    Town World is the world you start playing in. When you join, you will find yourself in wonderful downtown Noobstown. You can go to the live map to find yourself, no meditation needed! Look at the tabs at the top of the page, go to community then live map. Wow! There you are! Want to see who else is where? Hover over the right side of the map and a list of who is on will slide out. Click on a name and the map will jump to that player if they are in the Town or Wild Worlds.

   Town World is the world to build/live in a town. You can join a town by asking a mayor or town assistant to join. When you join a town, you get a plot(s) to build on plus access to town amenities. Check out the different towns. There are a lot of towns with different themes and amenities. To visit a town, use /t list while in the Town world to see a list of the towns then /visit [townname] to visit the town. In the town world, you can only build/destroy on your plot. Town is a safe place to build (no creeper assistance!) and keep your valuables. You can buy and build a town for 900,000 noobz (as of May 2015) and approval for your town application in the forums.

    The Wild world is the place to go for larger, free form builds with more of a single player (yet still part of the community) Minecraft experience. This is where the creepers will assist you, eagerly and repeatedly. The first step to building your wild home is to find a place to build. Go to the Wild World portal at the Noobstown Palace (/warp palace and jump in the hole to the left) and you will be transported to the wild spawn. Or you can use /wild go   for a random place in the wild. You can use live map to find a place that looks like home. Be careful not to start to close to neighbors since you or your neighbor may want to expand later. You are given 10 chunks (a chunk is 16x16 plot, just like single player) for free as a member, but then you have to pay noobz (the in-game currency) for a chunk, and the price goes up for each additional plot. Keep in mind; these 10 free chunks are a one-time deal. If you use them, decide you don’t want the plots and give up the chunks, the free chunks you used are gone. Also keep in mind as you explore the wild for your new home, you cannot destroy anything, but you can kill mobs and collect their droppings. Once you find your homestead, you can buy the chunk using /wild buy and then /wild buy confirm WOO-HOO! FIREWORKS! Now you can build, destroy, dig, and be creeper hugged. In the mining world and want to go home fast? Use /wild home 1 to teleport to your first chunk. You can use any chunk number you own to teleport home, after a 5 second delay (5 seconds, unless you are VIP, then it’s instant).

    Time for the Mining world! You will need stuff to build with. Go to the palace (/warp spawn) and jump into the hole on the right side. No, the other right side. Then run forward into the mining portal! Poof- you’re at the Mining world spawn fortress. See that hole up ahead? Jump in. Really. You’ll be ok. It’s a long drop, but you will land in the water, just be ready to swim up. Head out in any direction to find what you want. “Wait a minute! I can’t mine here! What gives?” You will need to be about 300 blocks from the mining spawn to mine. The mining world is not a good place to build. Your build can be griefed and the mining world resets every month. You are allowed to build, but if you lose something to griefing or the world resets, I’m sorry, but it’s gone.

    Ready for the Nether? Or the End?  Use /warp palace and you will see a portal to each. Go through the portal and you will be teleported to your destination! In the Nether, you will find Netherrack, glowstone, quartz, and a little bit of lava. The End features endstone, lots of friendly Endermen, and sometimes a dragon.  You will have to use these portals since dungeons don’t contain working End portals, and you cannot build a Nether portal.

    “You said I can make money? How?”  Buy selling stuff! You can sell items to other players in chat, sell to shop or sell in auction. To sell to shop, use /shop and click on the menu to see what shop buys and to sell what you have. To sell in auction, use /auction to put items in the auction chest and use the website to complete the auction process. There is a more complete explanation in the forums. Just remember, once the item is in the auction chest, it must go through auction. The auction chest is not an enderchest.

    “What are the ranks I see in chat? Can I be Admin?” Guest is a new player that hasn’t signed up, but go ahead and sign up. It’s easy, free, and unlocks the entire member game experience. Members are guests that have signed up and can join towns, get 10 free wild chunks and more. Veteran is a rank reserved for those who played on V5. V5 was the last version of Noobstown before the current V6. VIP/VIP+ are achieved with a onetime donation to the server. You can read the details under the donate tab. Supporters donated to the server but not for VIP.  Prefect is a chat moderator. Mod is the Moderator (that one was easy!) Prefect and Mod are earned ranks. These positions go to players with a history of active gameplay and being helpful and respectful while they played before being Prefects/Mods. Admins are the administrators/owners of the server and is not available as a rank. They are on a lot and are a great trio! “Can I get fly?” Nope. Not even if you are a reviewer from PlanetMinecraft! Fly isn’t a part of vanilla Minecraft.

“I can die?YES! YOU CAN! That is a fully supported feature here! I can personally say that gravity works. The risk of death and losing everything keeps you on your toes, keeps the game interesting! You can lose your stuff. If lava gets your stuff, I’m sorry, but it is gone. If another player picks your stuff up, they can keep it. Some players will give it back, some won’t, but they don’t have to.
    There is a lot more to Noobstown, but maybe this will help you get started. There are more detailed posts in the forums about mining, making money, lists of available commands, etc. Asking in chat can a good place for answers, but keep in mind, if you don’t get an answer, you’re not being ignored-not everybody may know the answer and others may be busy and miss the question in chat. This is a great, mixed community. Male, female, ages 7 to at least 47 ( my wife is 47, lol), some have played here for years, and others have just signed up. Main thing is- play, have fun, and mine safely.

This became longer than I meant for it to be, but hopefully everything is correct. If something is wrong, let me know in response and I’ll correct it. If I missed a good pointer for someone just joining Noobstown, let me know and I’ll add it in.


Re: Noobscraft for Newcomers
« Reply #4 on: 28 May 2015, 03:23:12 »
Generally craftymatt13 your explanation on those topics was amazing, nice job with all the in depth details and such.