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So I brought this up on the server and people seemed to think it was a good idea so I wanted to ask here. Would you like it to be possible to make a chest shop, but instead of going into your account it goes into the town account? This would be beneficial when selling for your town.
While that works, I'm saying this as a suggestion for people not wanting to spend another 30 dollars on a game.
Yes, I obviously get that Just sharing how I solved it in the meantime. I think it would be quite awesome if we can make [townbank] on the first row of the sign, which gets replaced with the name of the town and any profits going into the town bank.I wouldn't permit allowing "s $" on the sign in that case, I wouldn't want a competitor town from a different nation to mass sell to my town shops to try and bankrupt it. On some servers having 0 in the town bank results in the town being dissolved and I do not know if this is the case on noobstown as well.
Hmmm I actually disagree with no selling. Here is why: Lets say town y (Didn't use x for reasons you might know) makes a town farm, but wants it so people can sell the resources they collect but the mayor didn't want it to use their money but the town's. How would they be able to do this?Maybe make it so the mayor can set a limit for the town so it can't go below x amount of money?
I still disagree, as if someone was saving for an outpost, then another player could go run out of money. I see way your saying diamond, but you would still be able to buy it somewhere to get the resources as well. You can always withdraw money from the town.
I still disagree, as if someone was saving for an outpost, then another player could go run out of money. I see way your saying diamond, You can always withdraw money from the town.
But you would still be able to buy it somewhere to get the resources as well
My only concern is not knowing if town abc goes "poof" when the town bank hits 0. Now or if this becomes a feature. IM not going to test it haha
Lol, well I guess it kind of bumped the post. Anyway is there a way to add a poll, so we can see with numbers of people want this or not?
...I wouldn't permit allowing "s $" on the sign in that case, I wouldn't want a competitor town from a different nation to mass sell to my town shops to try and bankrupt it. On some servers having 0 in the town bank results in the town being dissolved and I do not know if this is the case on noobstown as well.
I completely agree with no selling. It would make sense if you couldn't do the town can't loose money.