Stock Market?  (Read 5136 times)

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Stock Market?
« on: 1 Mar 2014, 22:49:56 »
I think some form of a Stock Market should be added onto Noobstown. Honestly, I know nothing about stocks. This would be a perfect way to teach kids or even adults about stocks. It would also be a great way for people to make long-term investments. Plus it would be hard to do this quickly.. We have an auction, (which is amazing btw) and we are an economy server. So, why not add stock markets? It'd be great! Thanks for considering my idea.



Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #1 on: 1 Mar 2014, 22:51:28 »
Great Idea, I fully agree that it should be added


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #2 on: 1 Mar 2014, 22:52:00 »
This is a great idea.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #3 on: 1 Mar 2014, 22:57:51 »
A stock market would be an awesome idea. Only thing is... what would we be investing in?


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #4 on: 1 Mar 2014, 23:17:32 »
A stock market would be an awesome idea. Only thing is... what would we be investing in?
Not sure. But could be done and decided.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #5 on: 2 Mar 2014, 02:45:59 »
Love the idea dude, Maybe stocks could be based of the sales of certain made up "Companies" for instance  Perfect Pumpkin Pies co. and depending how well the pies sell on the auction house increases the stocks


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #6 on: 2 Mar 2014, 03:31:45 »
Love the idea dude, Maybe stocks could be based of the sales of certain made up "Companies" for instance  Perfect Pumpkin Pies co. and depending how well the pies sell on the auction house increases the stocks
Ooh! Yes! that's a good idea C:


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #7 on: 2 Mar 2014, 05:13:09 »
Love the idea dude, Maybe stocks could be based of the sales of certain made up "Companies" for instance  Perfect Pumpkin Pies co. and depending how well the pies sell on the auction house increases the stocks
Why made up companies?
If there will be added stock markets, why not to make an option for players, to create and use their own companies....


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #8 on: 2 Mar 2014, 07:29:41 »
you could do the stock market of the average sale price of the items on the auction house for example if you put in 64 diamonds and they were worth 1000 each when you put them in you would have 64 thousand nbz and the price would go up and down depending on how the auction house goes would have to make a time lime on how long you have to leave them in the stock market tho as you could just add things then take the money out straight away maybe leave them in 2 week then you you can take then out when ever you like


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #9 on: 2 Mar 2014, 15:14:03 »
Exactly.. And the best part, if it does get added in, both of those ideas can be introduced therefore making the stock market larger and giving more opportunities :)


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #10 on: 2 Mar 2014, 20:47:45 »
I think that if stock markets are added that players should be able to make their own company and allow other players who are helping you into the company and make them sort of like towns, with the company owner (the CEO) giving out ranks to other players in their company. There could be different sectors (I.E. food, weapons, building materials). So like someone creates "Steve's Snack Shack", then another player makes a competing company in the same sector (the food market) named Fido's Fresh Foodmart. You could then invest in one of the companies, then depending on which one sells more, that stock would go up or down and you would gain/lose money


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #11 on: 3 Mar 2014, 16:32:46 »
Could we get an Admin's say in this? Or if this could ever be something? <3


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #12 on: 3 Mar 2014, 18:30:41 »
I don't see how this could be implemented as stocks depend on how well a company does, say if Apple suddenly started selling more Iphones then their stock prices would rise as they are making more money. Where as if they stopped selling then their stocks would drop. So unless we actually get some companies which can be automated like a real company then i can't really see this working.

Nice idea though Would be cool if there is a way for this to work.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #13 on: 3 Mar 2014, 21:14:38 »
I don't see how this could be implemented as stocks depend on how well a company does, say if Apple suddenly started selling more Iphones then their stock prices would rise as they are making more money. Where as if they stopped selling then their stocks would drop. So unless we actually get some companies which can be automated like a real company then i can't really see this working.

Nice idea though Would be cool if there is a way for this to work.
A plugin could be installed/developed that works like Towny for players to make competing companies :)


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #14 on: 12 Mar 2014, 01:31:10 »
OMG BEST IDEA we need to talk to foob about this


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #15 on: 12 Mar 2014, 15:36:02 »
You might need to further think the idea through to have it implemented. The admins are already busy with tweaking/fixing/developing so much other things that they most probably won't have the time to think this one through from the scratch (without getting the time elsewhere by for example stopping the development of V6-mobarena). So you might want to present them with a little more worked out concept.

Some things to consider (in which I see the mainproblems that would need to be solved first):
What commodities would the stockmarket deal with? If it comes to real trading like trading with precious metal the auction house (and the direct trade between players) already covers the this kind of trade (and the according determination of value) for all ingame items. In the end the counterpart for "real companies trading commodities" aren't much more than the players on the server trading items ingame/on the auctionhouse. So in the case for trading with commoditioes like precious metalls, oil or diamonds we already got that covered by the auctionhouse.

Now when it comes to trading with shares in companies it get's more complicated. Adding a stock function to the server would mean that a player get's an inital investment from other players - but then also has to share their future overall profits with these investors.
Ask yourself, if you were a player who plans on selling things would you risk having a certain percentage of your profits directed to other players instead of yourself just to get a one time investment? Sure, you would get a nice inital investment as fast cash. But you would need to spend the money very wisely to increase the rate of your overall profit. If instead you used the money on other things that do not increase the rate of your profits (like buying a plot, town, your house, ...) you will only end up with a shorttime gain but a longterm profitloss (paying more money in shares to your investors than they initially invested). That's basically one of the major ways real companies can screw up their own stock market value and make huge loses over it).
On the other side there is a rather high risk for the investing player. What if he invest money into you and you simply stop trading or only a little. If you don't make anymore profits he can't get a share of it (or only a little share from little profits).
And how would you prevent players (with shareholders) from simply bypassing the plugin by doing directtrades outside of the plugin or earning payment in items like diamonds. If the profits are not recognized by the plugin they will not be shared with the investors. That would create some kind of blackmarkettrade that would simply cheat the shareholders out of their profitshare rendering it all useless/unfair. In the real world there are authorities that watch over that but there is not really a way to do that ingame unless you were to ...
A. force all players to only exchange items and noobs over the auctionhouse/stockmarket-plugin or
B. set up mods to monitor all trades and itemexchanges between players 24/7 (which would be a staff-overkill for a gameserver ;) ).

There are some games that offer a stockmarket ingame, but they either are scripted and don't use real players-companies (like the GTA 4 stockmarket) or they base a lot of the game on it with a lot of programming and servercapacity behind it (like EVE). For Minecraft I don't think it would be viable without changing to much on the server- and gamestructure.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #16 on: 12 Mar 2014, 20:01:35 »
I want 51% of Waynecorp and Waynetech.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #17 on: 12 Mar 2014, 22:30:43 »
A stock market would be an awesome idea. Only thing is... what would we be investing in?
on one server I play on their stock market is based on gold


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #18 on: 13 Mar 2014, 15:50:52 »
As explained by other users this idea isn't really something we're planning to do. With stock markets in real life the value of stocks changes depending on money made and stock is only worth money because it can lead to profits being given to the owners of stock; on our server though we don't have businesses like in real life. The price of stock then changes according to the supply and demand of them. What would people be buying stock for? Would would determine the value of stock? How much stock would there be? What would cause changes in stock pricing?

If you can come up with a good idea regarding those questions then it would be possible to do, just because we don't currently have anything which can really be "invested" in; we can't really have stock.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #19 on: 7 May 2014, 17:37:06 »
The closest thing to fictional market fluctuations (since we don't have companies to invest money in) would actually be just plain old gambling.

I know it's not exactly the same thing (or is it?), but think about it:
You are going to make up some arbitrary odds, rules and quotas anyway.

Having automated games with randomized outcomes could be interesting for people who want to throw away some money hoping to make it big.

To achieve some level of "immersion" you could even make up fictional companies in some sort of extended Monopoly game if that's the theme people like. There's more than a few boardgames based around this concept (Monopoly isn't even the best example, at all).

A safe investment often means low risk and low gain, so you could translate that into a game with good odds and low payout. I won't make up numbers and formulas here, the post is already long enough :P

On the other hand a risky investment means higher profit potential, so something like a Roulette comes close.

A full set of different games was planned for Dracomere since day zero (October, actually) and it should go along those same lines: offering an automated way to engage in luck-based or ability-based activities and potentially gain something.
The main goal is to have fun, not making/losing big money.

Also, if I wanted to make (more) money and have (way, way less NO fun), I'd just go mining.

Of course you are not restricted to already existing games.
We have compact logic gates, randomizers and signal comparators in the game so it's possible to make basically whatever you can think of with a bit of imagination.

When I initially asked if gambling was ok (and I meant "morally ok" for a family server, there was no server-side gambles at that time) most people were concerned about rigged machines and cheating in general so I felt quite a bit discouraged about the project, but I'm gonna do it anyway (of course this requires quite a bit of town planning) and let people decide for themeselves.

I think that this sort of things should be made by the players, not by the staff.
Having everything already done takes away most of the involvement and a key aspect in Minecraft in my opinion. Else you could find the same things already done (and most likely better) in plenty of other games (or real life).
« Last Edit: 7 May 2014, 17:39:42 by Darkwings »


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #20 on: 7 May 2014, 18:21:55 »
The thinking about stocks in this thread is a bit narrowminded.  Everyone seems to be focused on the implementation that involves a normal type stock - one that is based on the value of corporations or business entities.   There are other forms of stock that COULD work in a MC world, such as commodity stocks and bond stocks.  You could be "betting" or "Investing", which is all stock really is, on the value of a commodity such as quartz (EX: you bet the futures of quartz will go up so you buy up stock on it at its current price, then when 1.8 rolls around and the new minerals use it as a crafting component it's value will rise and you can sell at the higher price).  It wouldn't really need to be backed by anything because the market values are already basically set based on supply and demand anyway.  You could do the same thing with the value of diamonds or even the value of noobz themself relative to a dollar.  Lots of directions you could go here.

That said this would be ridiculous complicated, highly volatile, and probably an irresponsible thing to put on a family MC server.  Probably wont ever happen.


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #21 on: 3 Dec 2014, 01:41:11 »
so what i think the "companies" we would be investing in would be.... towns!


Re: Stock Market?
« Reply #22 on: 3 Dec 2014, 03:10:27 »
great idea!