[Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?  (Read 4780 times)

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Hey Larry,

Could we perhaps get a bit more wiggle room on punctuation?

It is a daily irritation where I have to customize my sentences and dumb it down instead of using proper grammar and mechanics. It's not like I am typing omg!!!!.,.,.,.,!!! or something.

Things like: And he said: "hello", after which she replied 'lol'. that already triggers it. I have to go back and remove the single quotes and what not and the sentence ends up as just one sentence. Making it confusing to some players (questionmarkquestionmark)

Sometimes being able to tell someone, go to the site and click on "you" and then -> messages.. isn't even possible.

Since we're not abusing punctuation I feel there should be a bit more wiggle room, could the % of that be adjusted so it still catches the spammers but not the regulars talking?


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #1 on: 9 May 2018, 00:25:47 »
I tend towards run-on sentences, strewn with commas, and have also run afoul of the punctuation limit during reasonably normal chat with others.


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2018, 18:14:46 »
Could we perhaps get a bit more wiggle room on punctuation?
Sure, I can look at the settings and allow more. Just for confirmation so that I can check things are suitably adjusted, what sort of sentence(s) were you trying to send that was being blocked?


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #3 on: 10 May 2018, 20:10:41 »
Sure, I can look at the settings and allow more. Just for confirmation so that I can check things are suitably adjusted, what sort of sentence(s) were you trying to send that was being blocked?

Usually when I am trying to give instructions, so you try to use " and ' to surround commands, or -> point at "something", and type: /blahblah

the " ' / : stuff triggers it.

Sometimes something like this:
On the .com site just go to "you" and then "messages" from where you can start a new msg.

Just tested it, it doesn't haha. I will try to let you know if i run into another exactly today.


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #4 on: 10 May 2018, 21:28:21 »

/msg doc can you 'as a player' test if you could open these furnaces? see if they're actually public?

Got the msg.


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #5 on: 16 May 2018, 23:15:07 »
Eh larry,

I was asking to give us more wiggle room, not to tighten up the censorship :D

It seems when players join for example and we say, welcome, .. or wb, or when they say bye and we say bye.. that we now get told that it's not allowed because it's been said too much recently.



It seems I am not the only one that noticed this happening


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #6 on: 17 May 2018, 17:05:09 »
I was asking to give us more wiggle room, not to tighten up the censorship :D

It seems when players join for example and we say, welcome, .. or wb, or when they say bye and we say bye.. that we now get told that it's not allowed because it's been said too much recently.

It seems I am not the only one that noticed this happening
Nothing has changed to the chat system yet. The thing you're experiencing has been a feature on the server for ages now (literally years), it's designed to prevent spam of the same message multiple times in a row without much else being said.

If a certain percentage out of of the recent previous chat messages is the same thing then it'll stop you from saying it again. By multiple people saying "wb" and then not much other chat going on, this becomes an abnormally frequent message being sent, and that results in the server considering it as spam; as I'd expect it to.

I checked the logs for the instance you provided the screenshot for, and it was only blocking "wb" because it was the only thing said 1 in 5 times for several minutes. I think the same message 1 in 5 times is considered spam.

To combat this there are two really simple options:
  • You can say another greeting; for example "hello", "hey", "hi", "welcome", "welcome back", "nice to see you again", etc. even just "wb!" would do it. Literally anything else but the exact message that has already been sent several times.
  • Chat more! If more other chat happens between the different messages then when it goes to check for potential spam the frequency of "wb" will be less as a percentage of the other general conversation, and as such it won't be considered spam.

It's a feature designed to prevent spam and especially bots from ruining gameplay by over-using the same messages; something I'm sure people would appreciate. If this becomes clearly annoying I can adjust things, but in the case you've given I don't think it's unreasonable for that to be considered in some way spammy. Plus with it being so easy to say something else I don't think it's that much of a problem.

Regarding your original request to reduce the sensitivity of the punctuation warning, that is a change that will be happening in the next few days.


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #7 on: 17 May 2018, 18:46:25 »
Thanks for explaining, funny how this is the first time we all experience it in a day ..


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #8 on: 19 May 2018, 14:52:49 »
I have now changed the limits on using punctuation so you should be able to say more without it flagging up for too many non-alphanumeric characters. https://www.noobscraft.com/server/mcmmo-changes-more/

Let me know if this is any better, or if you're still having problems.

This has not made any changes to the frequency of the same message limits.


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #9 on: 19 May 2018, 15:20:12 »
\o/ yesh!

Thanks larry


Re: [Suggestion] A little more wiggle room on punctuation?
« Reply #10 on: 23 Jun 2018, 03:58:18 »
Have been using it for a while, and haven't run into any issues again! It's so nice to just use Just type this, to join: "/blah <yourname>" .. and not run into the msg.