Starting Up  (Read 1921 times)

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Starting Up
« on: 10 Nov 2016, 08:19:15 »
I feel like it takes to long to first start on the server with all the info stuff and the sign up on the website. I feel like most new players leave before they even start playing because of this issue. I would like to make an idea to stop the length of start up and maybe just make them do /rules and they can start. If they want to read (Most of them don't) about the info of the server and that you could make a warp like /warp help and it goes to that info place when you first join the server. Also make it a bit more simple to first start on the server so more players will be lured to keep playing.
If you want to further contact me on this idea, pm me on the forums
Thanks PhazeMC


Re: Starting Up
« Reply #1 on: 10 Nov 2016, 15:06:24 »
Ah, you got around to posting the suggestion I had in the game of trying to cut down the registration process.
Yeah, if the server is grief-free, then throwing people into the server without forcing them a 15 minute tutorial and rules poll, might keep them around a bit. Phaze and I discussed it might be nice to just require them to type /rules, which drops them a book with the rules, and the basics listed on the screen. Then they can just get into the world and talk to the community ~ and with so little guests joining, I suspect advertising and spam is to a minimum (and nothing /ignore can't fix).


Re: Starting Up
« Reply #2 on: 10 Nov 2016, 20:08:48 »
I feel like it takes to long to first start on the server with all the info stuff and the sign up on the website. I feel like most new players leave before they even start playing because of this issue. I would like to make an idea to stop the length of start up and maybe just make them do /rules and they can start. If they want to read (Most of them don't) about the info of the server and that you could make a warp like /warp help and it goes to that info place when you first join the server. Also make it a bit more simple to first start on the server so more players will be lured to keep playing.
...then throwing people into the server without forcing them a 15 minute tutorial and rules poll, might keep them around a bit...
Thanks for the idea, but I'm not sure if you've actually experienced or seen the newest area for new players on the server? You can get to it at /warp tutorial. If you do mean a change to the new spawn for new players or you still think this or have any ideas after seeing it do let me know though.

It's really quite short; you don't even have to do any of it if you don't want, it's even ordered in a way that if you get bored as you go around the more important information is first. There is nothing stopping you getting going immediately as soon as you connect if you want. None of the old routes for rule questions and millions of signs spread out exist anymore, it's now very simplified. In terms of just dropping people right into the deep end I can sort of understand since this is a common practice, but we use many completely custom features that aren't used elsewhere and I'd imagine those who aren't willing to walk a few blocks around a few signs are the same people who won't be willing to figure out the commands themselves.

Similarly there is nothing requiring people to register now, people can connect and get going immediately if they want to and know what they're doing. New players have all of the same options as a normal member in terms of gameplay itself.

I can understand the issue you're probably trying to address, but we have tried to make things super easy for new players. If I'm being honest I really am not sure what is putting new people off after they've connected, and I'm welcome to trying new things to get people to at least try what we have to offer. I have witnessed many people connect and almost immediately disconnect without even giving anything a go, not even getting into the few signs at the new player spawn. In the works is a complete simplification of many of the commands, so you don't need to remember the potentially long and complicated wilderness options to get going. Once this is done then a number of the signs at the new "tutorial" can be removed or adjusted to make it even easier.


Re: Starting Up
« Reply #3 on: 11 Nov 2016, 02:32:06 »
If it has already changed since a couple of months ago, perfect then. Sorry to hear it's not actually helping with new sign ups.


Re: Starting Up
« Reply #4 on: 11 Nov 2016, 05:15:56 »
Call me uncharitable, but, I suspect most of the problem is just most people aren't willing to read anything, not a few simple signs or a book or nothin', it's all tl;dr as far as they're concerned.  They just want to hop immediately into a town and have whoever's in chat spoon-feed 'em the rest (and often, hand them stuff for free).

That's not even getting into the Mineapoc folks who, upon learning months too late that their old server's kaput, don't even give Noobstown a chance because it's not Mineapoc.

I suspect there's not much we can do for these two use cases, but then, they aren't the ones who are going to stick around and become part of the community anyway.  More players is all very well and good, but more players who just play a couple days and disappear forever aren't really what the server needs.

Good and dedicated players are few and far between, no matter the sever.  There's only so much a simplified start-up process can do about that.


Re: Starting Up
« Reply #5 on: 11 Nov 2016, 14:37:50 »
More players means that the 1% that does stick around can become a regular. And that helps build up an active server.
I rather have 50 players join and leave, and great people join and stick around because the chat is active, the towns are doing things, and stuff is going on. They join, see it's quiet, and leave, .. If from those 50 people just a couple stick around for a few months or a year, that would already double the online players, and make it more fun to play multi player.