VIP++?  (Read 2059 times)

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« on: 10 Mar 2016, 18:34:45 »

I spoke to a few other members, whoever was online at the time sorry, I forgot..., a few weeks ago and we were thinking of maybe there could be a new VIP called VIP++ where we could get the power to fly. Fly wouldn't last forever but we could maybe use it for 10-15 minutes every 2 or so hours since it might be too over powered. If time is about to be up, a purple or red message could pop up and remind you that you have a minute left. If you forget and it ends while you're still flying, you would be teleported to the block beneath you. Regardless if you're up in the air or already on the ground, you'll get a purple or red message letting ya know that your fly power is over. "Your flight is over" or something like that.

We could use fly to help finish the roof of a build without the worrying of falling down, or to simply fly from one place to another since its faster then to run/walk there. Not sure what the price would be or what else you could include in this package but being able to fly, maybe even for a short while, maybe even in certain worlds could make this package worthwhile.

Thank you for reading!


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #1 on: 10 Mar 2016, 18:46:18 »
There is the /jump command the the vip watch that lets you move faster in the direction your looking/at a block your looking at instead of the walking/running. Also there are horses that you can buy and sethomes that you could use.  I think flying should only be allowed in the hands of the staff, because some things are to powerful for mere mortals. It also wouldn't really be that much incentive to buy another rank up if you're already a Vip+ and all you get is the power to fly, maybe if there were other perks with it? Furthermore, some things make you feel better once your finished with a build that was really hard, because you had to climb all over the place to make it look awesome.


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #2 on: 10 Mar 2016, 19:20:28 »
There is jump but it be easier (and lazier) to just fly without having to type it every time. haha True about the horses but horses are limited to land and say you want to go through a forest with low/medium/high trees and stuff or over water thats deep. Horses may not help there, jump might but again it be easier to just fly over all that stuff (and lazy too) haha As for homes, they're limited to 5 so maybe in vip++ we can get 10?

I do understand some people might/will abuse it but not everyone.  VIP++ wouldn't just be fly by itself. My bad, forgot to mention that. It would be fly and a whole bunch of other things like maybe 10 homes, maybe a few free chunks, and other stuff. True but fly could come in handy and probably take less time to build stuff especially super tall stuff.


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #3 on: 10 Mar 2016, 19:28:14 »
There is a package that lets you have 10 or more homes that you can buy. Also with the flying, what speed would you be able to fly? Also, why do you want to be lazy, isn't it more fun and make you feel like you've achieved something when you take the hard path and do it right? With the magic horses you can summon, you could walk over, go through or around and just summon them when you need them to travel again.


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Mar 2016, 20:00:21 »
There is? Must've missed it. Regular speed? Isn't there only one? I meant lazy as in not having to bother with going around through a crazy forest on a horse or walking/running when you can simply just go over it without having to type /jump every so often. Also, it can help when going over a big body of water as maybe even /jump might not help if things are too far. I know we have boats but sometimes a squid pops up and they break leaving you stranded. Then you have to do /back, make another boat (if you don't already have one), come back to the water and continue when you can just try to fly over it. Can also help if you're building underwater, instead of rushing to the surface so you don't drown you just put on fly and rush up, and not worry about drowning for the next 10 or so minutes and you can build easier. I know there is potions for underwater but again, fly would just make it easier

Also, fly would only last a bit and you could only use it every few hours or maybe even once a day or something. It could help when when building something high, something underwater, or simply to go over some terrain you can care less for. Its like a /jump but better without having to type /jump every so often to go up or down, or across stuff. Just type in /fly or whatever and bam, you got 10-15 minutes to use it. Use it wisely.


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Mar 2016, 22:30:48 »
Mods don't have access to flying (I think) so I can't see them ever making flying a buyable perk in-game, especially since it would ruin the survival aspect of the server and would give those players a huge advantage over others.


Re: VIP++?
« Reply #6 on: 7 Apr 2016, 01:05:15 »
Mods don't have access to flying (I think) so I can't see them ever making flying a buyable perk in-game, especially since it would ruin the survival aspect of the server and would give those players a huge advantage over others.

Moderators do have access to fly in-game for moderation reasons and for a thank you for dedicating their time to the server and help keeping it safe.

Also, I don't think VIP's should get fly because this will cause issues with the anti-cheat plugin and this is a survival server so flying isn't really apart of that.

Also to stay underwater longer you could use a aqua affinity helmet.

Good idea though :D