/vipshop  (Read 1162 times)

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« on: 30 Nov 2015, 03:05:02 »
So here is my little suggestion/rant about vipshop , why call it vipshop if only vip+'s can use it? Like this makes it very confusing, so I was just wondering if like you guys could like change the name of it to /vip+shop or let all vips use it. idk its a dumb suggestion but I need to get it out of my head lol.


Re: /vipshop
« Reply #1 on: 1 Jan 2016, 15:37:26 »
So here is my little suggestion/rant about vipshop , why call it vipshop if only vip+'s can use it? Like this makes it very confusing, so I was just wondering if like you guys could like change the name of it to /vip+shop or let all vips use it. idk its a dumb suggestion but I need to get it out of my head lol.
Sorry for the really late response (only a month late :P), I'm just working through all of the suggestions now.

For simplicity we excluded the "+". Getting the plus character is hard for some users and isn't really needed to put across what the command does; we do try to keep commands as simple as possible. I can understand some of your confusion though, it does however mention when purchasing VIP/VIP+ what the upgrades included are, so hopefully people will understand this before purchasing.