Bukkit Bad News?  (Read 6510 times)

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Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #25 on: 15 Nov 2013, 05:41:14 »
Now, I have no staff position at all. but I have a few things to say: The first thing is we are all going off topic here, and should probably get back to the reason the topic was created, for the bad news from Bukkit, not to fight over the rules of the server, as not every rule can be shown (like Adrian said) and it would be like a huge contract that no one would ever read if it had every little rule. I know it can be frustrating but there is no need to start arguing about it here, if you want, make a suggestion about adding the rule to the list in Suggestions & Ideas, or start a conversation some place else. I know a lot of the Noobscraft players are older, but it's still a family friendly server, and I hate seeing these kinds of arguments that never end good. As a coder myself, I know how complicated this can be, as it takes DAYS of trial and error just to work out a few things. And since as we discussed Minecraft has changed some server elements it will be like when the new launcher came out with mods, it's going to take some time to work things out. So if you would like to leave, the doors open, but don't slam it on the way out. If you would like to learn more about why this is so complicated, just PM me and I can discuss it more with you. But for now, we must be patient.


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #26 on: 15 Nov 2013, 05:48:14 »
But like I said (still on topic because it relates to Bukkit) couldn't they just have released the server in 1.6.4? They already had every single little thing worked out... And then boom and V6 gets taken away for another 2 months... I really wish I didn't have to get used to these disappointments, but apparently I do. I think server has now dropped from 5/5 to 4/5 in reliability and being able to stay open


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #27 on: 15 Nov 2013, 05:58:53 »
But like I said (still on topic because it relates to Bukkit) couldn't they just have released the server in 1.6.4? They already had every single little thing worked out... And then boom and V6 gets taken away for another 2 months... I really wish I didn't have to get used to these disappointments, but apparently I do. I think server has now dropped from 5/5 to 4/5 in reliability and being able to stay open

If you would of looked at some of the posts, the transition from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 changes world saving meaning you have a high chance to lose everything you built (House, farms, towns, etc.) and start from scratch again, I think waiting for 1.7.2 is a better idea. :/


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #28 on: 15 Nov 2013, 06:16:36 »
Adrian is right. Threatening to leave the server is against the rules. I understand everyone's frustration but let's remember to not take it out on the admins, mods or even now the prefects. We aren't perfect all the time but we were given the position for a reason.

As Adrian said, if this topic doesn't steer back onto topic it will be locked by one of us. This is not the place to diss the server or go on about why it's taking so long and how you're threatening to leave the server.

Let's keep this clean and fun. Even on the forums.


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #29 on: 15 Nov 2013, 06:36:27 »
But like I said (still on topic because it relates to Bukkit) couldn't they just have released the server in 1.6.4? They already had every single little thing worked out... And then boom and V6 gets taken away for another 2 months... I really wish I didn't have to get used to these disappointments, but apparently I do. I think server has now dropped from 5/5 to 4/5 in reliability and being able to stay open

If you would of looked at some of the posts, the transition from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 changes world saving meaning you have a high chance to lose everything you built (House, farms, towns, etc.) and start from scratch again, I think waiting for 1.7.2 is a better idea. :/
That's why they have backup files.

Adrian is right. Threatening to leave the server is against the rules. I understand everyone's frustration but let's remember to not take it out on the admins, mods or even now the prefects. We aren't perfect all the time but we were given the position for a reason.

As Adrian said, if this topic doesn't steer back onto topic it will be locked by one of us. This is not the place to diss the server or go on about why it's taking so long and how you're threatening to leave the server.

Let's keep this clean and fun. Even on the forums.
Since when was that a server rule? I'm just trying to express my and many others' annoyance about this! It's perfectly justified we've been waiting months now and we've continually been promised V6 would be out on --/-- and then always a delay. Nowhere in the rules do I see anything even remotely bordering "threatening to leave the server is against the rules". So I'm not listening to it unless a response from the admins directly on it is given and what they'll do about the server. I'm really still not all that... Accustomed to (or happy about) that new Prefect position, and even though you're staff I'd rather have an admin consult us directly about it.


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #30 on: 15 Nov 2013, 06:46:54 »
It isn't stated in the rules as of now and they may have disregarded that rule but at one time yes it was a rule. Whether that stills applies now, I am not sure. But as stated by Edix that isn't the point of this forum post. If you wish to clear up the rule issue consult an admin. As for this post....I recommend we talk about bukkit or Adrian or I will lock this post because we see it starting to get out of hand. I understand the frustration that everyone is experiencing but publicly bashing the server and the admins isn't the appropriate thing to do. The admins and those at bukkit are doing all they can as fast as they can. This is nothing about excuses or having promises broken....the admins, the whole staff want to open the server up as soon as they can but only when they feel it is ready.

Again please keep this on topic or it will be locked. It's starting to get a little outta hand.


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #31 on: 15 Nov 2013, 12:14:55 »
If you would of looked at some of the posts, the transition from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 changes world saving meaning you have a high chance to lose everything you built (House, farms, towns, etc.) and start from scratch again, I think waiting for 1.7.2 is a better idea. :/

Let me try and correct that view for you.
Lets say they DO release 1.6.4 now, people who want to can play and risc losing it all when they upgrade.
People like you, who do not want to risc it simply do not connect.

Outcome for those who do not like riscs : same as waiting for 1.7.2 (not playing till release 1.7.2)
Outcome for those who dont mind riscs : being able to play now, with the upfront knowledge of losing stuff.
No downside for either party.
The team might even consider to reset the world on purpose when 1.7.2 is out to avoid that those who played on 1.6.4 have an advantage.

V6 was ready weeks ago, this wait is a waist.......
Rackspace and bandwidth is paid for I assume, lets use it.
« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2013, 12:16:45 by Dopehead_NL »


Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« Reply #32 on: 15 Nov 2013, 13:15:25 »
This topic is getting out of hand, I'll post a quote below from Fatnoob regarding 1.6.4-1.7.1

Quote from: Fatnoob
1.7.2 may possibly break everything, meaning if you were to protect or build anything in 1.6.4 it could be potentially lost when we move to 1.7.2, this is due to the way block and item data saving is changing in 1.7.2. This would be a terrible start to the version and would just create more arguments and anger in the community, we are going to wait it out and ensure the release is smooth. We'll be posting an update article to explain this within the next day or so, so please be patient for that.

There may be possible ways we can start on 1.6.4, but that would be a last resort and not very ideal or completely reliable.  This method would mean creating conversion plugins to convert the data, which would be incredibly time consuming and a waste of time if 1.7.2 is around the corner. We'll discuss this in the article soon as I mention above.

We will be making a post that will give you more information regarding v6 very soon.

As always, thanks for supporting us and being patient during this transitional time.

« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2013, 13:25:13 by Waterworth »