This is an invitation...  (Read 721 times)

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This is an invitation...
« on: 26 Apr 2014, 06:23:51 »
This is an invitation to all Noobscrafters who may be going through a hard time or need someone to talk to. This is an invitation to tell your story to someone who is willing to listen. I'm going back to school (here in like 2 weeks) for my bachelor's in psychology with a speciality in addiction and recovery. People are my passion. Mental health is my passion. This idea that everyone matters, that people need other people and that you're living a story and that story matters.

I want to give more to this community that I love so much. I want this to be an opportunity for anyone who is struggling to know that someone is here willing to listen, I may not have the answers or advice but sometimes having someone to listen is enough.

This is an invitation to be who you are and be proud of the life you're living. Thank you all for being so awesome to me in-game and so welcoming of me as a prefect. Let me give that love back.



Re: This is an invitation...
« Reply #1 on: 28 Apr 2014, 03:21:55 »
I'll put in my $0.02 that GamerGirl has been very understanding and helpful when I've see her in game. Thanks for the generous offer.


Re: This is an invitation...
« Reply #2 on: 28 Apr 2014, 07:30:02 »
Well thank you for the compliment. I love helping in-game as much as I can with minecraft/server related things but this is a post to take that help one step further and allow anyone who needs someone to have someone be there for them. An idea that if someone is willing to share their stories that they have someone who is willing to listen.