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Topics - EmperorMyrf

Pages: [1]
Guides / Mining Optimization
« on: 9 Jul 2013, 02:53:41 »

On the server, I often get questions along the same vein as "what is the quickest way to find diamonds?". There is a very simple answer to this but there is also a slightly more complicated one, but this is depending on your goals.

The short answer: mine in a straight line in a 1x2 tunnel, with your y coordinate at y=11 (feet)

Why a 1x2 tunnel? We can equate the speed of finding ores as the rate of uncovered new blocks per block broken (Bpb). The absolute highest mathematically is 6, because by breaking a block you will uncover its 6 adjacent blocks. This of course is impossible because we cannot break blocks that cannot be seen and we could not see what new blocks would have been uncovered. So the next most realistic option is to break a straight line of blocks, with a rate of 5 Bpb. This works great until a point, because you do not have infinite reach. The best realistic option is to break a pair of blocks, one on top the other, so that you have the ability to keep walking as you break. Thus, the token 1x2 tunnel, with a discovery rate of 4 Bpb. I'm very sure that to most of you reading this is not news.

Why a straight line? Turning in any direction hurts your Bpb. This is because taking a corner means that your adjacent blocks are common in cross-sectional areas around the turn. A simple equation for Bpb that includes turning would be as follows:

Bpb = (4B - 2T)/B

Where B is the amount of blocks you've mined (or 2x the distance mined) and T is the amount of turns taken. It's clear to see that to maximize your Bpb, you need to keep your T value as low as possible. Ideally, 0.

Why at y=11? This is subjective to an extent, but this sits nicely within the range of diamonds, but is also above/at lava level. Really, most ranges between the diamond spawn band is sufficient.

If you want to mine every ore within a given area Then the rules change a bit. Instead of explaining the shape, I have pictures of cross sections for mining patterns. The tunnels of these pictures go into (and come out of) the screen. The black blocks are the blocks to be mined, and the green blocks are blocks visible to you.

For areas without emeralds

For areas with emeralds

Why are they different? All ores excluding coal, quartz, and emerald, spawn in blocks that are in the range of 2x2x2 to 2x2x3. The pictured pattern above will allow to mine as few blocks as possible without missing any* ores, as there are no 2x2x2 sections left within that mining pattern. This will be especially useful in V6, where the wilderness is off limits except within. Emeralds, however, spawn simply one block at a time. So in order to be thorough with your mining, you need to look at every single block. The mining pattern I have suggested here will be capable of looking at every block in a given volume without there being any overlap.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a reply. Thanks for reading.

Guides / Find a stronghold quick and cheap
« on: 31 May 2013, 05:45:10 »

The typical way to find a stronghold is to essentially brute force your way there; stock up on Eye of Enders, then throw and follow until your eye sinks into the ground. While this may be quick it is not very cost-effective, especially if, like me, you like to play on hardcore mode where Enderman will wreck you fast. This guide will explain how to very quickly find a stronghold in a new world, using only 3 (or even just 2) Eyes and some trigonometry/geometry.

Step 1: Find somewhere spacious and relatively flat. Deserts, plains, ice plains, even oceans are suitable. Pick any spot and record your coordinates. The Y coordinate is irrelevant.

Step 2: Toss an Eye. Do not move from your spot and follow the eye with your mouse. As the eye stops and hovers, place your reticle as close to the center of that eye as possible, and then let go of your mouse so as to hold your position. Record your facing angle (example below)

Step 3: Move to a new spot by only moving along either the x axis or z axis (one of those values should remain the same) by a predetermined amount. It's best to move as close to orthogonal from your current facing as possible (I'll explain in an example later). I've found that you need to move at least 200m away from the first position, and move away no further than 1km. Record this new position.

Step 4: Toss another eye just as before and record your new angle.

Step 5: Math time. We will be using the law of sines:

 to calculate the distance from point 1 to the stronghold. The equation is as follows:
d1= L * sin(angle1) / sin(angle3)
Where d1 is the distance from point 1 to the stronghold, L is the distance between point 1 and point 2, angle1 is the interior angle between d1 and L, and angle3 is the interior angle between d1 and d2.

Step 6: Math continued. Now that we have the distance, we need to break it up into its x and z coordinates so that we can determine the absolute location of the stronghold. For the x component:
dx = d1 * -sin(angle)
To find the z component:
dz = d1 * cos(angle)

Where angle is the literal angle you recorded on your first throw.

Step 7: Last math thing. Now that you have your x and z components of that distance, add those values to your initial location coordinates. The result is the coordinates of the stronghold. Simply walk there and confirm its location with your final eye.

I realize that the math can be a bit confusing for those not familiar with trigonometry, so I'll provide an example:

1st Location: X = 0, Z = 0
1st angle: 100.06
2nd Location: X = 0, Z = 200
2nd angle: 113.86

I chose to move along the z axis here, because the z axis points in both 0 and 180 degrees, which is close to orthogonal from the first angle. If I had moved in the X axis' direction, I would be subject to a large margin of error.

L = 200m
angle1 = 100.06 deg
angle2 = 180 - 113.86 = 66.14 deg
angle3 = 180 - angle1 - angle2 = 13.8 deg

d1 = 200 * sin(100.6) / sin(13.8) = 825.57m
dx = -812.87m
dz = -144.21m

Final coordinates:
x = -812.87
z = -144.21

Upon looking, the actual coordinates for the stronghold were at:
z = -744
x = -161

So as you can see, there is still some error even at L = 200. Increasing this L will increase its opposite angle which will in turn lessen the amount of error you get. But either case, this is much cheaper than the brute force method, which was the goal.

I'm not terribly good at explaining things, so feel free to comment with questions. If you feel the math is too hard, just drop in your 4 recorded values (2 locations, 2 angles) and I'll pump out some coordinates for you. Thanks for reading.

Towns & Nations / Empire Situation
« on: 21 May 2012, 19:58:38 »
For those of you that were a member of Empire, you may find that you've been kicked out of town. It seems that the money problem we've been having ( the one where everyone's money gets temporarily reset ) occurred at precisely the wrong time, when it was time to pay for upkeep. When we couldn't pay the bill, the town was removed.

The structures are all still there, and the town has been reclaimed (except for outposts). Only thing left to do is to re-add the members of Empire and to get you your plots back. Please try to find me or one of my TA's in-game to get re-added and sorted out.

Guides / Enchanting Optimization
« on: 15 Feb 2012, 15:43:36 »
I've noticed a bunch of people on the server have been asking around what the best level to enchant at is for specific enchants. I've done a little math and I've found the best lvl:odds ratio for some sought after enchants.

Also, these odds are the same regardless of what mat the item is made out of, unless otherwise specified.

Silk Touch - lvl 33 with a 5.56% chance

Flame Bow - lvl 26 with a 13.33% chance.

Infinity Bow - lvl 26 with a 6.67% chance.

Fortune III - lvl 50 with a 6.60% chance on a diamond pick.

Sharpness V - lvl 50 with a 9.8% chance on a diamond sword.

Aqua Affinity - lvl 1 with an 11.02% chance on a diamond helmet.
Note: while the odds for landing AA are highest at lvl 1, the chance for multiple enchants is quite low. Your odds are inversely proportional to the enchant level up until about lvl 13, where it stays constant until lvl  32 [7.69%], but the odds of better second or third enchants increases. This is ignoring the chance of AA being the second or third (or even fourth) enchant.

Respiration III - lvl 39 with an 8.22% chance.

Fire Aspect II - lvl 39 with a 6.90% chance.

Feather Falling IV - lvl 30 with an 18.52% chance.

If you'd like to see the best lvl for different Enchants, or even the odds for an enchant at a certain level, just leave a reply, and be sure to leave the material the item is made of.

Support / Did I break it?
« on: 2 Jun 2011, 22:07:13 »
Every time I start up MC, I crash. Anyway that you can TP me out of there, Joe?

New? / Kenny here
« on: 27 May 2011, 22:36:03 »
Hello all. I've been on here for about a week so I should probably say hello.
My name's Kenny and I live in FL in the USA. I'm 21 years old and I'm a senior in Electrical Engineering. I like playing video games and guitar. If you'd like to hear/see me play I can give you links...

But here's a pic:

This is me in a gay/lesbian bar. Fun times.

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