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Topics - mrfloris
« on: 3 Sep 2018, 21:05:19 »
Hey larry,
I kinda got 1500+ levels or something like that and capped out Woodcutting in june, not july, and i find out now that the one head that i am interested in is the log head, but it requires 4x woodcutting.
Could you perhaps add the same one but for eh, say 6 or 8 general books?
« on: 1 Sep 2018, 17:48:57 »
There's a faction addon on Spigot with the below screenshot to demo what I mean. As mayor or town staff it would be nice to be able to see what chunks/plots your town owns. It would help make it easier to visualize what we have, and figure out which side we might be missing a few, or wish to expand to.
« on: 1 Aug 2018, 17:25:50 »
Hey Larry,
Could you please consider re-introducing the /promote command that we had, to announce with more lines of text and color for some nbz that there's an event to do at a /visit or /tpa ?
Also, could we perhaps link that with something like weather settings for 20 or 30 minutes, so during the event it's say night and raining for a pvp event or day and sunny for 30 minutes for a drop party event?
It kinda sucks that we spend a week building something cool and then ppl show up and it's all bloomy because of 'bad weather' and kinda ruins the fun a little bit.
Just some suggestions.
« on: 7 Jul 2018, 10:53:41 »
You a mod and reading this?
poke me in-game to unlock some chests please? The previous resident left my town a week ago, he hasnt' been back, i need to sell the plot, so them chests need to gooo.
« on: 27 Jun 2018, 03:17:05 »
Hey guys,
Once in a while, especially as time goes by, we'd love to just be able to move a spawner around a bit to match the design.
Sometimes we learn it's uneven, or a floor too high.. that sorta stuff.
I wouldn't personally object against having an option to pay with /gem or /money or mcMMO levels to have the ability to once or twice a year move a spawner up to 5 blocks in any direction. We wouldn't even have to be able to pick it up etc.
Just how we type: /spawners to buy one (which btw, is ready for an update with all the new mob types btw hehe), it could have controls to a next page at the bottom, where your own spawners you purchased through this system are listed, or even better, we point with our mouse at the spawner unit and type: /spawner move, .. and get a GUI with blocks to move it up down, left right .. and when it's in the right spot, we click save, with a confirmation box saying: you sure you want to pay x ?
Well, whatever the system might be that's handy, but.. it would be so handy to just move a spawner up or down a few places once in a while.
« on: 17 Jun 2018, 21:12:01 »
Hey guys,
What do you all think of the daily /lotto to be more than just a way to get money, but perhaps to get a shulker box with random items, or a random head, or some alternatives to nbz money?
« on: 21 May 2018, 15:07:49 »
[edit] This event is now over. The town x pop-up shops will be arriving on May 22nd (Tuesday) at various locations.
But be fast, because they are only 500 noobz PER diamond, and the location is super unknown. You might have to go search for it. If you find a shop, and it is in stock, aren't you lucky? If it's out of stock: Then someone beat you to it. This is a little reward for those who browse the forums and staying current, and who actually play How does the pop-up shop look like? I do not know. But there will be a sign next to it "pop-up shop" There are 16 diamonds PER pop-up shop, and a handful of shops. How well do you know town x?
« on: 18 May 2018, 15:43:06 »
Hey there everybody, do yourself a favor and reply to this thread. Why? Because each time I come back and there's one or more replies, we will probably unlock another summer event that's in the making .. We can't promise much, we have our real life stuff that's sometimes in the way. But we have some fun ideas and want to celebrate the Summer by doing some fun gameplay events with everybody that's online with us. Why not! Think.. mcMMO party grinds, little tournaments, maybe a drop party.. Reply to this thread, and we will unlock one of the things that's on our list. OH OH .. got an idea? Post it! Who knows --- [ unlocked ] - First one: live-stream (town plots & chunk visits). => [ unlocked ] - Second one: drop-party (at some point). => (thread not yet available) --- [ unlocked ] - Third one: scavenger hunt (pop-up shops). [ unlocked ] - Fourth one: pvp tournament. => (thread not yet available) --- [ locked ] - Fifth one: xxxxxxx .. more? yep
« on: 18 May 2018, 10:23:26 »
[EDIT] Original live stream event is over, latest updates at the bottom of this thread. night, Dutch time that is. Let's say in about 9 hours from making this thread, I will be doing a little live-streaming. So get your builds in order, as I might teleport to you or your town and check it out a little bit. Hopefully things go well. As time closes in, I will update this thread and if you ask me in-game I can say: in x hours from now.. Why? Because it's cool to see how your builds in your wild and town, and see how it looks - when it looks just a bit different. And because it's fun See you all later? And maybe we will see your character jump on the live stream. [ WE ARE DONE STREAMING ](9-ish NL / 8pm UK / 3pm NY)
« on: 10 May 2018, 02:46:54 »
Dear Noobscraft,
With this open request I hereby kindly offer for your consideration the option to celebrate hitting a player peak of twenty active and unique players online at once.
The last few months the activity has slowly gone up, and we've been asking eachother to get our friends back on-line, as well as help spread the word that it's fun to come play with us all in a town and play survival as a community. We've discussed and shared suggestions, and more familiar faces and new players have been showing up.
And we've kept track, and recently hit a player peak we haven't seen in a while.
Throughout the day the users joining is much higher of course, but we're talking unique players online at once.
We all thought: This is something worth celebrating. We thought: Do we really need a special date, or some event before double exp could be rewarded?
Therefor, on behalf of those who have been putting in the hours, vote daily, actively participate, and have been helping to push the server to daily activity again. I hereby kindly ask to indeed please consider rewarding us by making that playtime a little bit more fun.
Double Exp this weekend maybe?
« on: 10 May 2018, 00:58:34 »
How to Fish like King
Hey everybody, this is the king of the sea sp.. wait, that sounds weird.
After ranking up to position one in /mctop fishing, and basically staying there for the bigger part of version 6 of Noobstown, I thought it would be nice to share my tips and tricks to help others better understand the /fishing ability on Noobstown.
Here they use a plugin called mcMMO, giving you /mcstats, /mcrank, /mctop, and /<skillname>. In this thread we're focusing on the skillname: fishing.
The commands relevant to grinding fishing the legit way with friends, and how to max this out in a grinding party are the following.
/mcstats This mcMMO command tells you your personal stats as they are right now. You level up in fishing, then /mcstats will show the new level, also, your skill levels combined will accumulate in the Power Level at the top, which helps you rank as an RPG player on the server.
/fishing The fishing command tells you the current status and additional information about the skill fishing. Here you can tell how many exp you need per level, how far in you are, what is unlocked / locked, and some explanations as to what each things means.
Once you type /fishing, there's also a scoreboard on the right side of the screen, this will tell you a compact overview of the most interesting information about the fishing skill you're actively working on. It will time out. But we can fix that.
/mcsb keep This is an extra command that is short for 'mcMMO scoreboard' with a variable 'keep', once you type /mcsb keep, your scoreboard on the right side of the screen will stay. Very handy.
/mctop fishing This is the rank command for the top players, typing this will show you the top 10 players and their fishing levels. Note that you might not (yet) be on this page. Your rank might be 100 or 12 or 5000. You can paginate through this with: /mctop fishing 2, or /mctop fishing 15.
This is super handy to find out where you stand, what next level (your competition I guess) you're aiming for, and how far ahead or behind you are of your next goal.
/party We have a global party for the Saddle Alliance, the towns Middle Earth, LunarFalls, IceHaven, and town x have come together in one single /party, this is a public party. Just ask a friend to get an invite if you're not it already. The more people are in the same party, and fishing together: the more bonus and mcMMO exp you're sharing.
In the /party, typed on it's own, you can see who's part of the party (in grey), who's active (in white), and who's nearby (straight up text, versus cursive text). The party leader is in orange by the way. Anyway, you want to be in a party, because you get a bonus, grinding any mcMMO skill as a group benefits everybody in the group.
The bonus explained: There are up to 5 levels, basically. Once the party is unlocked at party-level 50, the party king can turn on equal exp share. This means if we're both fishing, we both give eachother a bit of our fishing mcMMO exp. And we get a tiny bonus for this. Level up to 3 people, a higher percentage bonus. 4 even more, and 5+ is the highest party bonus level.
Party grind with 5+ people on mcMMO skills 'nearby each other', and you all get the most bonus from that skill.
Nearby explained: Active party members who are online and within 75 blocks from eachother will show in white upright (not cursive) in /party, and those are sharing exp and bonus.
Okay, let's move on to the tricks and tips of fishing:
You need a fishing rod, duh, but you can put mending and unbreaking on it. The durability is super low on a fishing rod, so a tiny bit of exp orbs on it and mending fixes it up 100% Super awesome.
Other enchants on the fishing rod: Lure and Luck fo the Sea. And you want these. Why? Because Lure means that fish will be showing up faster, and that's what you want. Someone else does not have lure or a low level lure, and they get one or two fish, in the same time you get four or five, so that's pretty awesome. Lure III (3) is the max, so get that. It's a mandatory enchant to have, in my opinion. Okay, the other skill is Luck of the Sea, this can go to III (3) as well. Max it out, because while luck of the sea might come with a couple of negatives, it comes with a mcMMO bonus built in. You get a bit of extra exp each time you fish up treasure. Luck of the sea means you have an increased chance of fishing up treasure.
Not only do you get awesome items, you can use for a few things, you will be going up in your fishing level a bit faster. Maybe this is not mandatory, but a smart fisherman will certainly have a maxed out fishing rod to level up fast.
The negatives by the way are a chance of fishing up poison and tnt. Both don't have to kill you, but together with other angry mobs perhaps shooting you when your hearts are down.. yeah, it's risky. So be awake when you fish, no afk fishing, no cheating, no mods, play fair. And you will have no problem avoiding poison and tnt.
Pro tip: Sometimes you can find that special spot on a slab or an edge of a block and the poison and tnt drops right in front of you in the water. Fantastic, no harm to you-basically. Over time you will get more experienced with this. My tip is: if you spot this happening: Do NOT move, you're in the perfect spot, it will always fall in front of you and never hurt you. (aw yeah).
Treasures are important too. While you are fishing you can catch treasure. With Luck of the Sea enchanted rods you will get more treasure. This is blargh quality stuff at low levels, but it will improve over time. There are certain levels you can hit to get iron, even diamond. But not just that, it's a great way to fish up enchanted items.
mcMMO comes with repair and salvage skills as well, including smelting and many others. But while you're fishing you can not just get items, exp orbs, treasure, mcMMO exp, you can also increase your salvage and smelting levels, while you're fishing and repairing.
Pro tip: Make sure you have an iron block and gold block nearby, as well as a furnace. And three types of chests. One chest for burnable items you can use as fuel with a hopper going into the furnace on the side, one chest at the top of the furnace with a hopper going into the furnace, so the items that you can melt/burn can go in there. Don't auto-take the items out at the bottom, this way you can organize it as well as get the exp, you want exp; to fix your mending.
Don't I get exp from fishing? No, not until a certain level (I believe it's 150).
Back to the pro tip. Ok, when you get items you can't melt burn or whatever, they go in the third chest. This way you can end up with the items to repair things, things you fish up. So go repair those broken items, and perhaps then salvage them. Salvage will eventually give you more of it, and smelting goes towards mining level by the way. And the enchant might pop off the silly blargh items you fish up, but you can then use those enchants on better tools at home.
I hope you understand what I am trying to say with that long pro tip: Use what you get from fishing to the max, little effort, most output, your fishing, salvage, repair, mining, etc .. it will all go up. It's really not just about fishing.
Ok, back to the fishing rod, nope that's it. You're done. How to fish with it I will address in a little bit.
Next: More fishies, more! It's so slow!
Yep, it's slow, fishing is one of those boring skills. That's why being in a /party is not just good to get a bonus, but while you're waiting for your fish, you can get exp from other party members as they reel in their fish. And, you're in a party! There are people around to talk with and you can play music disks you fish up, help repair and salvage, and all that stuff.
Pro tip: Suck up to the player with high repair and salvage that you can trust, so they can do this for you. The benefits of their high levels will benefit you.
To increase fishing it's all about location, and this is both biome location as well as what's surrounding you.
Do not have anything above you. Once you found the right spot: Have nothing but air above you. Nothing crazy, no lava below the water, no soulsand beneath it, etc. Just plain old water you fish from, with nothing but air above it. Obstruction prevents the speed of fish (swimming) and appearing. Don't sit in a hut with a roof, or a tree hanging over the fishing bobber, etc. I mean it!
Okay, the spot: Don't fish on land, HA! Yeah, just seeing if you're still paying attention. Fish in water, you could fish in a single block, but fish in a clear open space in a river biome. This way you can see the fish coming in and pay enough attention to not miss it. And a river biome. And here's a Master Angler tip: These tricks all stack.
Do you get more fish with nothing but air blocks above you versus obstruction? yes! Do you get more fish in a river or ocean biome (bite chance after level 125)? yes!
Pro tip: Since things stack, you can sit in a boat and increase bite chance even more as a master angler .. so yes, sitting in a boat helps too: yes!
Going from 0.2 % to 0.8 % helps you, .. Multiply that by 5+ /party people,.. you get the drift. A fishing grind can be pretty awesome.
But I am not even near level 125, 150, etc.. I don't know if this is even the case on noobstown: Trust me, when we go fishing, just come fishing with us and you will get 50 levels at least, stick around and we double this together. Do that for another hour after a break and you're at 150 and you can max out your fishing and climb to the top100 top50, top25, .. top10 .. in no time.
Pro tip: Do a /fishing grind /party together with 5+ friends when the server has an event like a double xp mcmmo rate or better.
And even if you're levels are too low, there's no reason to leave the area because you're not that high yet. While you're helping higher leveled players, their higher levels are helping you climb faster.
Everything's nerfed!
Yes, welcome to noobstown, over the last 7 years they've learned how mcMMO works, how regular active players are making the most of it, and how malicious players are cheating. So they've decided to nerf the hell out of most skills on noobstown servers. It's just how it is. That's why taking benefit of the best situation helps everybody and not just that, it builds community and friendships as we grind away those fishy fish levels.
So get a fishing rod, enchant it properly, ask us where the fishing grind area is, make sure it's a river or ocean biome, feel free to optionally sit in a boat if you want. Take your breaks in between rainy clouds, and fish when it rains. Of course, make sure not only part of /party, but also nearby the others so we all share.
I think what you're telling me is wrong, blah blah.
Okay, well, you're not ranked one in fishing right now, that said - things DO chance. The plugin can change, the way it's setup on noobstown can change, a new version of minecraft can change things.
For example: Personally I do not know with the custom world if mcMMO takes the Currently looking biome or the OLD original seed biome. You can be in the Wilderness world and have a pool in the desert, then with F3 check what biome it says and it could be an icey ocean biome. The mining world however is a vanilla world and a river looking biome actually says it's a river biome. So I am going to stick to that what feels a bit more of a guarantee. An admin is more than happy to clarify these things.
Does sitting in a boat really give more of this or that? It seems like it, but feel free to fish for an hour with it and write down the numbers and then an hour without it and write down the numbers, do the math and we know for certain. Part of what I shared here is from the official mcMMO wiki, while other things I mentioned are from my own experience. Either way: it got me, and my dedication to be and remain ranked one in this skill, to be at that level.
Let's go fishing!
« on: 8 May 2018, 23:12:07 »
Hey Larry,
Could we perhaps get a bit more wiggle room on punctuation?
It is a daily irritation where I have to customize my sentences and dumb it down instead of using proper grammar and mechanics. It's not like I am typing omg!!!!.,.,.,.,!!! or something.
Things like: And he said: "hello", after which she replied 'lol'. that already triggers it. I have to go back and remove the single quotes and what not and the sentence ends up as just one sentence. Making it confusing to some players (questionmarkquestionmark)
Sometimes being able to tell someone, go to the site and click on "you" and then -> messages.. isn't even possible.
Since we're not abusing punctuation I feel there should be a bit more wiggle room, could the % of that be adjusted so it still catches the spammers but not the regulars talking?
« on: 8 May 2018, 19:34:01 »
This year has been crazy, quite a few of the old v5 crew is showing up again and it's been amazing. The server has been growing in numbers a bit, surely but slowly. And this is also thanks to people showing up again. We see Tomb_Vine again, Duelcon says he is probably back, to just name a few. Last night Edix showed up and today it was just the best when Foob joined the game and we played Spleef with everybody online. Two thumbs up for those who had huge fun playing here and find the time to jump with 1.12.2 and say hi to us all still playing.
« on: 7 May 2018, 17:22:07 »
I've got an area of 8 rows of 22 plots. 3 rows I've already replaced myself, but I still want to do a row on the left, and the right of it. Where the path goes. After that, I am not so sure if I want to do the whole area. .. Maybe.. Let's start with the right side, a single row of about 20 plots that I can put up for sale so you can get them temporarily. Once you have the plot, you replace the floor that's stone, with dirt. So I guess besides paying you, I also have to provide up to 80 stacks of dirt. I guess I can put a dc down with that stuff for starters and give you access to this double chest. Is it just the floor? Yes, the area is already mined out, the floor isn't. It's got stone and gravel and dirt, leave the dirt obviously. But mine out the floor and replace it with dirt. You can keep the stone. So that'a bonus /shop payment So that could be around 15k just in bonus from selling the cobble stone to the /shop. What do you pay me though? I can pay you 15k for that one row. What about the other rows? Well, if you're up for it after doing these, .. then we will see. Can you help me? Well, if I could, I wouldn't have to hire you. You can do the floor while I am below you in the next area that I have to mine out. Do I have to be part of your town? No, you can /town join x, if you haven't yet. You're obviously welcome. But I can set up the plots as embassy plots as well. That said, if someone from town replies to this thread I prefer that person because it's easier to set up plots for residents. What if more people reply to this thread? Well, that's awesome, then someone can do the right row, and someone can do the left row. Each get their own pay. And if three or more people reply, then I will just set up more rows.. plus, maybe it's a cool Mining /party for some extra mining levels You can reply to this thread and we can take it from there Note: You're allowed to replace the stone floor with dirt, I can provide the dirt. But you're not allowed to take items from the area or mine higher or lower than the floor. And while I can provide dirt, I can't provide tools, please bring your own pickaxes and shovels. Looking forward to getting some help.
« on: 5 May 2018, 21:20:03 »
Hi there,
Today we've had various questions from various players about the old v4/v5/v6 features and how none of them are basically there now in 1.12.2, the response from team that I got kinda got under my skin. But nothing against the person, but I feel the urge to at least point out there's some validity to my irritation. So let's turn that around and instead post here some 'friendly suggestions for things that we've been missing and were hoping the see return in the last six months that I've been back and played daily again. Some are interesting to me, some not.. but people that come back and try to play beyond survival are asking .. so here's the list of the obvious things.
Build a dark room: We cannot: The mobs are so ridiculously nerfed that the game runs in peaceful mode, nothing spawns anymore. There's no dark room on the server that spawns more than 5. Want a screenshot from Dracomere from few years ago vs today? #chernobylEmpty
- ok -
The questions from the last week or two have been:
- Where's the casino - Why can't I ride a horse - Why do my mobs despawn - Can I breed animals - Why do my grinders not work - Do they still have the cube - Is there still the sandpit - Anything to explore at spawn - Where is the market at spawn - Will there be another archeology month - Do we still do boat races - When's the next horse race - Where's the pvp arena at spawn - When will mob arena be back - Can I have a drop party for my town - Can I fish at spawn area - Fishing tournament with mods - What happened to the v5 museum - Did they celebrate 7 years noobscraft and did i miss it - My pet does not work - I can't name tag mobs, they despawn - When is the next quest - What about chunk of the month - Why does the /h randomly despawn, can't i just tame horses
I am sure I forget quite a few. I know the answers to these questions, and I keep trying to tell players and I keep hoping that stuff comes back.
But right now the server is basically survival and mining for hours to pay for 20k/ town plots (after 32% nation discount) so you can pay for plots and work hard on making things pretty because you're fighting with 45 other abandoned towns to get the 1 new player a week.
I hope these questions get a generic response of: I hope to introduce more rpg/mmo features (back) into the game this big summer upgrade. Because we understand that variety in game play as well as offering team-work features can bring players together and online more often, which helps the server grow. And that's really what we want here. Build a community.
Standing alone in an empty dark room hearing crickets isn't going to cut it.
Please note this is me posting after constantly telling players to make the effort to not ask me this stuff, but post these questions/suggestions on the forums - and seeing that not really happening a lot. So might as well make a post to bring it to staff attention. It's an accumulation of weeks of FAQs
« on: 4 May 2018, 15:54:28 »
Hey This used to work, but I believe you said that this broke with 1.12.2, I still notice weekly questions from players that ask if there's a way to see the result. So far when I am online and I see someone win I /mail that person, so they know. But this doesn't let others see who won of course. Could this feature perhaps get fixed for 1.12.2? Since we're putting in nearly 10k per month on tickets and wouldn't mind knowing the results of this investment.
« on: 1 May 2018, 23:54:54 »
There was a secret gathering of mayors who sat down and had a chat.Whuck71 / Middle Earth KilljoyDivine / LunarFalls doc_engie / IceHaven mrfloris / x We put our money on the table and decided to do something we've never done before in the history of Noobscraft, or at least version 6. We approved each others towns after shaking hands and created an outpost... each.... right next to each-other.That's four people approving each-other as a town - that's 12 million right there. On top of that, we all had to buy our outposts of course, so that's another 8 million. We also claimed plots that's just a bonus 200k. A good day for the economy where 4 towns get together and spend over 20 million noobs in a few minutes. Welcome to The Gathering. It's fun making history And I am pretty sure this one goes in the books. Thanks Killjoy, doc, and whuck for doing this, was fun
« on: 30 Apr 2018, 13:14:45 »
Just noticed that regardless what we set as a permission that we cannot break mushrooms that are planted, can't plant mushrooms and can't break the grown one. /plot perms, shows us *everybody* (crops,trees, etc).. The other things in the same plot like trees, crops.. we can break and replant, but it seems schroomies are the only one we cannot? Is this a bug? If not, eh, move this to suggestion please I just spent nearly 3 million on a public town farm and was ready to mine out 60 plots, only to find out we can't use that level? Kinda sucky.. At least we can do the other crops etc, but still. It would be nice for completeness I guess
« on: 28 Apr 2018, 02:13:38 »
How I calculate the cost of the diamond pick axes that I sell at my market stalls at "/town spawn x", or at "/ah".
With the cost of a diamond at 1200 nbz, the base price is 3600 for a diamond pick.
Because I've put my time and effort into it to get the enchantments, use the wood and lapis to enchant, or my books, and wear and tear of my tools grinding for exp levels, and simply because I want to make a profit that I can put back into the town bank or my /money so I can buy plots and chunks, I charge 5000, no matter what pick it is.
For each enchantment type on the pickaxe, I charge 1000.
An example: Diamond pick wihout any enchantments is 3600 nbz +5000 = 8600 nbz total Diamond pick with Unbreaking on it is therefor 4600 nbz + 5000 = 9600 nbz total Diamond pick with Unbreaking and Efficiency on it is therefor 5600 nbz + 5000 = 10600 total
For each extra level of enchantment, I charge 1000.
An example: Efficiency 3 would be 1000 for the enchant, and 2000 more for e3 (so e3 = 3000, e4 = 4000, e5 = 5000...) Fortune 3 and Efficiency 4 means 3000+4000 = 12000 nbz
But there aren't any additional levels for silk touch and mending though. You're right, I charge 100,000 nbz for mending, and 2500 for silktouch.
Okay, this is all too confusing, give me a few realistic examples; what if I want to buy a diamond pick with unbreaking 3, fortune 3, and efficiency 4? Or .. unbreaking 3 and efficiency 5?
Diamond pick = 3600, Unbreaking 3 is 3000, Fortune 3 is 3000, Efficiency 4 is 4000, and the +5000, so that makes 18,600 nbz total.
The other one:
Diamond pick = 3600, Unbreaking 3 = 3000, Efficiency 5 is 5000, and the +5000, making it 16,600 total.
Can I get a discount? If you buy 2 or more picks at the same time, maybe.. contact me first though, I cannot give discounts after the fact.
Can I just buy 10 different picks axes regardles if they have e4 or e5, or if they have fortune or silk on it? Yeah sure, buy them all at once for 150,000 (but contact me soon, because once they're out of stock, they're out of stock).
Diamond Picks with the following enchantments are on sale, starting with the /ah giving the active players in-game first-run at what's available. Whatever doesn't sell tonight goes into the market stalls May 1st.
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV 3600+3000+4000+5000= 15,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency V 3600+3000+5000+5000= 16,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency V 3600+3000+5000+5000= 16,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune I 3600+3000+4000+1000+5000= 16,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency V / Fortune III 3600+3000+5000+3000+5000= 19,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune II 3600+3000+4000+2000+5000= 17,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune II 3600+3000+4000+2000+5000= 17,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune II 3600+3000+4000+2000+5000= 17,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune III 3600+3000+4000+3000+5000= 18,600 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Silk Touch 3600+3000+4000+2500+5000= 18,100 nbz
Unbreaking III / Efficiency IV / Fortune II 3600+3000+4000+2000+5000= 17,600 nbz
« on: 18 Apr 2018, 09:15:23 »
Bring it .. come here.. get over here, tell me.. let me know.. What do you recommend I listen to the next time I go mining? please link to the youtube And.. what if I need some inspiring music in the background for when I go building something big that takes me hours.. link me to some youtube please i know you are holding on to that music, common now.. share it
« on: 18 Apr 2018, 09:12:45 »
Hey all, Just wanted to show that you should never get bored with minecraft builds. Just because it looks plain to you doesn't mean it is. Or that it does so to others. Your hard work is viewed by others in all sorts of setups, including old and new computers, and it is quite inspiring. Here are a few examples of Noobstown wild and towny builds Your wheat fields for herbalism mcMMO training could look simple, but add a nice ceiling to it, some custom wall designs, and you end up with something that can look like this: Perhaps the rain might be slowing your system down, but it can sure create a fantastic mood to a farm area: Create your own town? Build towards a theme, and you can transform it into something awesome: Or perhaps if you live in the wild, claim some plots and build yourself a survival area, some lights can work like it's a magic forest at night: Sometimes it takes a texture pack or a shader pack on top, just to get a bit more extra in regards to how an area feels, looks, how you experience it and how the mood is set. Don't give up, build! Because I am having fun exploring towns and wild plots (above screens are taken by me, but the builds are not mine) and getting inspired by all this creativity. And if you want a screenshot of your area that looks like the above; sure, .. just join the game when I am on and /msg me
« on: 18 Apr 2018, 09:07:00 »
Personally, i have my own opinion about this, but.. ppl seem to really like this: days to go until minecon 2018. I wonder what we will get this time.
« on: 18 Apr 2018, 08:44:24 »
Here are two pictures; one is of the three stalls that I want copied over, and the other is where I want them placed. Hello community, Polish up your shovels, pickaxes, and get rid of the splinters on the workbench. It's time to stretch those muscles and get ready to spend a day, a weekend, a week or two copying a couple of my existing builds into town x. Get your decoration chests and resources ready to be put to good use. Town x is looking for builders who are familiar with simply looking at an existing build and building an exact-ish copy of it at a different location. Do you have experience with this? And have the time in April and May to help? Then you're certainly the person we're looking for. There are a couple of plots I will put up as embassy plots that you can take and then put a stall in there. I have 3 plots, and 3 market stalls. This can't be any simpler. If we pick you for the job you can claim those as yours to work with, and you can get started. You're free to terraform the environment to fit your creativity, just use common sense. Tweaking the design to make it look even better is welcomed, but not mandatory. You will copy/paste on behalf of town x. They become our property so to speak. After the build is finished we're free to customize it, take it down, rebuild it, sell the plots to players who want to live there. So it seems logical to compensate you for your troubles. And so we will. You will get some money to help you repair your items and cover the cost of some of your resources that you yourself will supply. And you will get some money for simply taking the time to build on the plots. But, since we're paying, I think it's fair to say it should be more than just a sorta-copy. Please copy it at least 99% .. you know what I mean. We can offer you a 25,000 nbz per market stall to cover your time, your costs, resources, and to say thank you for the hard work in April and May. (it would be nice if it is done before the end of May please. Please only reply to this thread if you have some know-how and experience doing this stuff. What about credits? Well, I made these years ago, and also used these on other places, and including noobstown. You get hired for the copy paste job, not for the design of it. I think it's fair if there's no sign this time with your name on it. I hope you understand. In February I made a thread with some additional information, in case you're looking for more hiring jobs (there will be, keep an eye on the forums). I apply Floris? Yes! Just reply to this thread.. and later today I will update the thread. Sometimes we will pick someone based on knowing how they build, or simply because they were the first to reply: Please do not take it personal if you don't get picked. Can I build with my friends? Nope, sorry, not this time around. Please note that we give permission to build the market stalls, you have 0 permissions to take from what was built originally below ground etc, please use common sense. Wait, I have to use my own resources? Yep, I am not always online, and waiting for me to show up to give you resources is unrealistic. I hope instead of paying with a smile and a thank you, I pay at least for the trouble for this job to help compensate in costs/resources. If I am online, feel free to ask for stuff you're short on. This is made for town x right, it will be like .. yours. When we're done? Yep, you are simply helping us out adding some more things to our town. What if I really like what I made, can I copy it to my own plot/wild/town? Nope, sorry, this time around these are just a copy/paste of our builds. Nothing new is made, I hope you understand. If YOU did not make it, then we consider it stealing town designs. We play fair. I went to the plots but couldn't claim any plots?! Please wait for me to get online. That way we can guarantee the right person gets the plots. Wait, so, this does not include the wheat field plots and the wheat-field-hut? Nope, those are 2 different jobs, they will be posted soon Yes, you could potentially apply for those as well in their respected threads. Anyway. Thank you for reading this, get motivated, sharpen those tools and keep an eye on the forums, there will be a couple of threads per week(end) surely. Questions? well, ... shoot! Just to clarify, I have 3 stalls, if 3 ppl reply: i will spread the work between 3 people (each 1 plot) Example; 3 ppl apply: you get 1 plot, 1x 25k Example: 1 person applies: you get 3 plots, so 3x 25k.
« on: 18 Apr 2018, 08:27:39 »
Hello community, Polish up your shovels, pickaxes, and get rid of the splinters on the workbench. It's time to stretch those muscles and get ready to spend a day, a weekend, a week or two building in town x. Get your decoration chests and resources ready to be put to good use. Town x is looking for creative builders who are familiar with a hobbit hole revamping. Do you have experience with creating a nice and cozy looking hobbit hole? And have the time in April to build something awesome for us? Then you're certainly the person we're looking for. There are currently 2 plots that I will put up as embassy plots. If we pick you for the job you can claim those as yours and you can get started. You're free to terraform the environment to fit your creativity, and as any hobbit hole, make it cozy, comfy, and fun to explore, with a nice above ground round door opening. Just use common sense. Perhaps get inspired by some existing designs on the server or google images, youtube etc. You will make the builds on behalf of town x. They become our property so to speak. After the build is finished we're free to customize it, take it down, rebuild it, sell the plots to players who want to live there. So it seems logical to compensate you for your troubles. And so we will. You will get some money to help you repair your items and cover the cost of some of your resources that you yourself will supply. And you will get some money for simply taking the time to build on the plots. But, since we're paying, I think it's fair to say it should be more than a dirt hut or a square house with a roof made out of 16 logs of wood.. you know what I mean. We can offer you a 25,000 nbz to cover your time, your costs, resources, and to say thank you for the hard work in March/April. (it would be nice if it is done before April 30th. We're looking for a friendly and cozy looking place with a creative approach, decorations, and basically something that's clear some effort has been put into it. Please only reply to this thread if you have a bit more than the basics of the building know-how and experience. It's a plus if you've made hobbit holes before of course. What about credits? I am like davinci and demand my swag .. ok stop.. don't worry. You're free to leave a sign locked to a block (that's not in the way if ppl would live there) with your name on it. What is ok : build made by yourName, from town whatever.. What is not ok: like these builds? join town whatever (no advertisements,. basically). In February I made a thread with some additional information, in case you're looking for more hiring jobs (there will be, keep an eye on the forums). I apply Floris? No! We kinda have the option for cruisinkiy and Killjoydivine (and killjoy was online and had the time, see the below post) Can I build with my friends? Nope not this time, it's all on your this time. Wait, I have to use my own resources? Yep, I am not always online, and waiting for me to show up to give you a beacon for example is unrealistic. I hope instead of paying 5k, I pay at least triple as much for this job to help compensate in costs/resources. This is made for town x right, it will be like .. yours. When we're done? Yep, you are simply helping us out adding some more things to our town. What if I really like what I made, can I copy it to my own plot/wild/town? If YOU made it, you are free to copy that. Yeah, I think that's more than fair. If YOU did not make it, then we consider it stealing town designs. We play fair. I went to the hobbit plots but couldn't claim any plots?! Please wait for me to get online. That way we can guarantee the right person gets the plots. Anyway. Thank you for reading this, get motivated, sharpen those tools and keep an eye on the forums, there will be a couple of threads per week(end) surely. Questions? well, ... shoot!
« on: 16 Apr 2018, 04:28:39 »
Hello community, Polish up your shovels, pickaxes, and get rid of the splinters on the workbench. It's time to stretch those muscles and get ready to spend a day, a weekend, a week or two terraforming in town x. Get your decoration chests and resources ready to be put to good use. Town x is looking for terraformers who are familiar with organic / middle earth style of terraforming. Do you have experience with creating a nice and cozy looking field made of wheat? And have the time in April and May to build something awesome for us? Then you're certainly the person we're looking for. There is a whole area (See video linked below) that I will put up as embassy plots. If we pick you for the job you can claim those as yours to work with, and you can get started. You're free to terraform the environment to fit your creativity, and as any wheat field, build on it with water sources semi hidden and stay true to the ground (no need to start digging dirt layers down etc). Just use common sense. Perhaps get inspired by some existing designs on google images, youtube etc. You will terraform on behalf of town x. They become our property so to speak. After the build is finished we're free to customize it, take it down, rebuild it, sell the plots to players who want to live there. So it seems logical to compensate you for your troubles. And so we will. You will get some money to help you repair your items and cover the cost of some of your resources that you yourself will supply. And you will get some money for simply taking the time to build on the plots. But, since we're paying, I think it's fair to say it should be more than just placed down wheat, be a bit creative .. a field has features! We like features and details .. you know what I mean. We can offer you a 200,000 nbz to cover your time, your costs, resources, and to say thank you for the hard work in April and May. (it would be nice if it is done before the end of May please. We're looking for a friendly and cozy looking place with a creative approach, decorations, and basically something that's clear some effort has been put into it. Please only reply to this thread if you have a bit more than the basics of terraforming, got some know-how and experience doing this stuff. What about credits? I am like davinci and demand my swag .. ok stop.. don't worry. You're free to leave a sign locked to a block (that's not in the way if ppl would live there) with your name on it. What is ok : build made by yourName, from town whatever.. What is not ok: like these builds? join town whatever (no advertisements,. basically). In February I made a thread with some additional information, in case you're looking for more hiring jobs (there will be, keep an eye on the forums). I apply Floris? Yes! Just reply to this thread.. and later today I will update the thread. Sometimes we will pick someone based on knowing how they build, or simply because they were the first to reply: Please do not take it personal if you don't get picked. Can I build with my friends? Nope, sorry, not this time around. If someone else needs access please ask first! Just please understand you're responsible: If they grief the plot, I will come hunt you both down. Please note that we give permission to build the wheat farm, you have 0 permissions to take from what was build originally below ground etc, please use common sense. Wait, I have to use my own resources? Yep, I am not always online, and waiting for me to show up to give you a beacon for example is unrealistic. I hope instead of paying 100k, I pay at least double as much for this job to help compensate in costs/resources. But I do expect some features like a couple of melon and pumpkin patches, as well as maybe a scarecrow or two, and just a pretty approach, maybe a few chopped down logs that are tied down. This is made for town x right, it will be like .. yours. When we're done? Yep, you are simply helping us out adding some more things to our town. What if I really like what I made, can I copy it to my own plot/wild/town? If YOU made it, you are free to copy that. Yeah, I think that's more than fair. If YOU did not make it, then we consider it stealing town designs. We play fair. I went to the plots but couldn't claim any plots?! Please wait for me to get online. That way we can guarantee the right person gets the plots., so, this does not include the 3 market plots and the wheat-field-hut? Nope, those are 2 different jobs, they will be posted soon Yes, you could potentially apply for those as well - see the video^ Anyway. Thank you for reading this, get motivated, sharpen those tools and keep an eye on the forums, there will be a couple of threads per week(end) surely. Questions? well, ... shoot! Oh, don't forget to leave the custom terrain trees in place, vanilla trees are easier to remove/place back, but .. custom ones are prettier and harder to replace. Just kinda build around it, or embed it into the build i thought i'd point that out