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Topics - Jjonnn

Pages: [1]
Support / My next step
« on: 28 Apr 2012, 02:15:06 »
When i first joined Noobscraft, i had learnt the game in single player first, and then researched a little for a good server to join, for multiplayer, and found here.
At that time, i was hesitant, reluctant, to become part of very much, as i was nervous, and wanted to "feel around" a bit by myself. Which negates the reason for joining multiplayer!
So, i became a v.i.p. because i wanted to support what you guys are doing. Then, despite myself, joined a town, and built a house.
But here i am now, still a little confuddled about what to do next. Although i still enjoy levelling, i feel that it is time for me to move to another stage.
I don't want "responsibility", because i cannot guarantee when i am online ( i just had a week break from MC), but i would like, please, some suggestions and or help with what to do next.
Many thanks in advance for any replys, as always.

Noobstown General / Real life
« on: 19 Apr 2012, 14:27:44 »
Just letting you all know i am working loads at the moment, and am unable to dedicate any time to playing.
But i will be done soon, within a week, and am looking forward to joining you all again.
Keep having fun, see you soon!

Support / Reset day
« on: 15 Apr 2012, 15:34:59 »
Ok, apologies for yet another question.
I spotted the sign saying 1st May is reset day. What exactly does this mean?
Many thanks in advance for any helpful reply.

Guides / Glitchy lines around blocks.
« on: 15 Apr 2012, 14:42:56 »
Many people, not all, have a problem with lines ( more pronounced than usual ) around every block. No matter what they do with the ingame video settings, nothing seems to help, despite having a fast system. This doesnt happen with everybodys systems, but for those that get it, it makes the game almost unplayable.
Well, there is an easy fix:
At the moment, Minecraft doesnt like anti-aliasing. And you cannot change it ingame. So all you need to do, is goto your graphics card settings, and FORCE it to turn OFF anti aliasing, either for minecraft, or totally and then change it back after playing.
Hope that helps some people.

Suggestions & Ideas / Cleaning up a little
« on: 14 Apr 2012, 19:35:23 »
Hi all.
Not sure if this has been covored already, i did try looking.
Although i am not a mayor, t.a. or anything other than a noobscraft noob, i have noticed the extra work for those people in those positions.
Reason being, when someone decides to move to a different town, often they just leave builds, chests, locked doors etc. Then the already overworked ( some of them hehehe ) staff have to come and sort it out.
So, just a suggestion:
Would it be possible to implement a rule, that if you wish to move towns, you should clear up your stuff first?
Apologies if this has been covored already.

Noobstown General / Know a good rehab clinic?
« on: 14 Apr 2012, 19:29:47 »
Ok, i hope i can type ok, i am shaking already.
From withdrawel symptoms. The server is down, and its been over 4 minutes already!
So, if you know of a good rehabilitation clinic, please book me a room, and probably one for youself too.
Ah well, at least it gives a while to browse the forum, i refuse to try any of those inferior servers!

Support / Couple of questions from a noob
« on: 13 Apr 2012, 15:30:07 »
Hi all.
I would like some clarification of a couple of things please. I am posting here because i don't want to pester ingame.
Firstly, grief: I understand about the rules in a town, who can place/destroy etc. But what about in the wild? I know i can lock chests and doors, but a few times i have been mining, and stumbled into someone elses work. I usually try to repair any obvious damage, and its not intentional. But i made a mistake with water, clearing lava pools, and then realised someone had mined a very large room that the lava was part of, with switches / torches etc.. Is that a "banhammer" situation for me?
Secondly, i would like to join a town soon, but although i am familiar with the mechanics of the game, i am definitely not a skilled builder. Are there any plots i could use, where the "owner/mayor" doesn't mind what i do there, i.e. doesn't mind if i make a dreadful mess?
Sorry to ramble on as usual, but many thanks in advance for any helpful replies.

New? / Hiya Noobscrafters
« on: 12 Apr 2012, 03:32:26 »
As it says really, just a quick hello from me. Fairly new to Minecraft, been single player for a couple months. Looked around for a popular but fun and fair server, and i think i found it. The longest i spent on some others was only a few minutes, but i have spent quite a few hours over 2 days on yours.
From what i have seen, the admin and mods seem fair, and helpful when not busy. The server rarely lags for me.
I tend to keep myself to myself mainly, but sometimes get involved in discussion ( when it's sensible and interesting ). And you will soon enough see that i don't mind posting now and again on forums.
I am from the U.K., and am far too old for Minecraft ( no, really, but i aint telling...... ). Before getting addicted to Notch's creation, i spent 2 years in a Trackmania clan, and after then almost 2 years in a crysis clan, as well of course dabbling with many other online games.
Anyway, enough blathering on from me, but i look forward to many many happy hours on your server, and slowly becoming a part of your community here. I have already been made to feel welcome on the server.

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