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Messages - BIRDMAN2121

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Towns & Nations / Re: The new standard of living in V6...
« on: 20 Jul 2013, 20:44:07 »
I wasn't going to say anything about this Harry, but you have forced my hand.

No we don't take people's secret plans or special things without the consent of the person who made it. Take BIRDMAN's Connect 4 idea. We asked him if we could use it first, then after we got his OK, we changed parts in the design just so it wasn't copying his, just the general idea of the game which he said we could use.

Please do not paraphrase me Harry.  You also at that time asked me if you could use my District Wars idea.  What I actually told you was, "I would rather you didn't, but you are going to do whatever you want anyways, so go ahead."  Followed by, "All of MorningWood's ideas will be used eventually, my town has always set the standard."

From what I can tell Harry, your town is basically a version of many towns combined.  So do not call out others for stealing ideas, when you play a big role in the theft yourself.  Many towns do this, so you all need to stop thinking that you are the only ones.  Two people could have just as easily come up with the same idea at different times without knowing the other person already had already done it.

I do not mean to dig at you Harry, but I do not agree with you bashing at others for things you do.  Then paraphrasing what I say to make it look like your a saint for asking, I also disagree with.

I am not trying to boast Adrian's town and say that his is better, or that my town is better.  I am simply trying to clear up what I said to add more truth to this topic.

Towns & Nations / Re: Party Park Showcase + Applications
« on: 17 Jul 2013, 22:30:06 »
FaithKnight You have been approved for the rank of Park Attendant.  And yes you may build your own house.  You also will be able to select a district to join.  Each district carries it's own theme that you have to match when building your house.  These will be announce closer to V6.

More information on these roles will be given out later and a tour of the games will be provided once we have enough accepted applicants.

Towns & Nations / Re: Party Park Showcase + Applications
« on: 17 Jul 2013, 21:33:12 »
Thank you, been putting a lot of time, effort, and thought into these.  Most of them are original ideas, all of them are original builds; basically meaning that if I did get the idea from somewhere else, it was just the idea.  We made them built them and made them work on our own.  But many of these games I have not seen anywhere else, aside from the average parkour game, or the long toss fishing rod game.

But as I said, this is half of what we actually have planned for party, and maybe only 10% of the information of ideas other than the games themselves.  Morning Wood has a lot in store for you all.  This is going to be the most interactive town available.

Towns & Nations / Re: Party Park Showcase + Applications
« on: 17 Jul 2013, 17:25:45 »
Fixed Pictures
Added Application

Towns & Nations / Party Park Showcase + Applications
« on: 14 Jul 2013, 22:51:14 »
Below you will see pictures of all the mini-games that myself and my staff have come up with along with a few other things.  We have worked extremely hard to bring you the best town available bring out new ideas that have never been used before.  For years MorningWood has been the leader in town improvements, and eventually, all other towns adapted to those improvements and added them to their towns.  But we have gone above and beyond this time to make you the best town to live in.

MorningWood is known as the original party town, because we were the first town to implement mini-games.  It was a small concept at first and has now turned in to what you are about to see below.  There are still other games that we have yet to add because they are either incomplete, buggy, or still simply ideas.  I am going to try to show you all a bit of what we have, without giving out too much info.  If you want to be a part of this, where will be an application at the bottom for those who want to either work during parties, or help manage and build the park.  But I believe it is time to unveil a big part of what to expect in Morning Wood with Party Park V2.

Overviews Of The Park

Spawn Harbor                                                                                              Party Palace

Connect Four                                                                                            Sand Defense

Shuffle Drop                                                                                               Long Toss

Willow Tree Parkour                                                                                Brain Drain Trivia

Basket Ball                                                                                  Dwarven Minecart Archery

Quick Descriptions

Connect Four - Using sand and gravel, players must try to connect four of their block type before their opponent.
Sand Defense - One player places 3 sand in an above slot.  The other player blocks 5 slots in an attempt to guess which slot the 3 sand was placed.
Shuffle Drop - Players pick one of 5 slots to stand in.  When the game start they are locked in the slot.  When the bells stop, a random slot is selected to stay open.
Long Toss - Using a fishing rod, players must try to toss the lure onto the pressure plates.

Willow Tree Parkour - A difficult parkour challenge in an ancient magical tree.
Brain Drain Trivia - Battle your friends in a game of wits in this TV inspired trivia game.
Basket Ball - Punch dash and jump your way to victory in the basket ball court.
Dwarven Minecart Archery - Using a bow and a limited amount of arrows, players must shoot the speeding minecarts off the rails in under five minutes.

You must be a resident of the town in order to work in the park.  The ranks that can be applied for are as follow:
Park Manager - Supervises everything that goes on, plans parties, helps build the park, resolves any issues, helps anyone when needed.
Park Assistant - Helps with building the park, supervises all games in their assigned area, and helps attendants when needed.
Park Attendant - These people will supervise the game they are assigned to during parties.  Collecting tickets, running the games, and handing out prizes are their main roles.

If you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, leave them blank or put N/A.
Do not type up the application again.  Simply click the [select] button above the the code to highlight the text.  Then copy and paste the text into a reply on this thread and answer the questions.
Code: [Select]
Personal Info
In Game Name:
Time Zone:

Ranking - See above list
What rank are you seeking:

Experience - Scales 1-10 1 is bad/10 is good
Scale - How good are you with redstone:
Scale - How good of a builder are you:
Scale - How well do you follow orders:
Scale - How well do you give orders:
Scale - How well do you get along with others:
Minecraft - What leadership positions have you held in the past:
Real Life - What leadership positions have you held in the past:
How long have you been with Noobstown:

If accepted, do you agree to...
Live in MorningWood:
Donate materials, noobz, time, and effort:
Obey any rules and adapt to new ones:
Listen to your superiors:
Application is subject to change.  Once we have enough accepted applicants, we will give out more information about the jobs.

Conzor123, You have been accepted to the rank of Plot Master.

Guitarmasta213, You have been accepted as an Architect.  You are now available for hire by a District Owner.

bestjoker9 Your application for District Owner has been declined.

Trying something new, until V6, it will be a competition of sorts for the 4 positions of District Owner.

Esp1222 Sending District Owner application over pm.

Change of plans, now accepting District Owner applications again.

Esp1222, you have been accepted for the rank of Plot Master.  Welcome to the staff, you are now available for hire by a District Owner.

steve_sufc, you have been approved for the rank of District Owner under the Western theme, welcome to the staff.

All open District Owner positions have been filled.

Steve_sufc Your application for District Owner has been put on hold until I can see some of your builds.  Sending something over PM.

MasterScottius You have been approved for the ranks, Architect, Recruiter, and Plot Master. Speak to the current District Owners to be hired on as their staff. Windowcreeprr, twcox12, and Alexmanzo.

MasterScottius, Application Pending, waiting to see some of your builds

Steve_sufc, Application Pending, District Owner Application sent through PM.

Well we would be glad to have you if you ever change your mind. :)

Alexmanzo, you have been accepted to the rank of district owner, welcome to the staff.

Gamerkid, I would like to see some pictures or some builds on noobstown that you have done.

SuperMarcodude, due to your lack of time on the server and not having much experience in a high ranked position with towny, we can not accept your application as District Owner.  You may; however, speak to one of the current District Owners to see if they will hire you on as an Architect.  The district owners available right now are WindowCreeprr, and twcox12.  Thank you for your interest and I hope you express your interest to the others for Architect.

bestjoker9 I am sorry, but you do not meet some of the requirements of a staff member for the town, so we can not accept you at this time.  Maybe if you can persuade a district owner to hire you on as an architect they could put in a good word for you to become a part of our staff.

twcox12 After review of your seperate District Owner Application, you have been accepted to the rank of District Owner.  Welcome to the staff.

AlexManzo District Owner Application still under review.

After review of the applications you have been approved for the rank of District Owner.  Welcome to the staff.

@ WindowCreeprr You have to live in this town if you wish to work here.  But you may have embassy plots if you feel the need for one.  And since you applied for the rank of Assistant I have another application for you to take.  It will be in your inbox if you haven't seen it already.

You have been approved for the rank of Architect.  You will be assigned to a district when more applications are handed in for District Owners.  One of the district owners will choose you to aide them in building.

Morning Wood always strives to express the true beauty of minecraft.  We started in V2 as a small castle with beautiful surroundings.  In V3 we went for a cozy village theme in the woods next to the ocean.  When V4 came around we tried a mountainous region with a deep valley dividing the shops and the plots connected by a magnificent bridge.  In V5 we attempted to revisit the village idea in the landscaping, while adding the buildings of a city.  With the release of V6 on its way, the staff of Morning Wood has been hard at work to bring you a great community, an interactive game park, and a beautiful looking town.

Our new town designs once again combine the beauty of the nature of minecraft, with the glory of the city.  With the help of redstone we plan to make Morning Wood the most efficient town available by using the energy of the sun to power many parts of the town.  Here are a few pictures of what lies ahead in the future of the town.

The center of the town, our new spawn point, displays the number of wins each district has  acquired in our new hunger games style competition, District Wars.

A side shot that better captures the whole spawn point.

A ground shot looking up at the center pedestal of the spawn point with the Green District entrance in the background.

Morning Wood is strong in the belief that you work for what you have.  If you want free items, you have come to the wrong place.  If you want help better understanding how the server works or some tips on how to build, use redstone, farm, or mine, Morning Wood is the place to go.  We are happy to help those in need, but we do not put help beggars.

Morning Wood has always tried to offer up shelter to those who can not afford to buy the pricey plots of big towns.  That is why we have built a place for people to stay while they get their grounds set in Noobstown.  We have built a small 2 story duplex (as seen in the below pictures).  Each room comes stocked with: 1 bed, 1 crafting table, 2 furnaces, 5 single chest, and toggle-able redstone lamps.  The furnaces will come stocked with 8 coal to help people get started, and one chest will contain 6 cobblestone, and 2 logs of wood.  Here are a few pictures of the Duplexes.

The front of two of them.  As you can see the lights can turn on/off

This is what the interior will look like.  The kitchen is on the left, and the storage closets are on the right.

A street view of the Duplex, also shown is our old idea from V4, mailboxes are coming back.

In V5 Morning Wood was a quiet town, we didn't try to get the most residents or have the most money.  We wanted to look nice, and offer a cozy place for people to live in that also offered a wide variety of things to do.  Some of these things included Hawthorn Harbor, a beautiful fishing dock.  Miner Dave's Cave, an imaginary character, bent on bringing down Morning Wood by stealing from the bank and hiding in caves riddled with parkour challenges.  We even had our very own water park with 2 fun slides, a 3 tier diving tower, large coconut trees, and of course, a lake lined with sand.

All that said, when Morning Wood had it's first birthday in May of 2012 we threw a party, a few minigames, a race in the parkour cave, and some pvp in the events world.  That little party sparked a brilliant idea of an entire area dedicated to parties.  Without further ado, I proudly present Party Park!

An overview of the entire park built on my private build server.  This picture only shows what has been tested and works perfectly, there are many other games still in the making not shown in this picture.  I will also only be touching on a few of the ones shown, but there are 7 in this picture alone.

A popular game making it's way back from V5 is the dispenser drop game named, "A Drop Of Luck."  In this game players stand in one of three rooms.  Depending on which ticket you buy (they will be cheap) you will get items tossed at you by a dispenser, but be careful, there are fire charges and arrows in there, and if you die, your items are placed in the dispenser for others to win.

Another basic game that we are adding is Connect Four.  Using sand and gravel players drop the blocks to attempt to connect four of their block type.  But be cautious of what the other player is doing and block any chances they have to connect four.  First person to connect four of their block type wins.

An overview of the inside of the game, as you can see players will go up the stairs and place their block in the above slots.  Then go back down to watch what their opponent does and plan their next move.

A random game I played by myself to demonstrate what it looks like.  As you can see the gravel player one on the top left.  It was really hard to beat myself, so I kinda cheated and made sand lose for the demonstration.

As you can see we have a lot in store for you all this go around and we could really use help when V6 is released.  If you like what you see, and would like to take part in this great journey, simply click the small [select] link below to copy the info, then paste it into a comment on this topic.  Fill out the information asked of you and I will get back to you as soon as I get a chance.

Sub-Mayor - Must spend time as a District Owner and is hand picked by the Mayors staff to help moderate the town and any events that are held within it.  This position cannot be applied for but is granted upon dedication.
Assistant/District Owner - These people will be the owners of the districts.  They should be good leaders and know how towny works.  Their job encircles all others.  They hire their own staff and report to the Mayors.  You may be asked to give a detailed report on how their district is coming along and possible improvements.  If requesting this position you may be asked to fill out another application later.
Architect - The architect is a great builder who helps the District owner build their district.
Recruiter - It is the recruiters job to persuade people into joining the town and finding them a place to live.  These people need to be very social and be able to answer any newcomers questions.
Plot Master - The Plot Master helps set up plots where ever the District Owner needs.  Their main job is to aide in town expansion.

If you feel uncomfortable answering any question just type in N/A
Try to keep any long responses under 100 words
Post any pictures you may have as attachments or in hyperlink form to save forum space
Code: [Select]
Personal Info
In game name: 
Time Zone: 

How well do you know towny and it's commands: 
Have you ever run or had a high ranking position in a town: 
How long have you been on Noobstown: 

Ranking - See rankings and meanings above
If accepted, what rank would you like to be: 
Do you have any experience as this rank in another town: 
Why do you think you would be good for this job: 

If Accepted Do You Agree To
Donate noobz, materials, time, and effort toward the town: 
Follow the rules of the town: 
Complete the duties assigned to you swiftly and without hesitation: 
Listen To Your Superiors: 

Hmm, interesting...  Any specific form of submission?  I'm sure you don't want the whole topic filled with pages of stories.  Attachments I guess?

Pictures / Re: Misunderstood Creeps
« on: 7 Jun 2013, 16:59:12 »
Haha never saw that. xD

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: This is to the Admins
« on: 5 Jun 2013, 08:02:09 »
I disagree with most of this and I will be quoting you guys with my points of disagreement and agreement.

Nebih, your first big point was that admins were not on as much as they used to be.  I strongly disagree.  The admins never really spent a large amount of time on the server except in V1 and V2 when their moderation rules were still being observed.

As you stated, "2 years ago the admins were as online as much as mods. Now, they aren't.. Sure, you start college etc. I understand that but you still found chances to play during High School. Why not now?"

High School and College are extremely different in the aspect that high school is not hard and does not consume a large portion of your time.  You go to school in the morning, you get off in the afternoon, you spend an hour on homework, maybe.  But that leaves the rest of the night to do whatever you please.  In college your classes are typically sparatically scheduled throughout the day.  And homework is an every day thing for every class which can take up to 5 hours a day.  And if you have an English class you will have a 4-5 page paper due every 2 weeks on top of all the homework upkeep and other class "projects".  And if you work and go to school like me, you have 0 time for anything, sometimes you don't even have time to eat.

Nebih you also said, "More as in different worlds to do different things. Have a MiniGames world, have a PvP world, have a Towny world, have a RPG world..."

Short and simple answer, mining world, events world (minigames, pvp, holidays), end world, nether world, normal world which contains all towns, so towny world if you will, and you do not have to join a town if you don't want to so you can live in the wild with friends and keep the rpg feel with McMmo.  Which brings me to my next point about the amount of moderation.

Back in the day there was a need for more mods because many of them were not online enough so noobstown needed more mods.  Now with better tools and more active moderators this is not an issue.  Just about any time I log in there is a moderator on.  If there is not, wait for 10 minutes and I am sure one will log on.

Krazzylegs you stated that, "I understand that the gamemode is survival, but not the feel. Chances are if you die, you still keep your items. I understand the reason this was put in for death by PVP, but by falling?"

The falling part was added because of all the random holes to bedrock that have been dug all over the server that are sometimes hard to see and easy to fall in to, so my point, your comment of, "don't dig down" doesn't always apply when you are just walking along and fall into a pit that you didn't dig.

Going back to the not joining a town part, you made the point of, "Oh, you need food? Just go to your town's Cow Spawner."

You do not have to join a town and if you do, you do not have to use the towns spawners.  You can have a life out in the wild and use a town to more securely store you items, or show off you building skills in a safe, public area.

My final point, most of these complaints already have a solution, or are being fixed in v6 anyhow, so I suppose you have had a bit of misunderstanding when/if you read the post about v6.  I just fail to see a complain here that hasn't already been answered, sorry.

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