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Messages - Darkwings

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I know how Treefeller works (it does consider all touching trees as one, that's why Treefeller was always considered OP), but now it's limited to 3 trees from what I can see.

It wasn't like this before the last restart.

If this is paving the way to have wood or saplings in the /shop this would at least make some sense, but I doubt that's going to happen.

Try with 4, 5, 6 trees close together.

I was able to cut down up to 12 Birch trees with an iron axe before, now it says "the tree is too large".
If you need wood to build, now it takes a lot more time to gather it and using bonemeal is simply a waste.

This same thing happened in V5 but it was reverted right away (I helped testing different sized "forests" with Foob at that time to avoid the "tree is too large" error).

Anyway, let's avoid going completely off topic :P

I'm glad to see someone else arriving at the same conclusion through observation of how things are actually going on the server.

Instead of suggesting a different market model, I suggested different types of resources that could be sold to the /shop but each single one was rejected :

Also, right after the restart I noticed that Treefeller (Woodcutting skill) was nerfed so now it's impossible to chop down multiple trees with it, making it mostly useless (and this certainly devalues bonemeal, too).

Most of what you said is what I already posted in multiple threads probably using differnt terms.

The main thing I disagree with is about "normal mining": currently that way of playing is actually rewarded.

The problem is that it's also the only thing being rewarded and everything else is automatically compared to

That's the reason why prices for non-mining items are perceived as too high: there is no equal reward for the other activities at the moment and every hour spent not-mining will give you less reliable noobz than just mining and the logical reaction is to set prices high enough to offest this situation.

I don't mind having to deal with the economy but as I've said many times, I want more stuff to do and equal rewards for my time.

Another important point is that by coping with the current situation you could have no need for the P2P economy at all.

Gathering resources yourself, avoiding to spend noobz and at the same time making noobz from selling cobble and dirt works so well that you can ignore the market completely.

Some players were able to generate enormous amounts of noobz in a few days, even when no one was buying anything at all in the open market.

Diamonds sales came only after some people already had ~50% of a town's price and undercutting diamonds sales work only because there's a fixed price to undercut in the /shop.

Server Announcements / Re: Server Downtime
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 21:46:43 »
Sorry, mine was actually a typo.

I went through the correct traceroute and checked if the host could be reached (not just the Noobscraft server) so there was no mistake there.

Using an US proxy worked every time, EU based ones temporarily showed such error since there was no connection past that point (Frankfurt happens to be the main node for most of central EU).

Server Announcements / Re: Server Downtime
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 19:25:47 »
I was getting a 522 error showing failed connection between CloudFlare, based in Frankfurt, and a few hours ago.
Connection from a US proxy was working fine, but it doesn't exclude a more widespread problem.

The admins can do nothing but wait until the host (and all the middle companies involved) will solve the problem.
If this is the same thing as before, they really have some serious issues on their lines.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: shop vs auction
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 14:28:37 »
To avoid waiting for an auction to end, there's the buyout option.
If some players are ignoring that option, blame those players and not the system.

Also, a town doesn't really need a lot of residents to make a shop work. A shop will work as long as items are kept in stock with reasonable prices and people know where to go.

In Dracomere we planned out a couple of shop spaces right away (and will add more as the town grows) because even if most people would end up preferring auctions, there would still be a benefit in having people visiting the town and walking right in front of a shop and wondering "since I'm already here it can't hurt to take a look".
That's how shops in real life work.

The real problem I think we have at the moment is that since the server is still at the beginning, most people don't want to spend money on items and prefer to get more chunks and no amount of "visibility" can change the situation.

Unless something is really underpriced, most people will just keep mining and gathering resources on their own instead.

Server Announcements / Re: Revised Wilderness Pricing
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 13:57:44 »
Placing a limit on the maximum number of chunks shouldn't be needed since the goal was to limit how many you can get by having a steep increase in price, so the whole thing would end up balancing itself thanks to economy. (assuming the economy is working as inteded)

However, now the prices could really be too low.

If the 78th chunk costs 311k as reported, it's not too far fetched to think most players will be able to claim 50+ chunks in a very short time and that may not be what the admins had in mind.

If you took a look at the top 20 in noobz, you'd see that the ones focusing on towns and chunks are mostly stalling themselves since everything they get goes into expansion.
Basically, they can get 20 chunks in a few days, get some money back and be in the same initial position.

With a growing economy -something that isn't really here yet, imo- the more money you have the more money you can make so even the if price goes up, you should have ways to increase your potential at the same rate.
Without any price cap, you'll be forced to keep growing to keep up and that's fine (again, asssuming the economy is working).

With lower prices and a 2M cap, rinse and repeat that "buy chunk, get money back" process a few times and you get a very plausible scenario of ~40 players with 60-70 wild chunks.
You don't need to keep your growing rate stable, you just need a stable amount of income (much easier to do with a growing capital in the same situation as above).
Keep going and the number will go up as more and more players (even the slower/less focused ones) will be in the same situation.

That's why my impression was mostly negative: if that situation was intended to be delayed as much as possible, with the new model it will happen in a month or two.

I don't know if that's ok or not but there's no common ground in the two models.

Server Announcements / Re: Server Downtime
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 13:40:13 »
I think everyone would like to know some sort of reason why it's still down after so many hours.

Data center down? Host company on fire? Ddos? Rodents Of Unusual Size?

Whatever it is, please explain so we can at the very least have a rough idea of what's going on.

Server Announcements / Re: Revised Wilderness Pricing
« on: 24 Feb 2014, 01:22:11 »
My first impression is that given the difference between the two models, one of them is most probably horrible. Or both.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A new command?
« on: 23 Feb 2014, 23:01:00 »
Of course it would be only for the command user and not for the whole chat, but you could still just hold Tab anche check the green bars... less than 3 bars and you have mid/high latency, deal with it.
If literally everyone has high latency, it's the server having trouble.

No amount of precise milliseconds measurements will help you get a better ping.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Temporary Free Towny Plots.
« on: 23 Feb 2014, 18:13:49 »
It *should* be fairly simple to just revert the situation to what it was before.

I've been suggested to take screenshots of the town size daily and use those as proof but in all honesty that is nowhere near being acceptable.
There isn't just one person handling the whole town in most cases and it would become nearly impossible to compare data that way due to different time schedules/zones.

Since this could happen again after a fix if nothing changes in the system, it would be better to have a way to rollback chunks claims (and only _claims_) and avoid losing progress considering the amount of time needed to plan and build a town.

As a non written rule we decided to mark Dracomere's borders with wooden slabs, so it's fairly easy to see where the lost chunks are at the moment.

It could be really helpful if, when claiming a new chunk, slabs spawned automatically like they do in the Wilderness world.

Towns & Nations / Re: Online Towns???
« on: 23 Feb 2014, 13:27:46 »
I don't understand why this is a poll... anyway yes there are towns (a few) and most are already accepting citizens and have plots for sale.

All the active towns are currently being built so expect to see incomplete roads, facilities, etc at this point.

Downtime during a weekend certainly didn't help with the progress but as far as I know it's due to datacenter problems, unrelated to the Noobscraft staff.

Cobblestone is infinite and by far the easiest block to get (sand is faster to dig but can be harder to find). All the other blocks are infinite too since the resource world reset monthly...

Using saplings as an example:

Gathering large quantities of cobblestone/sand requires as little work as saplings and other stuff do.
You will actually get more cobble than saplings in the same amount of time, especially with enchanted picks, since you'll need a stable input of bones to keep the trees growing.

The number of saplings you can get per tree is limited and the more trees you stack together the less leaves (and thus saplings) you'll get.

You will still get stacks in a few minutes, but you can also get stacks of cobble in a few minutes and also coal and iron as an extra (I'm leaving out gold and diamonds on purpose).

Lawrence, I understand the whole "do what gives you money, avoid the rest" but the problem we have at the moment is that only mining introduce money into the economy.
Just mining, while Minecraft has a lot of other things and items in it other than that, even in vanilla.

What you're asking is to basically ignore 85% of the game mechanics because they don't give noobz, and everyone needs noobz to build stuff.

For example, why accepting a land clearing job for a few thousands noobz when you can just go out mining for 1 hour and get most probably 3x that amount even if the worst case scenario?

Why gathering non-mining drops for 30 minutes when no one will pay the 30-minutes-worth of equivalent mining-time or the equivalent durability worth of the items you need to get those resources anyway?

Just go mining for those 30 minutes/1 hour and get more money without even needing other people to sell stuff to.

This however isn't an answer to "give us more options please", it's the very reason why such a request was made.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Automatic chanel changing
« on: 21 Feb 2014, 11:39:42 »
Another problem is that a lot of people just talk in /town now that there are some active towns and it generates a lot of spam in that world.

No one needs to read 20 lines long discussions from other towns people that won't ever use /local or /msg for some reasons.

Same goes for a lot of guests and new members that don't know how to use the channels.

Seems to me it creates more problems than it tries to solve (keyword: tries).

This is a list of items that have no purpose in the player-to-player economy or that are so cheap that it's simply a chore to get rid of the big surplus players can easily get:

-Saplings. You only ever need 1 and then you get an infinite supply.

-Seeds. Same as saplings.

-Wood (planks). Even if everyone needs wood, no one will need the immense amount you can get with the Treecutting skills. Even if you wanted to use it all as fuel, you won't be able to keep up with the harvests.
This also makes the Woodcutting skill way less important.

-Stone (smooth). Discussed already, there's no real reason to exclude this from /shop.

These items are not the byproduct of something more useful, they are all main drops and integral parts of some mcmmo skills and most likely you'll be throwing them away to avoid wasting space, even though they take time to gather and consume tools in the process.

Special temporary mention:
-Food. Especially meat. Since there's a /kit food command due to a bug related to hunger in this version of MC farming food has no meaning and since meat can't be used in any crafting recipe, it's really just useless.
Considering we can already sell rotten flesh, why not?

Server Announcements / Re: Atlantic traffic connection fixed
« on: 20 Feb 2014, 13:18:56 »
I experienced that problem at least twice this week, connecting from Europe (GMT+1).

Good to know the issue has been solved.

Towns & Nations / Re: Dracomere V6 Information
« on: 18 Feb 2014, 18:22:19 »
The work for the rail system is in progress, the town spawn will have a main station containing 4 lines organized as a central hub. At first we won't need all 4 lines so we'll build and open just what is needed.

This is the base design for the single line boarding platform module:

For each module there are 2 corridors (arrivals and departures) and 3 rail lines (arrivals, departures, maintenance), it's self-contained, all the redstone is protected and it will require minimal user interaction thanks to fine tuned automations and player detection.
A redstone lamp will signal the lack of minecarts which can be refilled from the main maintenance room.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: /shop ability to sell stone
« on: 16 Feb 2014, 13:09:02 »

Seems at this point with the /shop being so limited and no one is buying anything because we all just want to fill our bank accounts, Noobs are incredibly difficult to make unless you are strictly aiming for the basic blocks.
I personally miss being able to sell Wood to the server shop.

Finally someone that thinks the same as me  :D

I understand the problem of having an inventory full of stone that you can't easily get rid of without wasting noobz and smooth stone should have at least double the value of cobble considering the costs of smelting or mantaining a Silk Touch pick.

Sooner or later everyone will be in that situation.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: We should use /auc start
« on: 15 Feb 2014, 17:50:49 »
I didn't say it slows down your computer but the server.

If the server has to constantly listen for query commands from each player it surely can take quite a bit of resources to keep the database in sync.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Item/Parcel sending system
« on: 15 Feb 2014, 17:41:54 »
I agree with everything except the shipping costs.

Basically, keep a more limited command like /gift where the receiver needs to empty the inventory to open the box so that it becomes too slow to use as a default delivery system.

This helps when wanting to send a little appreciation gift to someone or even just to send something that you already know they'll need without the need to tell them beforehand and arrange a proper trade.

This inventory limitation alone should be enough to prevent a substitution of the auction system, or maybe even limit the system to just 1 slot no matter what but still free of charge.

A proper drop box system instead should have some minor fee and offer both a payment for the package and a"return" option.
In case of return the fee should still be payed by the initial sender, to prevent easy spamming.

Server Announcements / Re: Kick starting the Economy
« on: 15 Feb 2014, 13:16:57 »
Mainly to Debo: the problem is that from the list you made, only the /shop command is the actual way money comes into the economy.

I didn't figure the economy in a vacuum, I made a realistic prevision of what was going to happen and I don't seem to be wrong at all.

Were all those options working, we would have people doing something other than mining and still getting a reasonable amount of money, but it's not happening.

I'm not saying that list is wrong per se, I'm saying that the way it's been implemented is not really working.

Mining (and occasionally digging) is the only real way to make money and the prices aren't going down one bit.
The market for diamonds didn't improve at all and, as I said, everyone is trying their best to get more money without losing resources. That means more mining and less selling.

A real kickstarter would still be having different ways to make money but killing mobs etc for sure arent' working that way, inteded or not.

For example, the spawn rates (discussed in another topic) and the utterly abysmal bounties mean a whole lot of disappointment for anyone planning to be a monster hunter.

Server Announcements / Re: Noobentines!
« on: 15 Feb 2014, 13:07:05 »
I think the gift command should be made permanent if it's not already (and unrelated to general celebrations) since it's a nice way to surprise people.

After all it requires the receiver to empty all the inventory so it's not going to substitue proper trades: no one would want to waste time opening a lot of boxes one after another and you can't tell what's inside until you open it.

Support / Re: Authentication Servers
« on: 14 Feb 2014, 04:10:09 »
It's a problem with Mojang's Auth servers, just try again.
There's been more people reporting this since January.

If it always happen at the same hours, it could very well be caused by high traffic on their servers (19:00-21:00 Pacific Time sounds like a peak of congestion) , making stability problems worse.

This page shows the status for all the servers and services needed:

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