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Messages - Darkwings

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I think it would be nice to be able to buy torches from the /shop bar.

It was very helpfull with mining in V5

That's another matter altogether. The thread is about getting rid of otherwise useless stacks and not about shortcuts.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: /shop and item slots
« on: 12 Feb 2014, 19:16:14 »
I'm aware it's a minor thing  ;)

The problem is mainly that while mining I find myself constantly overwhelmed by cobble yet I still need a few blocks in the hot bar to move around so waiting until I no longer need the items isn't an option.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

Suggestions & Ideas / /shop and item slots
« on: 12 Feb 2014, 18:12:44 »
This is a minor thing but while mining it can alleviate some annoyances:

When you use /shop to sell junk blocks, the first item slot used is the quick bar slot.

Like most other people I guess, I find useful to keep a few blocks to make bridges or to repair tools so having to replace said blocks in the quick bar each time you sell, going under 64 items, is annoying.

If you had 74 cobble blocks, 64 in the main inventory and 10 on a quick bar slot, when you sell them the count starts from the quick bar slot and leaving it empty. Since you needed those 10 blocks in the quick slot, you'll have to reassign them from the main inventory.

I don't know if this has something to do with the game code at all, but would it be possible to leave the quick bar slot for last? This way if we have 10 blocks in that slot, they will stay there.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Keep repair difficult.
« on: 12 Feb 2014, 18:05:56 »
I may have seen a slith difference, going from ~22 to 30 in a few hours but I'm not 100% sure.

Anyway, the problem as stated before isn't really the slow leveling but the Iron Repair level.

70 seems really too high for bread and butter repairs. Iron is common, indeed, but you can't repair it for a long time.

I've suggested something like this in the Kickstart the Economy thread.

Restone seems the best candidate from that list because it's "uncommon" and the value could be set low enough to avoid inflation.

Coal is really not a good idea imo. It's a good fuel and also a neat building block so it already have a good variety of uses.

Sugarcane will cause the problems of V5 with infinite farms etc...

The rest are niche items, better suited for decoration (like lily pads) and p2p trading than mass storage.

Server Announcements / Re: Kick starting the Economy
« on: 12 Feb 2014, 17:56:01 »
As far as I can see, all this will do is get rid of almost all diamonds from the market and will increase even more the divide between rich and poor players.

At the moment all the noobs are trying their best to NOT spend money, in order to gather reasources to found towns, build their homes and stuff.

With fewer diamonds around, people with the most money will buy all in stock and cause the price to skyrocket even more.

To kickstart the economy you don't want to increase the price for a particular resource, because that will cause a stagnation (or worse, a thrust) for that particular market.

You want to give people the power to BUY more, not to SELL more.

To accomplish that, selling different types of junk items to the server (and not to the players) is the optimal way.

Saplings and seeds are a good example since they can be farmed, but they don't give a tremendous yeld like logs and wheat do (oak saplings are ~15-20% of the logs yeld and seeds have 33% of the wheat).

Something like 24 noobs per stack will give people something more to get money from, without taking away resources from the open market.

Nothing so substantial to cause inflation but at the same notable enough to give a hand to the people who can't grind all day or simply prefer to do other things in the game instead of mining.

Just my 2 very accurately ponderated cents.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Keep repair difficult.
« on: 11 Feb 2014, 04:05:42 »
As I said in chat, the problem is that Repair is a twofold waste of time at the moment: time stolen from other skills and no resource gathering bonus of any sort.

You can only repair stone tools until level 30, and it takes days of focused leveling to reach that.
Iron tools require level 70 and those are the first actually useful ones (especially picks).

The real strength of the skill comes when you'll be repairing diamond tools for less diamonds than what they were built for, but that requires hundreds of levels.

Currently you are forced to work on a skill without having any gain of any sort for a really long time, while all the other skills are both faster to level up and will provide you resources right from the start.

If you spent the same amount of time on any other skill, by the time you reach diamond repair you would have gathered way more resources than what you'll be saving.

Excavation skill is worth to be mentioned since it can provide a good variety of bonus loot (including diamonds) and takes way less time to provide benefits that have a direct impact on the economy.
Even at low levels you can get a decent amount of bones, extremely useful to kickstart wood sales in a new server.

Having something so slow to level that even with an exp bonus (not my case) it takes a ridiculous amount of time to become barely useful doesn't make any sense.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Automatic chanel changing
« on: 10 Feb 2014, 20:00:14 »
I'm already using general as the default channel cause I find the automatic swtch annoying so the result is the same.

The only thing that would change is that I don't have to manually switch each time I log and each time I teleport... it's not like it's impossible to do in other ways.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: We should use /auc start
« on: 9 Feb 2014, 15:46:08 »
The most probable reason they rely on a web-based auction system is to avoid adding weight to the game server.

Since to make auctions and bids you need to query an online database, all those concurrent queries could slow down the game for everyone else and that's really sub optimal.

This way the Minecraft server application doesn't need to handle all the queries in real time but just a scheduled account sync every X minutes.

One quick note: please try to check your spelling.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Automatic chanel changing
« on: 9 Feb 2014, 15:31:59 »
I understand why it's like that, but I'd like a commnad to set one channel as the default one.

The most annoying thing is when I'm going back and forth from mining trips and my channel keeps switching and the people I'm talking to (or will be talking to) are not physically close to me.

Server Announcements / Re: Open Beta!
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 23:46:11 »
IGN: Darkwings

Server Announcements / Re: Welcome to V6 Beta!
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 22:37:04 »
i wasnt aware of that post.. where is it?


There were also other instances where the same thing was referred/linked/explained and the latest "veteran" thing was the title donation for people having more 1 title (due to multiple achievements).

Server Announcements / Re: Welcome to V6 Beta!
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 22:17:22 »
So it seems like they didnt even promote me to veteran yet which makes me unable to log on until they make me vet? :( ehh...

To be fair, they actually asked people to let them know if they didn't receive a title change when they posted the lists and everybody had weeks to do that :|

Server Announcements / Re: Welcome to V6 Beta!
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 21:15:56 »
I made sure that I had enough sour cream chips to burn while waiting  8|

Server Announcements / Re: Welcome to V6 Beta!
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 21:06:49 »
I Cant Connect

Neither can I, Taco, neither can I... ;-;

That's normal for you (not for Taco) since you're not a Veteran nor a VIP so you need to apply to the whitelist thread when it's created (soon enough I guess). Since my plans for this night went down the drain I'll be here to apply too :D

Other / Re: I have 10nbz...
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 20:56:40 »
I had 10 too (like everyone else I guess) and now I have zero (again, like everyone else I guess).

Most probably they had to test the system and then pulled those noobz back since the launch is so close.

Guides / Re: V6: Wilderness Guide
« on: 7 Feb 2014, 12:41:56 »
So everybody will have a command to teleport to their Wilderness home and another to teleport to their Town home, correct?

Related questions:
-Can we set home on a chunk we do not own?
-Can a builder set home on a chunk with building permissions?
-Is there a specific permission to allow someone to set home on my chunks?

The sum of those would make possible to turn a wilderness area into a pseudo town.

Server Announcements / Re: Making Money in V6: Economy talk!
« on: 6 Feb 2014, 15:22:52 »
In future updates of the auction, there will be town specific sides that list everything sold from residents of each town. So you can help support your residents/create a town market system.

That's cool. The possibility to have people chip in and keep track of transaction will surely help with big projects.

Guides / Re: Important v6 guides!
« on: 6 Feb 2014, 08:29:47 »
I suggest making this thread sticky. The single guides sank in the sea of threads before.

Towns & Nations / Re: Dracomere V6 Information
« on: 6 Feb 2014, 08:23:47 »
The garden crossway will be most probably used exactly as a splitter, not just for farms but also to divide districts/areas.

The current versions of the town plans include tiny public spots with a very specific purpose that would greatly benefit from a modular town expansion and the garden (with its variations) could very well be the above ground level. Almost like roundabouts on real life roads.

Towns & Nations / Re: Looking for a town!
« on: 6 Feb 2014, 08:08:16 »

Yes its in a suitable place so don't worry about that =) and i'd suggest checking Dracomere its going to be ran by a ex-moderator and ex-mayor of the town Dragonfire.

And I'm making the dragons! XD (and other stuff)

Server Announcements / Re: Making Money in V6: Economy talk!
« on: 5 Feb 2014, 21:06:38 »
Stuff about sharing revenues and exclusive sales

As far as explained no, the only way you can share with someone else is putting stuff into a physical chest and share the access to that. About revenues, the only way to have a shared stash of money is a town bank so far.

You could give all the items to one trusted person that will start all the auctions needed.
Auctions can be constantly monitored and expiration times are public, so you will know if they expired or not and how many items have been sold and for how much.

The main problem is calculating quotas, not the actual sharing.
Say you have 10 woodcutters. Who will check how much wood each of them is putting on the shared stack?
Of course the guy putting 20 stacks will want more money than the guy putting just 5.
Then you'll probably end up having someone putting nothing at all, yet demaning money.

To solve that you'd need a supervisor, one trusted person with access to all the chests, most probably the same one that will start the auctions and share the revenue.

The only alternative would be implementing a proper "guild bank" system like in many other games where everything deposited is logged and no one can lie.

Could be interesting but also a bit demanding on the server.

Other / Re: What Client Side Mods Will You Use In V6?
« on: 4 Feb 2014, 19:06:47 »
The only one I'd consider using would be Optifine if it's needed.

Most of the performance issues will be caused by high ping this time around (instead of Nvidia/OpenGL related) so most probably it won't make a difference, especially considering that the game engine changed a lot and with my current machine I never saw any FPS drop of any sort.

Server Announcements / Re: Making Money in V6: Economy talk!
« on: 4 Feb 2014, 00:20:33 »
Finally the junk items shop explained :D

PS: Dokucraft has been discontinued a long time ago and "the saga continues" is a spin-off that allows players to build their own doku-like pack with variations of the original textures.
It felt like playing a good old SNES rpg :D

My question was the same as FlammableCow's one and the doubt raised is valid: how are we going to generate money?

Barters and jobs don't generate money, they just move it around.

So far the only listed way to generate noobz is killing monsters and doing quests (whatever they'll require) and it's a bit limiting in gameplay choices (and time required too).
If your main focus in the game isn't killing stuff and exploring ruins, you won't be able to do much else on your own.

If killing monsters for noobz is not going to inflate the economy neither should farming with the same ratio of effort/gain.

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