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Messages - JohnReiher

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Suggestions & Ideas / Farming and Crop mods
« on: 19 Aug 2014, 22:04:21 »
I know that for most folks, vanilla Minecraft is just fine. However, I'd love to be able to expand the number and types of crops and increase the kinds of foods that can be crafted for sale.

Of all the mods I've seen, Pam's HarvestCraft is one of the better ones out there.

Is there any chance of adding this to our servers, at least to the Towny server?

Support / Re: My livestock disappeared
« on: 19 Aug 2014, 18:05:00 »
That means I need to get some chickens and more sheep. That's going to take some time.

Support / Re: My livestock disappeared
« on: 19 Aug 2014, 04:51:47 »
Both the sheep and the chicken were free range. So they both were eating. Well, the sheep were eating. So I would have to feed the chickens on a regular basis then?

Support / My livestock disappeared
« on: 18 Aug 2014, 23:38:05 »
Just this week, all of my sheep and chickens vanished from my chunks in the Wilds. And no, they didn't run away, as I have tall walls set up to keep them in. Were the Wilds reset for mobs?

Noobstown General / Re: Mob limit?
« on: 18 Aug 2014, 23:36:22 »
Well, I just noticed that all of my sheep and chickens are gone from my Wild Chunks. One day they were there, the next, gone. My cats are still in place, however.

Noobstown General / Re: Information for /Visit
« on: 30 Jul 2014, 23:25:28 »
Visit my Wilds place, /visit JohnReiher. There's free cake! Hopefully you'll be able to eat some! See my cats, sheep and chickens. (And the occasional mob that sneaks in somehow...)

And this will be my first Tourney!

Guides / Re: Using /visit
« on: 26 Jul 2014, 02:54:49 »
That's Great! I'll have to set up a landing station for my Wilds domicile. Thanks for implementing this new feature!

Server Announcements / Re: Server Rules Update
« on: 18 Jul 2014, 18:19:31 »
So using the expletive from Battlestar Galactica, "Fr*k" would also be banned?

Market Place / Auction: 30 minutes to go: Cocoa Beans
« on: 17 Jul 2014, 22:07:56 »
Four stacks of Cocoa beans for sale in the Auction! Only 1,001 Noobz Each!

Noobstown General / Re: Creating Golems
« on: 8 Jul 2014, 06:44:11 »
I've made TNT, so it's not disabled, just that it's only good against mobs.

Noobstown General / Re: Creating Golems
« on: 7 Jul 2014, 22:20:03 »
Thanks folks! I was wondering, as I had done a search on the topic and found several old posts about using Golems for protecting your property. I guess it got out of hand with some folks fielding an army of golems...

Noobstown General / Creating Golems
« on: 7 Jul 2014, 21:24:46 »
I tried to create an Iron Golem today and I wasn't able to build one. I had all the ingredients, Iron blocks and a Pumpkin, but I couldn't build one in my place in the Wilds.

Are crafting Golems not turned on for players in the current build?

Support / Problems connecting to Planet Minecraft to vote
« on: 1 Jul 2014, 15:29:38 »
For the past couple of days I've been getting a timeout message trying to connect to the Planet Minecraft site to vote.

I can connect to the home page and the servers page, but after that, it times out. Is this happening to anyone else or is just me and my connection?

I have a sugar cane growing area, so I've been using that to practice fishing in. So hopefully I'll be ready for the event!

No worries Crafty, it needed to be done. I was thinking about moving it anyway.

That means I have to move my table... Thanks Crafty!

Server Announcements / Re: Cloudsquid: EULA Information
« on: 23 Jun 2014, 23:42:43 »
The two biggest changes are ones I really agree with: You can't buy in game money with real money and you can buy special abilities not available to ordinary users.

Yes, I'm being a hypocrite, I've paid for a VIP account and I have bought noobs, but in either case it was because the VIP account abilities are very useful and at the time I bought the noobs, I wasn't making very many and I'm not really into massive farming or mining operations.

But that's the problem. Those who can afford the perks, will have an advantage over those that can't afford them. (Or refuse to spend any money on a "free game".)

I've played supposedly free games that the only way to "win" was to spend money on perks and in game cash. It was nearly impossible to win if you didn't buy that in game cash.

And that's the problem, Minecraft isn't about "winning" it's about having fun making stuff and digging holes. :-)

So for the future, I think having a pledge drive to raise funds is a great idea. The cost of running a server is a known cost for the most part, so asking for donations with goals that unlock different VIP abilities for everyone for the duration of the pledge drive and a week afterwards would be a good carrot.

Also, players should gain VIP abilities based on in game achievements. Win that duel with a skeleton? Get a bonus to your archery ability and unlock a special ability.

And yes, if you're going to grandfather us VIPs in, then existing users should get special upgrades based on their existing achievements.

Well, these are my thoughts on the matter, I await to see how our admins decide to address this change.

Thanks Lawerence. I know you folks will come up with a plan that is viable and fair.


So it breaks down as such:

What You CAN do
Sell ranks with non game changing elements (e.g. /hat, /me, /nick), Charge players to be able to play on the server, Accept donations that don't get rewards

What You CAN'T do
Sell ranks with pay to win perks (e.g. /mc, /enderchest, /disguise), Sell in game money or website points, Make special kits for donators

So what does that mean for those of us who have purchased VIP memberships? I myself, wouldn't mind a small monthly subscription to help pay for the server, but that does mean folks can't buy Noobz anymore and the current market will undergo some fluctuation as those with a lot of Noobz hang on to them, while others make use of the /shop and sell stuff back to the game for Noobz. I expect to see prices fluctuate as this settles out.

Market Place / Re: Wanted: Slime Balls
« on: 20 Jun 2014, 22:50:44 »
OK, how much?

Market Place / Re: Wanted: Slime Balls
« on: 20 Jun 2014, 03:17:18 »
Yes I do need sticky pistons. What are you looking for in trade Nebih?

Market Place / Wanted: Slime Balls
« on: 18 Jun 2014, 17:16:39 »
Hi folks, I'm looking for at least 8 slime balls for a project I'm working on. I've been wandering the mining world and haven't had much luck in finding any slimes to kill for their slime balls.

Let me know what you'd want in trade. Make it a list, as I have several items, just not much in terms of rare items.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Furnaces not running when offline
« on: 18 Jun 2014, 01:57:48 »
I didn't know, so now I know.

One thing though, I noticed that my neighbors' redstone devices were running. Was that because I was visiting his place and loading the chunk?

Suggestions & Ideas / Furnaces not running when offline
« on: 13 Jun 2014, 02:36:11 »
I've noticed that when I'm not on my Wilds plot, if I start my furnace up with a load of ore, if I go offline, or to another world, the furnace stops and only restarts when I return to the Wilds plot.

Is this intentional? It's a bit of a bother, having to stand there while the furnace does it's business. Especially if I'm online, but in a different world, like Town or Mining.

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