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Messages - KazzualGamer

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Noobstown General / I can't fish :O
« on: 4 Jul 2013, 02:10:06 »
I don't know if it's something wrong or a new 1.6 thing but when i try to fish i can't hear the splash sound anymore. I can still fish because i can see the bobber thingy go down but it's alot harder now D: I just wanted to know if anyone else was having this problem. I can hear like the water and everything else around me it's just the splash that i can't hear.

Personal Info
In game name: WindowCreeprr 
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Time Zone:  EST

How well do you know towny and it's commands: I've had alot of practice in the last couple of months so i'd say i know the commands pretty well. :D
Have you ever run or had a high ranking position in a town: Yes
How long have you been on Noobstown: A little under a year (Joined early August)

Ranking - See rankings and meanings above
If accepted, what rank would you like to be: Assistant/District Owner
Do you have any experience as this rank in another town: Yes :L
Why do you think you would be good for this job:  Because I've done it before and it gives me something to do i swear if it wasn't for being an assistant i'd probably fish 24/7 on here. It's also good practice because i hope to be a mayor myself one day.

If Accepted Do You Agree To
Donate noobz, materials, time, and effort toward the town: Of course :D
Follow the rules of the town:  Yup
Use your powers in any way you see fit: Absolutely

-But one question can you be the assistant of more than one town or will i have to move there to get a rank?

I watched people play minecraft for years until July of 2012 when my dad finally let me buy an account. Noobstown was the first server i played because it seemed like a beginner server (yanno, because its called noobs-town so i figured it was for noobs, and i’m all like: “I’m a noob i’ll fit right in!”) So then i got on, made an account, yada yada yada... then i was officially a member!

   At first it took me awhile to get to know people, i didn’t know how to fight mobs or craft hardly anything at all! I probably annoyed a bunch of people with my constant questions on “How to make a fence” which was probably the most difficult task for me to this day. Eventually i got the hang of it and ended up meeting some awesome people. So i met this guy (i think his name was like hayden or something) and he asked me to be his roommate so i took it as an opportunity to stop hiding in my house and interact with the other residents. We moved in together and learned more about each other. It was awesome for about three days, but then i started coming across some nice looking wool and wanted decorate my side of the room and....let’s just say it didn’t end well and i ended up homeless....yeah. I kinda took a break from the server after that because i was tired of being a wanderer with no one to really talk to.

   So fast forward 7 months later and i decide to get back on because my cousin bestjoker9 (I’m sure you have heard of him with all his shenanigans) wanted to try it out so i thought i’d show him the ropes. He actually was alot better at it then when i first started out. We taught each other alot like at first i was superior and he was a rookie but we both helped each other grow. He taught me things like archery, and mining techniques. I taught him how to bargain, make potions, and use an enchantment table. My greatest achievement in minecraft was finding diamonds. Usually i would buy diamonds with my own money so being able to actually get it on my own was a really big thing for me. I’d say another big achievement for me would be being an assistant of Townsville. Because the mayor had his own life to tend to, i felt like it was my duty to take charge and make sure everyone is okay and help out with whatever i can because if it was my town i would want someone to do that for me.

   I was saving up for a while to make a town of my own, but when i heard that v6 was coming out i was all like “Nooooo! Everything i worked hard for will be gone someone slap me and tell me it’s all just a dream!!” But eventually i got over it and tried to think of all the positive that will come from it. I guess it is time for a change, huh!

   Oh man, the worst memory of v5...was when i got my shop taken away with everything in it. Me and bestjoker9 made a shop together in the market district (it was two plots put into one shop) and we agreed that we would both make sure that we had enough to pay our 200 a day fee. But my shop partner decided to go on a shopping spree and ended up broke so half of our shop was inaccessible. I threw a fit a told him to get it back so he sold all of the useless things he bought and ended up having to pay the 10,000 again. So i was away for a few days studying for exams and what not, but when i get back, lo and behold half of the shop is inaccessible....AGAIN! So he got to experience another one of my tantrums and promised to get it back. I took a 15-20 minute Tumblr break and when i got back to the shop half of it was COMPLETELY GONE. I mean it was nothing, a completely wiped plot i’m all like whaaaaaat??!?

He said he decided to get rid of it and i was so mad because all of my precious diamonds, emeralds, potions, etc was in that half of the shop. I asked did he at least save my stuff and i was like “of course” so then i’m feeling kinda better and i ask him to hand it over and he gave me sand and some sugar. I was upset for days. I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. I kicked him out of my house and made him take his stuff with him (He was living in my house because i don’t know). It took awhile but i got over it. It seems pretty silly when i look back at how angry i was.

   And here we are to the present! Nowadays i’m just laying back collecting tokens and getting ready for the grand opening of v6. Wow i am really excited i try to participate in all the token events (Though i have yet to win one). I love all the awesome people i have met here and i hope we can continue this family-vibe we got going on up in here :D. What are my plans for v6 you ask? I wanna try to stop being a hermit and actually participate in what everyone else is doing for once. It gets kinda boring being by yourself yanno. But other then that i really wanna get rich and make a town this time. And the awesome thing about it is that we’re all starting at the same time so maybe if i stick around this time, i’ll have a chance to be at the top of the food chain >:D. (I made a low quality amaetur video for you guys because i needed to practice my editing skills anyway :) enjoy.)

Music / Re: What are u listening right now?
« on: 27 May 2013, 03:47:43 »
ATL - A Daydream Away

I love these sappy love songs :L they comfort me when i'm feeling down ;u;

Noobstown General / Re: How long have you been around?
« on: 27 May 2013, 03:35:16 »
I's been here since August of '12 so less than a year ;u;. Seems like forever...

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