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Messages - itisnotyou

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Guides / Re: Chat Tutorial
« on: 5 Apr 2015, 14:31:43 »
Private chat
If you want to send a private message to somebody you can use /msg <player>
If you only type part of the name of the player you will start chatting with whichever online player has the closest matching name. To exit private chat you must switch back to another chat channel using /ch g or /ch l for example. If somebody has private messaged you, you can use /r to enter a private chat with that person.

Quick chat
There also are a few shortcuts which you can use to quickly send a message to a certain place without switching channels:

Global chat: /g <message>
Local chat: /l <message>
Party chat: /p <message>
Quick private reply: /r <message>
Quick PM: /msg <player> <message>

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: BEACONS IN THE WILD
« on: 10 Feb 2015, 23:22:28 »
Thank you Larry. My wild build plans have gone in a different direction!

Just a thought on the potion effects (I'm not interested in them for my build however). When a player activates the beacon, the server checks the area to be affected by the potion effect. If the entire area is owned by the beacon activator, the potion effects are allowed. If the entire area is not owned by the beacon owner, then no effect.
You know what would be even better? If we could just have a /beacon command with which you could disable being affected by beacons. Similar to the /pvp command. As the problem with people being annoyed by beacon effects is not only a problem in the wild. Beacons in towns are just as anoying as beacons owned by your wild neighbors could be.

Noobstown General / Re: Changed User Name :/
« on: 4 Feb 2015, 23:35:15 »
Does that give you the old token back too then?
Yes, your UUID never changes and the server just checks if your UUID matches the name you initiale joined with as far as I know.

Noobstown General / Re: Changed User Name :/
« on: 4 Feb 2015, 19:49:42 »
Remember to try changing it back once you can in like 60 days. If your username is still available then, then you'll be able to join the server again.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Town Labels on Map
« on: 4 Feb 2015, 08:15:10 »
Great idea!
Admins, there's a plugin for this already:

Pictures / Re: Photos of Noobstown's World!
« on: 2 Feb 2015, 08:16:42 »
Atlas Steve in Skyside Market would be great :D
/visit chompertons

Pictures / Re: Photos of Noobstown's World!
« on: 17 Jan 2015, 14:19:11 »
These pictures look amazing. I wish my computer could run those shaders.

P.S. A shot of -11000,140,5533 would be nice to have :)

Server Announcements / Re: Username Changing - Update
« on: 16 Jan 2015, 00:24:54 »
I assume that if you change your name and then change it back again you should be able to join again.

Noobstown General / Re: Leaving for a while
« on: 8 Jan 2015, 23:55:49 »
Just login once a month to keep your wild plots, and don't worry about your town plots, you won't get kicked out for inactivity.
You only need to login once every 3 months to keep wild plots.

In the past week many of you searched for the snowmen in Skyside. At last it is time for us to announce the winners! From all the participants two players managed to find all 10 hidden snowmen, well done! Edixsabourin found all 10 first and shortly after that sir_Andrew99876 also managed to find all 10. Since two players managed to find all 10 snowmen we had to randomly pick one for the grand prize. From a random draw (using the winner turned out to be edixsabourin! The bonus prize consisting of 25k and a special trophy goes to sir_Andrew99876. All other participants will receive a participation trophy. Please contact me in-game to claim your prize!

For everyone who did not manage to find all the snowmen I posted the locations here below:

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Anti-Sniping on auction
« on: 1 Jan 2015, 09:45:29 »
An easy way to solve the problem would be the way eBay does it I suppose. Everyone sets the limit which they want to pay for an item and all bidding is done automatically. This would pretty much eliminate all sniping and at the same time prevent people from overpaying for items. For example, you set your limit for some item at 10 million nbz, the someone else sets their limit at 6 million and you get the item for 6.1 million. However I somehow feel that this would take allot of the fun out of the auction house.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Anti-Sniping on auction
« on: 31 Dec 2014, 22:17:31 »
No use bidding, because the rich will just snipe it last second. Welcome to ebay :)
eBay doesn't work like this. On eBay you set the maximum amount that you're willing to pay and then eBay does all the penny bidding work for you automatically.

I'll be gone until jan 1st, but keep on looking for those snowmen! Remember, some snowmen like swimming.

***Please read this entire post carefully if you want to win 100k***
As the end of the year is nearing we here in Skyside figured it would be the perfect time for a little challenge. Throughout the whole town of Skyside we hid 10 structures which may look a bit like a snowman. Some will be easy to find, others will be more difficult. Whoever finds the most of them before the contest ends will be rewarded with our grand prize of 100.000Nbz. If multiple players manage to find all snowmen, then the winner will be randomly chosen among those players. There will be a special bonus prize for the person whom finds all 10 snowmen first. The contest is open for all members, vips and staff members on the server.

How to participate
-Come to town using /t spawn skyside
-If you find a snowman, look for a sign with a 5 character code on the snowman (example: 59DF2) and send the code to me using a forum PM. The time at which you send the pm will count as the time you found the snowman at for the contest.
-If possible include a screenshot of yourself and the snowman  :D

-If you find a snowman do not tell anyone else about it, it will only lower your own chance of winning
-Do not post any of the codes or snowman locations you find in the server chat.
-Do not attempt to cheat in any way possible
-Do not send me an ingame pm or mail if you find a snowman, use the forum pm to send me (itisnotyou) a message.

If you break any of the given rules you may forfeit your chance of winning a prize. The challenge will run until January 1st, after which the winner(s) will be anounced in a forum post. When the end of the month is nearing we may or may not share a few hints on the locations. This will depend on how many snowman have been found. To get everyone started, here's a screenshot of the location of the first snowman:

If you have any questions regarding the contest please let us know in this forum thread.

Competitions & Events / Re: Chunk of the Month - December
« on: 20 Dec 2014, 21:54:18 »
IGN: itisnotyou
Information: once upon a time there was a room.
/visit itisnotyou

Noobstown General / Re: So much lag spikes
« on: 16 Dec 2014, 07:00:36 »
Optifine has nothing to do with the latency to the server. The lag has been daily for months now, and yes it is better sometimes, but they are period of hours. The routing to NY servers is just very strange with this minecraft server. And it's affecting me. I can play fine if I change the routing by using a VPN. It's amazing to see traceroutes to jump to 4000ms once it went from EU to US ix-points.
According to an earlier post by the admins, the ddos filter manages to prioritize US traffic over EU traffic and/or incorrectly rate limits EU traffic. Not necaserely a routing issue. The ddos filters often are implemented at data center level and that's also were the traceroutes show the increased latency.

To add to what Floris said, the limits are set at:

Wild chunks: 3 months

Town membership, plots and money: 12 months.

(And you won't loose your rank or plot in skyside any eerlier of course)

Server Announcements / Re: Noobmas 2014
« on: 30 Nov 2014, 23:43:42 »
Sounds awesome! During the noobmas town visiting, will there be any time for towns to host tiny events? (Like what we had in skyside for Easter visiting)

Competitions & Events / Re: Chunk of the Month - November
« on: 28 Nov 2014, 20:00:29 »
IGN: itisnotyou

Once uppon a time this igloo was inhabited by eskimos. Now after they abandonned it, it's been empty for years. Come visit it and sit around the cozy fire.

/visit itisnotyou

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Weekend server events
« on: 19 Nov 2014, 22:53:30 »
Still perhaps some towns/regular players could host events once in a while. Like the other day I noticed there was a spontaneous player hosted monopoly event which seemed to be pretty successful. Some other events might require mod or admin assistance of course, but others can be hosted by players themselves. Also if it would be possible for players to submit their events to admins, then they could possibly be posted in the announcements section on the forums. In that way more people may attend them. I'm personally willing to host a few events in my town if there's enough interest.

Event ideas that can be done without any assistance:
-Find the sign
-pvp (depending on the setup)
-spleef (would require tremendous amount of manual labour)
-boat racing
-horse racing

Event ideas that can be done with mod assistance:
-Fishing (inventory checking required)
-advanced pvp (inventory checking required)

Event ideas that can be done with admin assistance:
-Parkour (would require one time disabling of teleport related commands in a region)
-All the other stuff like cube, sand pit, etc.

Towns & Nations / Skyside's Mob Room is open to the public!
« on: 14 Nov 2014, 14:14:47 »

Do you like slaying mobs and gaining xp? Do you like slaying mobs without them slaying you? Then the Skyside mob room may be the place to go for you. Occupying a total of 36 plots our brand new dome shaped mob room might be the perfect place for you to visit and to fight some mobs. Inside you'll find yourself in a completely dark room in which many mobs will spawn. (please note that mob spawn rates may vary depending on how many people are online and how many mobs are spawned elsewhere) The 4 beacons, providing you with regenerations, protection II, strength II and speed II, will keep you safe and allow you kill almost all mobs in one or two hits. When you gained allot of xp you can utilized one of our enchantment tables or anvils right there in the mob room. Als you can directly repair your weapons and tools using the mcmmo salvage anvils. If you get tired of fighting or just want to watch others fight mobs, you can head over to one of the 4 spectators areas and safely enjoy the show.

Getting there:
To get to our public mob room, just do /t spawn skyside, and head north west until you see the big dome shaped building.

I hope to be able to welcome many of you in our skyside mobroom in the near future. If you happen to experience any issues in our mobroom, please don't hesitate to contact me or another Skyside staff member.

TL;DR new cool place to fight mobs in skyside, come join us now!

Server Announcements / Re: Update on Recent mcMMO Changes
« on: 12 Nov 2014, 21:50:43 »
If you don't agree with the changes which happened outside the control of the server admins, I'd suggest submitting an issue/feature request/enhancement directly to the mcmmo developers over here: (be friendly and don't spam them)

Support / Re: Salvage Wrecked?
« on: 10 Nov 2014, 07:39:24 »
The new salvage comes with two passive abilities:
Arcane Salvage

Unlocks at Salvage level: 0, (default setting: 125)

This ability allows you to get enchanted books when salvaging enchanted items. Depending on your level the chance of successfully extracting a full or partial enchantment varies.

When an enchantment is partially extracted, the enchantment book will have a lower level enchantment compared to what it was on the item.

Advanced Salvage

Unlocks at Salvage level: 2000 (default setting: 350)

When unlocked, this ability allows you to salvage damaged items. The yield percentage increases as you level up. A higher yield means that you can get more materials back. With advanced salvage you will always get 1 material back, unless the item is too damaged. So you don't have to worry about destroying items without getting anything in return.

To illustrate how this works, here's an example: Let's say we salvage a gold pickaxe which is damaged for 20%, this means that the maximum amount you could get is only 2 (because the pick is crafted with 3 ingots - each worth 33,33% durability) which is equal to 66%. If your yield percentage is below 66% you are not able to get 2 ingots. If it is above this value you are able to gain the "full amount", which means that you will get 2 ingots.
So it is still possible to get more then one item if your salvage level is high enough. As a bonus feature it now also is possible to salvage enchants. This sounds nicer in the long run, but now it is unfair for this who've worked so hard to get up to repair level 1000.
edit: added correct levels

Support / Re: connection issues
« on: 4 Nov 2014, 22:55:40 »
That should probably not get you blocked as it will still be a normal non-harmful connection to the server. Although remember that your school may have good reasons for not wanting you to play minecraft :)

Noobstown General / Re: Repair levels
« on: 20 Sep 2014, 16:47:43 »

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