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Topics - ozzmancometh

Pages: 1 [2]
Guides / The quick-start newbie guide
« on: 19 May 2011, 02:22:32 »
Ok so i looked at all my other tutorials and i thought that maybe some people dont want to go through all my tutorials looking for 1 simple thing so... im going to add the most used things daily on the server


Ok so the most used thing that is used alot daily is /lwc.....

lwc is a item protection that lets you lock items for yourself by doing /cprivate or you can add a password for ultimate security which is /cpassword ... to unlock your chest you just simply left or right click on the chest with the password and you type in /cunlock... if you wish to remove a protection you could do /cremove

and of course you do have a limit to view your limit simply type in /climit

if there is a chest or a door your wondering about and its locked you can simply type in /cinfo and it will show who locked the chest and if you have access or not

if you wish to modify a protection, lets say change it from a private protection to a public one just siply type /cmodify pulic/private/password

If you have a private chest and wish t add people to it simply type the following

/cmodify @ name or if you wish to remove someone from the protection type /cmodify - name


Setting a home

ok so this is another command that gets used quite alot daily

this is a pretty simple command, it lets you make a home spawn which you can spawn at the spot you placed the home spot on but if you do the command somewhere else the old spot will be deleted

here is the command : /sethome to go to your set home area type /home


Ok so this is somthing that is the most used out of everything in the whle server,

this is the servers currency, it is needed to buy materials, towns, nations.... anything possible to buy.. will be needed with money

to make money you just simply either mine for ores, cut down trees, dig up dirt, whatever you want to do to make money! to view how much money you have left in your bank you can type /money, to view help about money you can type /money ? and if you wish to see if your the richest on the server you can type /money top amount ( by amount i mean how many people or towns you wish to list default is 5 )

Chat Channels

ok so there are chat channels but its only available if you belong to a town to talk in your towns chat you can type /tc message or if you wish to stay in your towns chat type /r set mode tc

The lottery

The lottery is another easy way to make NZ whch is the servers currency

to buy a ticket you type /lottery buy when you win, the amount is not random it gives you the amount of nz that is in the pot, which means that if 9 people bought tickets there will be 4,500.00 nz in the pot, tickets are 500.00 nz each and the pick of each winner is random.


so in the server you can teleport to other people and the person who you sent the request to teleport to them can either decline it, accept it or just simply ignore it

to teleport to someone type : /tpa playername

if someone is trying to teleport to you

it will give you the options


and finally the number one thing alot of people tend to get confused about is... the shop plugin.

Better shop
[Shop plugin]

You can check an item price in the shop by typing /shopcheck dirt for example
you can change dirt with anything such as stone,sand,iron ore.. etc

To buy from the shop type:

/shopbuy (ITEM) (AMOUNT)

example: /shopbuy stone 64

To sell to the shop type:

/shopsell (ITEM) (AMOUNT)

example: /shopsell dirt 15

If you prefer to use item id's instead of typing:

/shopbuy dirt 1

and you would rather type:

/shopbuy 3 1

Here is the website with all the item id's

To get a list of items that are in the shop type:

/shop list

There are 20 pages in the shop and the first page only shows 9 items.

To go through the list type

/shop list 2

/shop list 3

/shop list 4

keep going like that until you reach the last page which is 20

I hope this helps some of the players that are struggling with the shop plugin.

Muting other Players

if you are getting annoyed at other players instead of starting a fight you can simply just mute them! by doing this command: /ignore playername

Changing channels

so to change your chat channel either do /ch local so that only people around your area hear you /ch global so that everyone can hear you o r/tell name to have a private chat with someone or /msg name to send a suser a message

Noobstown General / Typical Forum Rules
« on: 12 May 2011, 00:40:19 »

Videos / Come Share A Random Video!
« on: 11 May 2011, 12:50:08 »
so here my random vid! ( warning you might find it cute ^_^ )

Edit: Embedded your video ~ Fatnoob

Guides / FAQ
« on: 11 May 2011, 12:44:20 »
Some details here may now be out of date.

FAQ Of The NoobsTown Server

This Server is currently Running on 1.7.3
and with 6 gigs of ram!

The server currently runs on the Bukkit plugin.

What is Bukkit?

What is Bukkit? We believe our first announcement revealing the project to the Minecraft community says it best:

Bukkit is an up-and-coming Minecraft Server mod that will completely change how running and modifying a Minecraft server is done - making managing and creating servers easier and providing more flexibility. Learning from the mistakes made by other mods, Bukkit aims to be different and fill the void left by them: built from the ground up we've focused on performance, ease-of-use, extreme customisability and better communication between the Team and, you, our users. The overall design of Bukkit has been inspired by other mods and our experience as Minecraft players just like yourselves, giving us a unique perspective and advantage going into the creation of the Bukkit Project

Your server, your way
Creating the dream Minecraft server you have always wanted has never been easier. Bukkit will provide you with the tools necessary to completely shape your server exactly how you like and makes it easy to maintain it through the use of a built in plugin install, uninstall and updating system. Unlike other mods, Bukkit will not force any functionality on you that isn't absolutely necessary to run a Minecraft server. This results in less bloat and, as a result, better performance. With a click of a button or the entering of a command, you can have a plugin installed onto your server with ease.

More, for less
Having ran a large Minecraft server utilising over 40+ hMod plugins, I can honestly say that keeping performance in mind is key. Though it may not be evident to most of you, the way hMod is designed results in a significant dip in performance that wouldn't be there without it. That's right: most of you who are having performance issues are experiencing them due to hMod doing things in an inefficient manner, like locking everything into one thread - preventing Minecraft from doing more than one thing at a time.

Ease of use
The days of guessing what a command or feature does are over. From the start we've kept in mind the difficulties we've faced when using the other mods available for the Minecraft server and the Minecraft server itself. Up until I got involved in the hMod project, there was an extreme lack of documentation for the mod - making it more complicated than it should have been to run your Minecraft server. When it comes to the Bukkit project, we'll be providing clear documentation and as many resources as we can to make it easier for our users and interested developers. On top of this, we'll be trying our best to make our commands - and encourage plugin developers to make their commands - follow a logical naming scheme that hopefully tells you exactly what a command will do.

A supportive Team and community
As users of other Minecraft mods, we understand that you're often left feeling ignored. Having provided a large amount of support for hMod myself, I have a close understanding as to what difficulty users were having with the mod and what users wanted. My philosophy of caring for our community and our users extends throughout the rest of the Team. The Bukkit Project's philosophy is to be involved with our community, not aside from it as much as possible - letting you have input into how you believe things should be done, within reason.

The possibilities are endless
For players and server admins: when designing Bukkit we made sure to provide plugin authors with as much control over the Minecraft server as is possible. This design choice will allow plugin authors to create many new features not possible on other mods due to poor design or lack of support. With a more feature rich API, you can expect much more out of the plugins that you will be offered for your Bukkit-based server, from entity anti-gravity to controlling different players seeing different blocks, your server will be guaranteed to be unique from any other.

For developers: one of the biggest advantages Bukkit has over other Minecraft mods is how extensible and easily customisable it is. This advantage is further extended by our design choice to keep in the mind the possibility of 3rd party Minecraft servers needing a modding and plugin interface. That being said, when any 3rd party developed Minecraft server becomes stable, Bukkit will be there to allow our collection of plugins to work with them too through a new interface, without any work required for the plugin author to make it compatible.

If you're not a fan of Java (we don't blame you), Bukkit's design allows for plugins to be written natively in any language with ease.

You're in good hands
Much of the Bukkit team consists of people who were Minecraft users first and then hMod plugin developers giving the Bukkit Project a unique and varying view of what a Minecraft server mod should be providing. Along with experience as developers, many of our Team members, including myself run popular and large Minecraft communities and servers.

Furthermore, the core Bukkit Development Team consists of the people who have been maintaining hMod for the past few months. In fact, the birth of the Bukkit Project resulted from a discussion between Dinnerbone and myself about the many changes we were interested in making to hMod which would result in complete breakage of current hMod compatibility. That being said, we have a few months of experience under our belt already maintaining and developing mods (both our own and by other people).

What Is Towny?

Towny is a plugin where users make towns and nations and spread across the Minecraft map.

The towns cost money to make is currently at 75,000 Nz and costs 100nz to expand

For towny whenever you make a town the plots go by 16x16 blocks

Towns also have Towny Assistants and mayors and residents

for towny you NEED to know where you want your town and how you want your town to look like

if you need help... please refer to my starting a town post

if you already own a town and need help please refer to my LeaderShip post

Extra Towny Info Click

Nation Info

Nations are pretty much the same idea as a town except your dealing with mayors as your residents this time...

Mayors who own a town will ask to join your nation and you are free to choose if you do or don't want them too

In towny you can have nation or town wars against other nations/towns

For the commands list for Towns and Nations Please Refer to my full Commands list!

Another Plugin: Iconomy

Iconomy is a plugin where there are shops, lotteries , and even player hosted auctions!

With Iconomy you can earn money by selling items you find if they are available for sale or to be bought in the shop

Another Plugin: BB ( Big Brother )

This is another plugin that many Ops use on servers that help them identify who or how many person(s)

Greifed an object, last touched an object etc... So if your thinking about greifing Especially an ops town.. you might want to think again..

Big Brother NEVER misnames someone of doing absolutely nothing, it will always catch you if the ops use it on something you touched

End of FAQ for now.... looking for help! pm me if you know anything about the server!

Another Plugin: mcMMO

What is mcMMO?

mcMMO is a minecraft plugin where players on a server running with bukkit have skills that they can level up, The more you level them up the more damage/effect they will cause, Here are the skills and what thy are about!

Skills System Info

Mining - Mining increases depending on the materials you mine. Mining ores will give much more XP than just mining stone. How much XP depends entirely on the rarity of the ore. Diamond and Lapis give the highest XP. High skill levels give blocks the chance to drop double the normal items, get this high enough and it will be guaranteed.

Wood Cutting - Cutting down trees is the only way to level this currently. Higher skill levels will allow a double drop proc to happen, and if your skill is high enough it will be guaranteed.

Repair - Gained by reforging old and battered equipment, this skill helps the player use less resources when repairing with an anvil. Anvils are constructed via 9 Iron Ingots in a crafting table (Iron Block).

Unarmed - Punching the hell out of monsters will gain you experience, but you shalt not be rewarded from abusing farm animals. With this skill players can actually make unarmed useful for combat, great for combat even. Get this high enough and you can disarm what other players are holding and drop it to the ground.

Archery - Shooting arrows was cool in vanilla minecraft, for about 5 minutes that is. This skill is looking to change this, archery will let your damage increase at higher levels. And you can eventually daze players providing a very beneficial pvp benefit.

Herbalism - This one is for the harvest moon fans, picking herbs up (flowers, mushrooms) and harvesting crops will help raise this skill. Its benefits include double drops from farming and increasing the effectiveness of bread and stew.

Swords - This will give you even more reason to stab monsters between the eyes. Gaining skill in swords will help your swordsmanship of course, allowing you to perform a parry. Parries happen automagically and negate all damage. Higher skill levels will lead to parrying more often.

Axes - Embrace your inner viking with the axes skill. No longer are axes just for obsessively chopping down forests. With the axes skill, players will be able to do critical hits, instantly killing monsters and causing severe damage to players. As your skill increases, your chance to critically strike will too. At a certain skill level Axes damage will even be upgraded. What axe you use matters for the damage scaling, use a Diamond Axe for maximum damage.

Acrobatics - Finally the days of spraining your ankle have paid off, no longer will you look down a 100 meter drop with fear. With the acrobatics skill your ability to negate fall damage increases. And how do you negate fall damage? By rolling of course, a secret passed down through the ages. Tap into this mysterious 'rolling' ability by falling and training your body. If you're good enough you will never have to worry about fall damage again.

Music / Whats your favourite song and/or artist?
« on: 11 May 2011, 12:27:42 »
ok so i guess ill say mine first..

i think you all saw this coming so of course first one is

Ozzy Osbourne!

then A7X

Killswitch engage

Def leppard

Led Zepplin


Iron Maiden


i think thats it for now... i have alot more bands to list....

Guides / Better and More updated commands list
« on: 11 May 2011, 03:23:54 »
Ok, here you go with command list (PS) this will be updated as more things are added! :)

Chat Related                                                                                                                          

/tc [message] :Town Chat
/nc [message] :Nation Chat
/msg playername your message : send a private message to playername
/reply your message : send a private message to last payer who sent you a message

/resident set mode tc : to talk by default in Town Chat
/resident set mode nc : to talk by default in Nation Chat
/resident set mode reset : to talk by default in normal Chat

Resident Related                                                                                                                     

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /player or /r

/resident : your stats
/resident ? : Resident help list
/resident [resident] : Resident stats
/resident set mode map : toogles automap
/resident set mode townclaim :toggles autoclaim
/resident set mode map townclaim : toogles map and autoclaim
/resident set mode reset : disables map/autoclaim
/resident friend [add/remove] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove resident to your friendlist
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove offline resident to your friendlist
/resident friend clearlist : clears friendlist
/resident delete [resident] : delete resident of our friendlist
/resident set perm [on/off] :enable disable permissions on your plots
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :more specific
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off] :even more specific

reset : Reset modes to default.
map : Show the map as you move between town blocks.
townclaim : Claim as you walk.
townunclaim : Unclaim as you walk.
tc : Talking to your town won't require you to prefix "/tc".
nc : Talking to your nation won't require you to prefix "/nc".
waratk : Show logging of hp of the places your town is attacking.
wardef : Show logging of hp of the places your town is under attack.

Towny Related                                                                                                                           

All towny commands can also be used with it's alias /t

/town : your town stats
/town ? :town commands list
/town list : list of towns
/town leave : leave your stone
/town here :infos on the town you're located
/town spawn : teleport to your town's spawn
/town claim : expand your town in the wilderness chunk you're in
/town claim rect [radius] : expand your town in a rectangular form
/town claim rect auto : same but with auto dimension
/town unclaim: unclaim a parcel
/town unclaim all : unclaim every parcel of your town
/town unclaim rect [radius] :
/town withdraw [$] :withdraw money from your town bank account
/town deposit [$] : deposits
/town new [town] : create a new town with you as the mayor
/town new [town] [mayor] :Same but with mayor specifics
/town [add/kick] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick resident to your town
/town [add+/kick+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline resident to your town
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick assistants to your town
/town assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline assistants to your town
/town set board [message ... ] : set your town messageboard
/town set mayor [mayor] :changes your mayor
/town set homeblock : changes your homeblock
/town set spawn : change your spawn
/town set perm [on/off] : same than resident perms , but for town
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :same
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] :town
/town set pvp [on/off] : enables/ disables pvp
/town set taxes [$] : set Town tax
/town set plottax [$] : set Tax for the plots
/town set plotprice [$] : set the plot price.
/town set name [name]
/towny top money resident/town/all/nation
/towny top residents town/all/nation
/towny top land resident/town/all/nation

Plot Related
/plot claim : claims a plot
/plot unclaim : unclaim it
/plot forsale : setting it for sale
/plot notforsale : not setting it for sale

Nation Related                                                                                                                             

/nation list
/nation [nation]
/nation leave
/nation withdraw [$]
/nation deposit [$]
/nation new [nation]
/nation new [nation] [capital]
/nation assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation add [town] .. [town]
/nation kick [town] .. [town]
/nation delete [nation]
/nation ally [add/remove] [nation]
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation]
/nation set neutral [on/off]
/nation set taxes [$]
/nation set name [name]
/nation set king [resident]
/nation set capital [town]
/nation set name [name]

/towny ? : towny help list
/towny map : shows map
/towny war stats : show war stats
/towny war scores : show war scores

Towny Admin

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /ta

/townyadmin ?
/townyadmin set [] .. []
/townyadmin set king [nation] [king]
/townyadmin set capital [nation] [capital]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] npc
/townyadmin set name [town/nation] [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc rename [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc list
/townyadmin war toggle
/townyadmin war toggle [on/off]
/townyadmin givebonus [town] [n]
/townyadmin reload
/townyadmin newday
/townyadmin backup
Console only

/towny seed
/towny tree

LWC Related                                                                                                                                

LWC: Chest/ Door Protection

* o /lwc -c public Create a public protection (anyone can view/modify, but not protect)
o /lwc -c password <password> Create a password-protected protection
o /lwc -c private Create a private protection
* /lwc -m Modify an existing protection
* /lwc -u <password> Unlock something (when asked)
* /lwc -i View information on an already protected inventory
* /lwc -p Activate a mode if it is not blacklisted
* /lwc -r <protection|modes> Remove an existing protection or all modes activated on you

Shop Related          
/shopcheck [Item]
/shop list
/shop list buy
/shop list sell
/shop list info

/shop sell - sells block in hand to the shop
/shop sell [# or all] - sells that amount of the block in your hand to the shop
/shop sell [itemname] [ammount or all] - sells block of that type to the shop
/shop buy [itemname] [amount]

Iconomy Related                                                                                                                                        

/money - check your balance
/money ? - Help for basic money commands
/money rank - Rank on the topcharts
/money top - Richest players list
/money pay [player] [amount] - Send money to a player
/money pay [player] [amount] : Send money to a player.
/money : Get your current account balance.

McMMO Related

/ptp - Party Teleport
/party <nameofparty>
/p - Toggle party Chat
/invite - Invite a player to join your party
/accept - Accept any pending party invites

ICoLand Related

LANDID - ID # of the land you want the command to act on
ADDON - the name of the addon ( announce, noenter, heal )
PERMTAGS - permission tags they are formatted like: :, where is the playername or the special tag "default", and is either "-" to remove a perm, or "t" or "f" to indicate granting or denying permission

/icl - shows /icl help
/icl help - help screen
/icl list - lists all properties
/icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
/icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info will show you info on a specific land ID#
/icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
/icl buy addon - buys the specified for the specified - addon prices are listed under /icl info
/icl sell land - sells the land specified by ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
/icl sell addon - sells the specified at the specified
/icl edit name
/icl edit perms
Admin commands
/icl modify perms - (admin) - modifies a ' permissions
/icl modify addons - (admin) - modifies a 's addons
/icl modify owner - (admin) - changes the owner of a


Announce - will announce the name of the area when a player enters or leaves
NoEnter - will deny people from entering the zone
Heal - will heal players over time
NoSpawn - no spawns ( and removes mobs from the zone on a period configurable time )
NoBoom - no explosions ( not yet implemented )
NoFire - blocks can not burn or be ignited
NoFlow - lava/water will not flow in this zone ( if you have build perms you can have single source blocks in mid air heh )


/whois - View detailed information about a player (requires Op)
/mcmmo - Displays a description of the mod and how to play
/mcc - Displays a list of mcMMO commands in game
/stats - View detailed information on your mcMMO stats
/a - Toggle admin chat (requires Op)
/setmyspawn - Set your own personal spawn location stored in a file
/myspawn - Return to your own personal spawn as if you had died (use this instead of suicide)
/chunkme - this fixes the world holes that seem to be appearing everywhere...
/admin - sends a pm to Fatnoobs desktop
/pvp (on/off) - to turn off the ability to pvp ( pvp is set to its default - off - on login )

Mob Arena Related

/ma join

/ma leave

/ma spectate

/ma list

/ma notready

News / what is Jens Bergensten working on?
« on: 11 May 2011, 03:17:03 »

News / Minecraft 1.6
« on: 11 May 2011, 03:13:00 »

New? / jimmy here
« on: 11 May 2011, 02:02:53 »
ok so i havent introduced myself yet but here we go ^_^

my name is jimmy and im 17 years old and i currently trying to go for my welders licence i currently live in canada and im hopeing to have fun   on this server!

News / my old servers map!
« on: 10 May 2011, 06:00:06 »
okay so guys i talked the owner of my old server and he gave me the last save the server did! so i have the map! it is HUGE if anyone wants it feel free to download it here! ^_^ (ps be prepared to find ALOT of huge structures and alot of ores)

Guides / Starting a town :)
« on: 10 May 2011, 04:09:47 »

Guides / LeaderShip
« on: 9 May 2011, 13:26:18 »

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