Wizard Month: The Final Battle coverage + info on buying opportunities  (Read 636 times)

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Well the time has come, Voldeynoob has been destroyed! We banned together as a Noobswart team and we defeated the most evil wizard of all time! Congratulations to all of you! Dumblenoob thanks you all as well, you have saved the future of the Noobscraft server forever! Dumblenoob has seen some really amazing battles but nothing like what just happened today and the work you've put into helping over the last month. So for now, Dumblenoob is signing off until next time. He needs his rest, he's not the youngest spring chicken in the farm anymore.

We hope you've enjoyed Wizard Month and we hope you stick around to see what September will hold for us! Trades/quests will continue until Monday, August 31st and the new theme for September will be announced September 1st!

Dianoob will have some extra items from wizard month that will be going up on AH for you to purchase on August 31! No new items, just heads/wands/items that are left over/rewards that were given out throughout the month of August.

So for now, Dumblenoob is saying farewell.

“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

If you've enjoyed Wizard Month please vote in our poll here: it helps us out greatly!
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2015, 03:19:40 by gamergirlxo »