Noobween 2017 - Candy Hints, Party Information & 2x mcMMO XP!  (Read 4067 times)

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I know a few of you have worked out some of the different ways to get specific candies, but as promised here's the post explaining how all of the different flavours of candy can be found. Plus see the bottom of this post for information about the Noobween 2017 party!

The different candies can be obtained in the following ways (different specifics under each of these categories does change the exact chances, but generally this is how to get each candy):
Candy FlavourHow?
AppleHerbalism, Ore Mining, Excavation, Woodcutting, & Fishing
BananaHerbalism, Ore Mining, Woodcutting, & Combat against Mobs
BlueberryHerbalism, Ore Mining, Excavation, & Fishing
BubblegumMining, & Combat against Mobs
ButterscotchOre Mining, & Fishing
CaramelOre Mining ;)
CherryHerbalism, Excavation, & Fishing
ChocolateMining, & Fishing
GrapeHerbalism, Excavation, & Combat against Mobs
LemonHerbalism, & Woodcutting
LicoriceMining, & Combat against Mobs
LimeExcavation, & Woodcutting
MarshmallowMining blocks found in The End
MintWoodcutting, & Fishing
OrangeHerbalism, Mining, Woodcutting, & Combat against Mobs
PeanutExcavation, & Woodcutting
PeppermintMining, & Fishing
PlumHerbalism & Ore Mining
PopcornMining, & Fishing
RaspberryHerbalism, Mining, & Excavation
SourMining blocks from the Nether, & Fishing
SpicyMining blocks from the Nether
StrawberryHerbalism, Mining, & Combat against Mobs
WatermelonHerbalism, Mining, & Excavation

Noobween Party
As normal we'll be having a Noobween party on the server later this month, this will begin at around 10pm BST on Saturday the 28th of October (What's that in my timezone?). We'll try to do a range of different events including a drop party, so hopefully you'll all be able to come along and join in some of that :).

Countdown to the party:

Double mcMMO Weekend!
To add to the Candy collecting fun, all this weekend it'll be 2x mcMMO XP too!

If you've got any questions about the candies or the party just post a reply below!


What can we expect at the party?


I got plum from shooting a skeleton with an arrow.


the caramel mystery is over!


What can we expect at the party?
Usually it's a drop party and other events like spleef and cauldron chaos (best game ever)


Usually it's a drop party and other events like spleef and cauldron chaos (best game ever)

Thanks Powerage_, looks like it is time for me to clear out the e chest and storage in prep again.


damn im going to miss the party ill be down the pub watching Anthony Joshua smash takam