Part three of the Pirates of Tortuga is ready :) /kit theme and /warp theme3  (Read 1409 times)

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Part three of the Pirates of Tortuga is ready :) /kit theme and /warp theme3. It is Berlin, Ronin, and Krishna's birthday during the first part of this month, and Mothers day in the US. Part 4 may be a tad later than a week. ;)
« Last Edit: 3 May 2016, 20:51:21 by ItsLawrence »


Happy Birthday to them :D


Thanks for the part 3 and anticipation builder for part 4, happy birthday's have fun.


Ecctv pointed out to me that there was no way to get a '10' contraband token without using diamonds and I have fixed it. You can now trade two '5' tokens to 'Johns Friend' for a '10' Good lookin out ecc, tyvm


Awesome! Happy Birthday and Mothers Day!

Hope to play when I get home. Hands have been to bad to play all week.