Diary of my life on Noobstown  (Read 811 times)

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Diary of my life on Noobstown
« on: 3 Jan 2015, 00:29:21 »
I am not one to make speeches on anything but on this very important occasion I will make an exception

4 Days ago on New Years Eve at 3 Am Was my second year on Noobstown and boy has it been a fun and eventful ride so I am going to give you a small history of my time here.

I started off on Noobstown in the young months of Version 5 (1st month) and I didn't really get a feel for the server from the get go it was quite dull, drab and I didn't know anyone.

I was about to disconnect when a current friend of mine on Noobstown Ummfredfelizco Invited me to his town Tortuga, He got me a plot, some armor and tools and sent me on my merry way.

By the end of v5 I had 3 4 Plots in Tortuga most of them sprawled over the town and was starting to work my way up not only in Town but in social status on the server too.

Then we move to v6 I got on the first day and I was quite disappointing with the turn out of old players but the one good thing is that they are all coming back slowly (Old Players Come Home!!!)

And then we arrive at today: I have great friends who I know and who I know care about me and I have my own town and I live in that town by my own rules, And am starting to get my Irl friends to join the server.

What I am trying to say is even if you are a new player Never give up on this server because this server will never give up on you, We have good staff and a good community.

Never stop trying and never think that Noobstown will stop caring




Re: Diary of my life on Noobstown
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jan 2015, 00:48:34 »
This really is a cool server. When you have tried other servers, finding one like this is a breath of fresh air.


Re: Diary of my life on Noobstown
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jan 2015, 01:13:25 »
I feel like sharing this. My own Diary of my life on NoobsTown.

I joined the server on November 2, 2012. I'm assuming it was V4 by then because Leigh said he joined "The first month of V5". I was here on behalf of my friend DwarfLeon that recommended it to me. I was still new to Minecraft and relied on him a lot. I joined DragonFire because he said it was a great town.

But one day, he said he'd quit because he'd gotten tired of it. So I was alone, I didn't talk a lot, I was just trying to make money.

One day, I was walking around in DragonFire, and I found this gargantuan sugar cane farm. I tried it out and I loved doing it because I didn't only get money, I also got levels and joy from it. So I bought VIP for 3 months to get the Double McMMO XP Perk to get to the Top 10, and eventually I got there. I continued to grind, but I had a competitor from me rising the tables: Citebafla. But I din't bother too much and continued harvesting.
When they announced that the ones that would be Top 10 in any McMMO skill or/and Top 100 Most Active, I harvested like ham until April 31st. The next day I flew to Asia and didn't log on NoobsTown during V5 anymore. I got paranoid that I'd get overthrown from my Top 10 spot, but fortunately, no one did, so I logged back on as a Veteran, February 22nd.

I had discovered the new McMMO Alchemy. I went "what's this?". I tried it out and I LOVED it! And after discovering the custom potions when you level up, I went ham on the skill for 3 months. I had grown new friends, such as Leigh5556, Halcyon13, blackrosemom964, etc. But I felt like something was missing. So I tried everything, from helping to gaining money, until I realized what I missed: Grinding skills in McMMO. So I did that until reality hit; I was getting addicted to the server.

So I took a break, and when I did come online, it wasn't for as long and it wasn't as frequent, until I finally left the server for a month. I had discovered other PC games, which I'm not going to mention. I drifted further and further away from NT until I one day came home and my IRL friend gives me a call and says "Wanna play Minecraft?"

I remembered NT and rushed to log back on, which was late November. I went ham on everything and today I am what I am: Proud McMMO Grinder, decent moneymaker, and my alter-ego: "The Alchemy King". I did re-establish thanks to mrfloris and Mistic_Ice for letting me in their town.

To new players: If you're new, try find the thing you enjoy about the server. It can be moneymaking, skill grinding, building, etc. And also know that the NoobsTown community is great and will always be.

Long Live Noobstown!
« Last Edit: 3 Jan 2015, 01:28:56 by adam5979 »