Mob limit?  (Read 950 times)

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Mob limit?
« on: 10 Aug 2014, 02:42:58 »
so just learned that there was recently a change that limits the number of mobs apparently? i can't find any posts that note this anywhere, so im left rather frustrated with a lack of information. i can understand why, but i would think this would be a fairly big change that would probably be best to put in some sort of news post. so, now i have questions that probably could have been answered in said non-existing post, but have to ask them here.

1. is it chunk based? so you can have up to such and such number on each chunk? or is it just within a certain person's property?

2. what is the number of mobs it allows before refusing to spawn more?

3. does above number count per species, say if only 30, is that 30 sheep, 30 cows, and 30 chicken, ect. or 30 total?

4.what all mobs are included?

i may think of more, but these are the ones i'd like to know as soon as possible. or directed to someplace where i can look them up, because i looked all over for a news post that contained the information, and failed to find one.


Re: Mob limit?
« Reply #1 on: 10 Aug 2014, 04:06:35 »
well i think there's been a hard limit on how many can be there imposed recently. eggs cannot be turned into chickens, and i haven't tried breeding, but i bet i can't make baby animals either. this is recent, a week or two ago i had no problem hatching more chickens.

the reason i ask is when i wasted about 5 stacks of eggs trying to get more chickens, like normal, i was confused when i got not a single one. i asked in the general chat, and a player informed me that a mob limit (possibly different wording) had recently been toggled back on. though of course said player could be wrong, it seems there have been recent changes to the server. this, as well as something with the fishing. if you fish too closely to yourself, you lose grip on your rod and drop it easily. i know this was not there before, as i was not dropping my fishing rod every 2 seconds when fishing in my pond, which now i have to build a new one that hopefully works with the changes.


Re: Mob limit?
« Reply #2 on: 18 Aug 2014, 23:36:22 »
Well, I just noticed that all of my sheep and chickens are gone from my Wild Chunks. One day they were there, the next, gone. My cats are still in place, however.