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Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
(Read 126869 times)
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Power Level: 2,251
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #150 on:
24 Aug 2015, 14:59:13 »
Last Edit: 21 Apr 2016, 01:45:57 by deebles17
Power Level: 9,091
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #151 on:
24 Aug 2015, 23:49:45 »
: SmurfStompa
21. 22 in November
GMT/BST (British Summer Time)
Why do I want to be a Prefect?:
*You mean Chatmod, right.*
I have player Minecraft since early Beta, and have loved the game ever since. I have played on the server however since early/mid V5 and once again enjoyed it and continue to do so. I believe I became VIP after just a short couple of months of playing on the server to show my support and dedication to it.
When the end of V5 rolled around and the server closed off for a while, I along with many other waited patiently for V6 to be revealed. I was a little late to the party on that front because of a whole load of chaos to do with my health and being bed bound for 2 months in hospital. I came out fresh as a daisy and got back on the server and started to work my way up, make new friends, helping and sharing with others my wealth and items and eventually working towards TA in Skyside now. I was also one of the leading members of the Seaside in V5 which was the 'go to' town for everything, including a strip mall type thing that eventually dominated the market, with some controversy.
I've recently become substantially more active in the community, and continue to help new players, provide items and gear to those starting out, advice on commands and how to start up their journey on the server. My familiarity with the plugins, MCMMO especially has helped me. I have a Teamspeak account that I use regularly, and a Skype for communication with other members that I also use daily.
If it wasn't for the members of this community then this server wouldn't exist, and as staff I would give me best to strengthen that community and bring more members and help the existing ones to better themselves whilst all the while keeping the server family friendly and a safe place to be.
I would like to eventually work my way towards becoming a Moderator after gaining some well needed experience as staff.
Thank you for considering me.
Power Level: 6,263
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #152 on:
28 Aug 2015, 23:54:34 »
*Disclaimer* This is an updated application from the one I posted one year ago.
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?
: I would be a great addition to the staff team because I have previously worked on a popular server as a moderator for over a year. This shows that I have a good understanding of the commands and responsibilities that I need to undertake if given the opportunity of being a staff member on the server. I've been a member of the server and the Team Speak community for well over three years and have made close friends of members and staff alike. And now the time has come for me to give back to the server the years of fun and great experiences that I had.
Power Level: 6,781
Reply #153 on:
28 Aug 2015, 23:54:52 »
Last Edit: 7 Mar 2018, 08:32:07 by Zigulation
Power Level: 3,109
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #154 on:
29 Aug 2015, 12:40:29 »
*Application removed*
Last Edit: 5 Apr 2016, 09:36:54 by ShadowWolf86
Power Level: 5,300
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #155 on:
29 Aug 2015, 14:06:15 »
Username: lovablebunny224
Age: 16
Timezone: Central Daylight Time
Why do you want to be Chatmod?
I would enjoy being a great help to the staff and community. The staff has helped me out a lot and I would love to help them out and I would love to help newcomers! I would also love to help run events to run as smoothly as possible and I would love to be apart of the staff community! They are all very nice and helpful and I would love to be apart of that! I would also love to help people figure out issues (whether commands or plot info and so on) that they are having. I look up to all the chatmods, mods, and the admins since they are all such great people!
Last Edit: 29 Aug 2015, 14:10:09 by lovablebunny224
Power Level: 3,106
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #156 on:
29 Aug 2015, 19:15:00 »
Username: pinkblade1
Age: 13
Time zone: Central Standard Time zone
Why do you want to be Chat mod?
I would like to be chat mod because I'm good at fallowing rules, and I enjoy helping out this server. For a long time I've always been on a different server and then all of a sudden it would shut down, but when I came on this server I knew that it would last a while. Sometimes when I log onto the server, I would see that people would get on (or the people on) would advertise and break the rules. I do have some experience being a mod, and I've seen lots of people being promoted to mod or chat mod and I said "give it a try, it wont harm anyone". I thank you for giving the time to read my Chat mod application, thanks for helping out this server and even though I might not get it, it doesn't matter because Noobs town is the only place where I feel "at home".
Power Level: 1,199
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #157 on:
29 Aug 2015, 19:59:54 »
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?:Well First of all I would like to say, don't let my age fool you, I'm very responsible and I do know how to handle a server, I've made a few servers to test out all the commands, and I feel pretty good about that. Also I believe noobstown has the
community ever! I think that I could help that community grow. I love to help all the players new or even if they have played since day one. This server is something I really wish I could help out. I believe all the rules are very good, and every player I see join I try do my hardest to welcome them, and help them. I believe that every play should be treated with respect and kindness. I promise to NEVER abuse any thing on noobstown. I'd like to thank you for considering me and reading this. (PS: this is my updated Application for chatmod)
Last Edit: 7 Sep 2015, 16:47:24 by coolluc787
Power Level: 94
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #158 on:
9 Sep 2015, 08:04:30 »
Username: scu11y3000
Age: 15
Timezone: EST / GMT - 4
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?: Well, I'd appreciate being a Chatmod because it'd give me a way to give back to the community (There is donating but I'm not really made of money atm.). Moderating the chat is simple and easy plus it won't get in the way of normally going throughout my day. Just something I can do when I come on to my favorite Minecraft server to check the chat and make sure no one is messing around and breaking rules in chat. I've been here for a while and I'd like to help out around here, I know the ropes I've been staff on far more other servers. Though most other experiences were more than just chat which is why I'd see no problem with this position, I'd find it more easy than taxing not that Noobscraft is taxing it's quite a laid back chill server which is why I like it. This would be my way of repaying and enjoying the community more.
Thank you for reading and thank you for possibly considering me as a staff member for Noobscraft.
Power Level: 7,923
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #159 on:
16 Sep 2015, 04:39:27 »
Timezone: CST
Why do i wanna be a Chat mod?
I would like to be a Chat Mod because i really enjoy helping people,and i would be a role model on following the rules and enforcing them.I am also a very active player and i would continue to be one.I have been on the server for almost 2 years now,and i have really enjoyed helping others.Noobs has really become a home for me,and i also have my own town as well.I also would love to be able to help with games and events on the server.
Last Edit: 20 Feb 2017, 14:50:14 by ButterfliRose
Power Level: 0
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #160 on:
4 Oct 2015, 16:56:30 »
IGN: _CarnivorE
Age: 15
Timezone: CEST
Why I want to be prefect: Hmph... good question lel. Well, I was looking for new servers to play on and this one seemed rather interesting so I decided to check it out and I liked it, now I want to apply for staff just because I think im skilled enough. I am friendly (unless you tick me off), patient and know a lot about plugins java etc etc.
Power Level: 364
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #161 on:
8 Oct 2015, 05:27:37 »
Username: Uncle_Woody
Age: 62 (really!)
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?: I joined this server a couple of weeks ago because of the strict rules about chatting. No profanity and showing respect to the lady members of the server were very appealing to me. I would not have joined without your zero tolerance police on the things. I am enjoying the server immensely, and I want to help any way I can. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help!
PS. Under penalty of perjury, I declare the above statements are true and correct to the best of my belief and (62-year-old) memory.
Power Level: 887
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #162 on:
10 Oct 2015, 16:08:44 »
EST/CST (Depends on if I'm at home or college, respectively)
Why do you want to be a ChatMod?:
I was a Moderator on here before, back during V5 and I kind of fell of the face of the planet during the end of that and most of this version. I want to be part of the staff team again because I loved being able to help with any problems that members have. Even though V6 removes a lot of the main problems I remember dealing with as a Mod, (Griefing), I'd still be able to help everyone by removing nuisances from the game and/or chat or helping to solve disputes between members. Being able to help others was the best part of being staff, and will always be the best part. I've gotten back into MC again because of playing with other groups in modded servers, and building on those made me want to try to make cool things in vanilla. So, since I despise SSP, I thought I'd try to get back into SMP here on Noobstown. I've been able to answer some of the common questions about some of the Minecraft updates and how it affects Noobstown since there's always the people who are worried the server will change or that they'll lose their things.
Now that I'm getting back into the game and the server, I'm going to try my best to not just drop of the face of the world like I have done in the past. If I have to be absent for a period of time due to college or other responsibilities, I will try to notify the admins. Currently I've been able to juggle college and fun but that may change over the next year as I stack more classes on myself for dual majoring, and a possible minor. However, with watching people on Twitch play other video games like Soma, I get inspired to build amazing new expansions to my home and so want to be on as much as possible. Hopefully, with this dedication to a build, I'll be on much more often and get more involved with everyone and everything going on.
Last Edit: 10 Oct 2015, 16:10:54 by Esp1222
Power Level: 5,325
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #163 on:
10 Oct 2015, 21:44:00 »
Username: Chitterchatter_
Age: 42
Timezone: PST
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?: When I first joined this server I knew right away it was different from others. I instantly felt at home, & what you have here is exactly what I was looking for in a minecraft server. I love the staff, members & entire community itself.
It's like a big family! I love all the ages & how everyone works together. I think this is a fabulous server - the members are so fun & helpful and you truly have wonderful staff here that work so well together & really go that extra mile. I really want to be able to do what I can to help keep this server so amazing.
I had been up in the air about applying for chatmod as I wanted to be sure I will have the time. I didn't want to apply until I was sure I could follow through on all commitments & responsibilities - so tada - here I am showing my interest.
I already know I have made this server my home & I don't want to play at any other & I have no plans whatever of leaving, being absent or inactive. My thing with the time is that I am a full time working mom, and I go to school part time. With that said, I still have plenty of time for playing, helping out as well!
My kids are grown & finishing high school/college themselves. This does free up a lot of time for me at home & in my spare time. I am very fortunate to have a boyfriend & family that all completely understands the balance between work, chores, homework & play. We all work together in this house to make it work, have fun & we are all happy. We are a gaming family that all work & do school on the side but we focus on play. We board game & video game. For video gaming - everyone in the family here has all been staff on servers & in games & ran guilds, clans, websites & forums etc - we all know how to get the housework done & time our dinners & chores around gaming events, activities, meetings and what not! it truly is a scheduling art that only gaming families completely understand & can master!! haha. Who can honestly say they base their Christmas dinner schedules around raids, skype meetings, twitch live streams, leveling & skill building parties & other such xp events?
I have played other games, but since left them all. I have founded & lead clans, guilds & lead raid teams in games. I have always moderated & been part of staff and/or administration - both in game & on forums & websites. I understand the dedication & commitment as well as responsibility involved & I have always enjoyed it fully.
As a mom I have the patience & understanding for all ages - I also excel at multitasking & I can accept & handle a lot of stress too & keep my cool
I am friendly, chatty & am a communicator, and I never have disputes or drama with others, I usually get along with everyone - both in game & in real life. I am not a moody, angry, argumentative or irrational person. My real job, I am working my way up to be a Human Resource Manager - I am currently an Office Administrator I understand conflicts & I am really good at resolving them or working with others to help them be resolved. I also work really well in a team environment - I can give directions but I am also good at receiving them.
For 3+ yrs now Minecraft has been my game of choice. Before I found Noobscraft, I was a moderator on two other servers. One of the servers closed down, so that ended that staff position on that server. The other server - my last one before here, my reasons for leaving weren't because of the staff, members or me being staff. Sure, it was busy - always well over 100 people online at a time - there were members from age 5 up to 85. Being PST I was one of the only staff on through the night since it was an East Coast server - I was the nightshift, hehe. It would be just me with up to 20 or more people at times. I don't recall ever having a situation I couldn't handle or that stressed me out. I got along with all the staff & the admin. I loved being staff & helping out. It was a much smaller world then we have however, and due to it being so busy - it was well over resourced. You couldn't find a diamond anymore, the world was all dug up & mined out, you didn't see animals freely, you wouldn't see a cow or chicken - my forests of trees and flowers were all gone
The only way I could stock my flower shop was using bonemeal in my own claimed areas. The economy was all disrupted as well. I was frustrated with those things. There was no where to explore - I spent a lot of time running around planting saplings in hopes to rebuild forests - or at least give people opportunities to have forests! I had suggested to staff about having a resource world to mine & collect resources but they didn't want a world that reset ever - I also suggested a world for the towns & one for our private homes - I suggested staff replanting parties or breeding parties so people could see animals in fields etc. I know - weird eh? It was turning into a big greifed world really. I was becoming more & more unhappy with that & a lot of the staff & admins were playing other games. It seemed a lot of dedication was lost.
This was all before I found Noobscraft. Out of my frustration of lack of resources & constantly rerolling areas due to extreme greifing (everyone was fighting over resources) & my desire to play a towny server I went in search of an active server that not only had events & activities, but also had towny & a separate resource world - and then I found my home here!
Either way, thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply.
I enjoy it here, and will continue to help out when & where I can. I try my best to help with everything - if I don't know the answers to something that is asked I will try to find out. I am a quick learner as well and what I don't know, I am always willing to learn. If you ever need anything that I can help with or if you are looking to have more help - just give me a shout
PS - I am still interested in being part of staff
Last Edit: 12 Apr 2016, 18:25:55 by ChitterChatter_
Power Level: 112
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #164 on:
15 Oct 2015, 22:21:31 »
Username: ArrowCross1050
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?: I want to be a chatmod because I finally found a reliable and fun server to play on, and all of the other servers I've been on, they are just normal servers, but NoobsTown is the best server I have EVER been on and I would really like to be an Moderator to be an actual part of this server. I have been an Moderator before, I am on all the time so I think that I would do very good, also I am the oldest of 8 kids in my family and I have good leadership, I don't tolerate bullying but I am always kind and fair. I ArrowCross1050 will not boss other people around if I get this job as an Moderator, I will take this very chance to be a Moderator very seriously and I will not ruin this opportunity to be a Moderator. Sincerely, Hopeful ArrowCross1050.
Power Level: 432
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #165 on:
19 Oct 2015, 04:31:59 »
No Longer Go Down Further
Last Edit: 8 Feb 2016, 02:59:14 by 2sqigs
Power Level: 1
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #166 on:
19 Oct 2015, 14:21:14 »
Timezone:stockhom, sweden
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?:want to help kick some players with no respect and more
and have respect for chatmod and players
Power Level: 0
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #167 on:
28 Oct 2015, 13:12:56 »
Username: jedistalker100
Age: 18
Timezone: JST(Japan Standard Time)
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?: I would love to become a Chatmod on Noobstown because I've had experience on this server. I've been playing on this server for the past 4 years. I used to play with cntexas96 (If that's his username. He's not playing minecraft anymore). During the reign of cntexas96, I was his trusted Administrator. I've been playing minecraft for the past 5 years and have had a load of experience on minecraft servers. PvP, Towny, etc... I've moderated and administrated all kinds of servers. I'm a very respectable person and very easy to handle. I take my job seriously while having a blast with the other users. Thank you for reading this!
Power Level: 825
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #168 on:
28 Oct 2015, 23:24:25 »
*Updated 4/7/16*
Eastern Standard Time
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?:
There are many reasons why I want to be a chatmod.
The first reason why I want to be chatmod is my past experience in the moderation role. I have been a moderator on two servers, one I owned and the other one I was just a normal moderator. My time being staff at that time changed me a lot. I learned how to be a successful moderator, as well as how to act when being a moderator. Coming from this past experience I know what to do in most situations that I would be put across to solve. I never did and never will have favorites to where I will not punish somebody the same as somebody I would know really well. Regardless of who the person is, I would have the same view on them in the moderation role.
The second reason why I want to be a chatmod is how active I am. Usually I am on at least 3 hours a day on the weekdays and at least 6 hours on the weekends. This can change due to my work schedule, but not that much. I spend most of my free time here because I love playing on the server and the atmosphere it provides. I like to play with older people because they fit more into how I am while playing. While I am on I am very active in chat.
The third reason why I want to be a chatmod is my dedication towards the role and the server. I have been on the server for almost three years now and never plan on ending my time on the server. I try to be as hardworking and excel at the task at hand, which in this case is chatmod. I always will be serious about the role and never will abuse it. It is a very important role to keep the community stable and I want to help keep it that way by helping out any way I can. An example of my dedication would be in Windermere. I am currently the mayor of Gaia which I am working on renovating and making it a town for people to enjoy again. This is a project I love to work on and I will continue to until it is completed.
The fourth reason why I want to be a chatmod is that I am helpful. I try to answer any questions I can when asked, and also try to assist anybody that would need help at that current time. Though I can not always help with everything I definitely try to the best of my ability. I am also very welcoming to new people that come on the server, I welcome them in chat and if they have a certain question I answer them step by step to insure that their playing experience will be the best it can be and that they will stay on the server for longer than a day to enjoy the great community we have here. I am also a fast at typing so I can answer these questions and help people in a fast paced manner as soon as they were to respond back.
The fifth reason why I want to be chatmod on noobstown is my maturity. I feel that I am a very mature person in general. As I said before I enjoy playing with people older than me on this server rather than another because I am on the same maturity level as many players here. I am always respectful towards everyone and never am bias towards any town or group of people. I never have spammed or broken any chat related or server rules in the past, besides breaking 2 pieces of a cobblestone wall in V5 days after I joined the server. This server is great to the point where I can enjoy myself and interact with other players without having to deal with the immaturity that many other minecraft based communities currently have, and that is why this community is a great one.
Overall, I would love to help noobstown and be a chatmod. I am on a lot and try to be as helpful as I can. I love to help players out anytime they need it and would love to keep doing it and help on a higher level. Thank you for reading my Chatmod application, if you have any questions feel free to message me on the forums or in-game. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, have a great rest of your day! My current activity may be an issue right now but I can ensure you that my schedule over the last few weeks has been a lot but that will change to being more free in a week or so. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my application.
Last Edit: 7 Apr 2016, 21:53:49 by reddeadkid
Power Level: 3,912
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #169 on:
3 Nov 2015, 00:44:20 »
Username: JoshuaTippy
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?:I wana help get rid of all the bad stuff in chatt
Power Level: 1,299
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #170 on:
18 Nov 2015, 22:18:27 »
Time Zone: Est or -5
Why I want to be a Prefect/Chatmod- I have been a member of NoobsTown since the end of V4. I have loved it ever since I got that "Welcome" from all of you nice people, and over the past years of playing I have really bonded with this server and I would love to help the NoobsTown community stay clean and mainly help anyone in need, just like all the mods and admins that have helped me. I do get on regularly as well so being away wont be a problem but I do still have school like a lot of us so I will be as active as possible. So I would really be honored to join the NoobsTown staff.
Power Level: 2,502
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #171 on:
26 Nov 2015, 23:51:47 »
Username: meepdoodles (Known in-game as meep)
Age: Between 13 and 18 years of age.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (USA, -5)
Why do you want to be a Chatmod: I want to be recruited as a Chatmod because I like to help people, and I try and apply that to most of my time on Noobstown. I have played on this server for over 2 years, experiencing many towns and communties (Town X, Windermere, NOVA, and my own town, Celestia), and bonding with many other players on the server. I go out of my way to help others, even looking stuff up to help someone with a crafting recipe, etc. I have handled difficult situations in real life and know the server rules front and back, even the more in-depth rules about what to say and what not to say in /g. I want to help Noobstown grow and thrive, and I will stay by it's side until Minecraft itself dies out (Probably never happening
Thank you for reading and reviewing my Chatmod application. -meepdoodles
Last Edit: 29 Nov 2015, 04:07:26 by meepdoodles
Power Level: 7,510
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #172 on:
29 Nov 2015, 02:13:05 »
Username: gamergirlxo also known as gg
age: 24, 25 in January
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
Why do you want to be a chat mod: I want to be a chat mod to help out other players in game. This server is my home and everyone on the server is family to me. I've made some of the best friends I'll ever make from this server. My goal in life is to help other people and that translates into everything I do. As of today, I have been on this server for 3 years and have actively spent my free time playing and helping other players. I believe in what the admin team is doing and what they have done for so many years and I want nothing more than to be apart of that and help Noobscraft grow. It's a great server with a great community and I will support this server until the day it dies (which is hopefully never). I've been mod prior on this server and it was one of the best times I've ever had. I'm very active and I'm always around to help those who ask for it. I believe in doing the right thing and helping out those who truly need it. I would be honored to be able to come back to the team and continue to watch the server grow from that side of it.
I appreciate you taking the time out to read this. Thank you.
Power Level: 9
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #173 on:
6 Jan 2016, 20:30:49 »
Why do you want to be a Chatmod?:
My name is FitnessReject and I am fairly new to the server,
I want to become a mod because I have been helped by the many mods online and they inspire me to become one of them. I want to be able to help people, to ensure peoples safety but mainly ensure we are a family who has fun! This application is the starting point of me helping the many new people of the server, it's a great server and I want to make sure it stays that way.
Everyone online is fun, caring and are really nice people. I want to be that makes sure that everyone is having fun and everyone is safe on this server, our server.
Thank you for reading and I hope you can make a great addition to your line of mods.
Power Level: 432
Re: Chatmod Application (Moderator application)
Reply #174 on:
8 Feb 2016, 02:57:24 »
Hey I am a player who can and has offered a lot. I would love to apply for this and quite frankly I think you would love for me too. I have donated over $60 worth of donations to help you guys out and would love to be along side the coolest server makers that I know. I think you need staff and I think I am fit for the job. I've been with you guys (not noobstown, just all your servers) since August 2014 and will keep on doing so. I know you guys some what well for playing with you guys for a long time. You can trial me and if you don't like me as a staff member enough then I wont be mad or salty about it. I would love to help people on this server and keep it a fun and friendly server for everyone. If anyone needs assistance I can be on the job. I think you guys are in serious and I mean serious need for staff because you have a couple but nobody is ever on really. But with me you don't need to worry because I have quite a bit of free time and can be active. I just seriously would love to help people and stop the argument starters, hackers, and just straight up rule breakers. I would love to keep it a safe, interactive server and keep it that way. I would also love and I think everyone does, is to let this server grow and expand. I can help you out maybe even on mineapoc. I could help mineapoc people out and keep the server running while you work on this. I can come on here and help as well because of my spare time but I would love to keep both servers up. Or at least just this one because you shut down two already because you didn't have time or staff to do it, but I can help with that. I can check forums frequently as well if needed. I have experience on about 4 servers I have been head-admin, admin, or head-moderator. I have supported them loyally but no longer because they ended there servers. I wont let that happen with you. Just give me a chance at least. Help out your server. I can also go around places online and in real life (like school) and advertise your server and bring in people. Just think about it. Thanks For Your Time Guys!!!
Last Edit: 8 Feb 2016, 03:00:58 by 2sqigs
Noobstown General
Chatmod Application (Moderator application)