probably godmod- part 4 of 4  (Read 478 times)

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probably godmod- part 4 of 4
« on: 20 Nov 2012, 01:15:36 »
now with 2 heads there was only 1 to go. unfortunately it was in the end. so with blaze powder they crafted ender eyes and set out. it was 3 hours before they found one. they dug into it to find a library. they thought that because the end is only a floating island that the stronghold would be there dungeon. there were many puzzles and only endermen inside. soon after they solved a tripwire puzzle they found a portal and placed ender eyes to light it. in the end there were plenty endermen in  the end but they target was the enderdragon. itslawernce and waterworth broke the crystals well fatnoob fought endermen. after destroying the crystals they fought the enderdragon. when the fought the were done the portal appeared it was like normal but when they tried to get the egg it said " i am not your prize, destroy me to unleash the real beast" fatnoob used his piston to destroy it and the endstone started falling until only a 20*20*20 cube was left. surrounded by little islands. on one was a huge enderman! it came running toward them and they fought hard. halfway through the enderman went running toward itslawerence and pushed him of the edge! fatnoob was raged and in 1 blow killed the enderman. the next thing they knew they were falling, falling into the void. was this the end?

end of part 4. so this is the end? we will see.