probably the godmod- -part 1 of 4 the GODz  (Read 485 times)

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probably the godmod- -part 1 of 4 the GODz
« on: 19 Nov 2012, 07:23:54 »
one day fatnoob was walking through a forest when he noticed everything on fire around him. he put them out but they kept coming back. finnaly fatnoob had to turn the forest into an ocean. that is what is the ocean away from noobscraft is. the next day he was walking through a dessert when it started raining, so he used /weather clear but once again, it didn't work. so he had to turn that into an ocean. all the admins experinced this cand finally got to the source. in a little town on a mountian that was now half way under water, lived a bad organization called the GODz. these peole wanted to seize control of noobscraft. so as they found that out the GODz burst through the front gate of the hamlet. setting things on fire and pooring lava everywere they came past the fountian and behind them, spiders, skeletons,creepers,spider-jockys, and some were even riding enderdragons! the admins sent everyone they could but the GODz were to powerful  and siezed control of the server. everyone not loyal to the GODz was banned and the hamlet turned to ruin.

Part 2 coming soon! its a 4 part story so get ready for more
« Last Edit: 20 Nov 2012, 01:16:58 by edixsabourin »