[Guide]Towny  (Read 5321 times)

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« on: 3 May 2011, 19:17:53 »
[Guide] Towny
Hello again, fellow NoobCraftian's.


how to use

We all know our server has the main town: NoobsTown
Put people are encouraged to live in towns all over the Noobscraft. You can either start a new one or join existing one.
Towns receive nice perks, stimulate socializing, make people join different communities etc.
To manage this all Towny plugin is used.

1. Commands
Towny plugin has a lot of commands and options.

Here is the list:

As you can see, there are 3 groups of commands.

Admin-only commands are used for creating/deleting towns, delegating mayors. Only server admins (heh) can use them.

Tsss, I am not telling admins' secrets to anyone

Mayor-only commands allow you to add players to town, kick them, promote assistants, set townboard message. Mayor is delegated by admin when town is created.


/town kick [player] : Remove [player] from town
/town setboard [message] : Set town board of current town
/town assistant [+/-] [player] : Grant or deny assistant status to player
/town protect [on/off/buildonly] : Set town's protection vs outsiders
/town sethome : Set's the current townblock your in to the home town block. (has no use yet)
Inviting/kicking offline residents:

# /town add+ [resident] *Mayor (For inviting offline residents)
# /town kick+ [resident] *Mayor (For kicking offline residents)

General commands are used to check all town-assosiated info.

/resident : Show your last login and assigned town.
/town : Show your town's status and residents.
/nation : Show your town's allegiances.
/resident [name] : Show resident's (player) last login and assigned town.
/town [name] : Show town status and residents.
/nation [name] : Show a town and allegiances.
/town list : List all towns
/town leave : Allows a resident to leave a town. If he is the last resident, the town is destroyed.

2. Claiming town blocks.
Important feature of towny plugin is town block claiming.
Number of town blocks (TB) depends directly on number of residents.
Currently it is 8 TB per resident.
TB is part of your town. It is a kind of town protection. If you use /town protection on, only your town residents will be able to place/destroy blocks in the zone claimed.
Each TB is a 16x16 piece of land.

R3+ politicians have a claimer role.
List of their commands:

'/claim : Claim the TownBlock your standing in.
/claim remove : Remove the claim over the TownBlock your in.
/claim toggle : Turn on/off claiming town blocks just by swinging your arm.
/claim rect [player] : Try to claim all town blocks in a rectangle shape from you to the target player. The target player must be part of your town.

Look for a non-mayor R3 politician in game. You will need to add him to town member list to make him able to claim TB.

Claimed TB can be seen by using
/towny map command.

Warning: If a politician used /claim toggle to claim TB and then left the town, he would not be able to destroy any blocks AND not able to switch toggle off! So be sure to turn toggle off before leaving town you claimed blocks for!

3. Information.
Now you know how to manage town and claim blocks for it.
A few words about plugin.

1) Why Towny is used?
- Claiming feature makes size dependabe on town member amount. This is a way of controlling town's ambitions to gain as many land as they want.

2) What is better: Realms or Towny?
Towny is best suited for its task. And provides protection as well!
Attention: Buckets CAN be used for gathering water by non-town member in claimed town area!
However, Realms plugin allows subzoning, different permissions and different people added. Towny plugin only grants build rights to all town members within TB.

3) Alliances? Nations?
Yes, towns can become allied.
Attention: Members of allied towns will be receive build rights within your claimed TB!

4) Overall Towny features:

# Towns and Nations
# Mayors and Capital Cities
# Town and Nation Assistants that help the Mayor/King out with managing their people.
# War
# Nations can ally each other, allowing them to be in a slightly raised permission than outsider, allowing them to edit in allied towns. Allied nations also preventing friendly fire.
# Enter / leave town message (non configurable).
# Resident friends list (friends have their own permissions on the land the resident owns)
# Resident Last Online and active users list.
# Ingame map of the world's townblocks with a compass.
# Town Board - Shown on login (essentially a per town MotD)
# New to server message as well as other configurable messages in the settings
# Tons of configuration
# Broadcast command for both Town and Nation
# iConomy integration
# Towns can control if they want to allow PvP
# Players within allied towns regenerate health.

Goodluck with making you're Town!
« Last Edit: 14 May 2011, 19:59:03 by Fatnoob »


Re: [Guide]Towny
« Reply #1 on: 4 May 2011, 08:07:18 »
Nice amount of effort put into this, But I think Sir_S_Knight beat you to it :P