ALL the Commands  (Read 4065 times)

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ALL the Commands
« on: 29 Jul 2013, 01:35:25 »
I always wondered what all the commands were, now, thanks to GG, here they are!



Towny Commands

It Costs 850,000 Noobz to be able to creat a Town. Anyone who wants to can make a town, but it is wise to know what you are getting yourself into before you deside to make your own town, because once you create the town, theres no turning back.

/tc [message] :Town Chat: To stay in Town Chat just do /tc: To get out of Town Chat do /tc again.
/nc [message] :Nation Chat: To stay in Nation Chat just do /nc: To get out of Nation Chat do /nc again.
/msg playername your message : send a private message to playername
/reply your message : send a private message to last payer who sent you a message

/resident set mode tc : to talk by default in Town Chat
/resident set mode nc : to talk by default in Nation Chat
/resident set mode reset : to talk by default in normal Chat

Resident Related

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /player or /r

/resident : your stats
/resident ? : Resident help list
/resident [resident] : Resident stats
/resident set mode map : toogles automap
/resident set mode townclaim :toggles autoclaim
/resident set mode map townclaim : toogles map and autoclaim
/resident set mode reset : disables map/autoclaim
/resident friend [add/remove] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove resident to your friendlist
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove offline resident to your friendlist
/resident friend clearlist : clears friendlist
/resident delete [resident] : delete resident of our friendlist
/resident set perm [on/off] :enable disable permissions on your plots
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :more specific
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off] :even more specific

reset : Reset modes to default.
map : Show the map as you move between town blocks.
townclaim : Claim as you walk.
townunclaim : Unclaim as you walk.
tc : Talking to your town won't require you to prefix "/tc".
nc : Talking to your nation won't require you to prefix "/nc".
waratk : Show logging of hp of the places your town is attacking.
wardef : Show logging of hp of the places your town is under attack.

Towny Related

All towny commands can also be used with it's alias /t

/town : your town stats
/town ? :town commands list
/town list : list of towns
/town leave : leave your stone
/town here :infos on the town you're located
/town spawn : teleport to your town's spawn
/town claim : expand your town in the wilderness chunk you're in
/town claim rect [radius] : expand your town in a rectangular form
/town claim rect auto : same but with auto dimension
/town unclaim: unclaim a parcel
/town unclaim all : unclaim every parcel of your town
/town unclaim rect [radius] :
/town withdraw [$] :withdraw money from your town bank account
/town deposit [$] : deposits
/town new [town] : create a new town with you as the mayor
/town new [town] [mayor] :Same but with mayor specifics
/town [add/kick] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick resident to your town
/town [add+/kick+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline resident to your town
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick assistants to your town
/town assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline assistants to your town
/town set board [message ... ] : set your town messageboard
/town set mayor [mayor] :changes your mayor
/town set homeblock : changes your homeblock
/town set spawn : change your spawn
/town set perm [on/off] : same than resident perms , but for town
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :same
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] :town
/town set pvp [on/off] : enables/ disables pvp
/town set taxes [$] : set Town tax
/town set plottax [$] : set Tax for the plots
/town set plotprice [$] : set the plot price.
/town set name [name] : renames your town
/towny top money resident/town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most money
/towny top residents town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most residents
/towny top land resident/town/all/nation : show which residents/towns/nations have the most claimed land

Plot Related

/plot claim : claims a plot
/plot unclaim : unclaim it
/plot forsale : setting it for sale
/plot notforsale : not setting it for sale

Nation Related

/na : Allows you to talk and stay in Nation Chat

/nation list : shows a list of all the nations on the server
/nation [nation] : shows information on the named nation
/nation leave : leaves the nation your town is in
/nation withdraw [$] : withdraws the numbered amount of money from the Nation Bank
/nation deposit [$] : deposites the numbered amount of money into the Nation Bank
/nation new [nation]
/nation new [nation] [capital]
/nation assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation add [town] .. [town]
/nation kick [town] .. [town]
/nation delete [nation]
/nation ally [add/remove] [nation]
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation]
/nation set neutral [on/off]
/nation set taxes [$]
/nation set name [name]
/nation set king [resident]
/nation set capital [town]
/nation set name [name]

/towny ? : towny help list
/towny map : shows map
/towny war stats : show war stats
/towny war scores : show war scores

Towny Admin

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /ta

/townyadmin ?
/townyadmin set [] .. []
/townyadmin set king [nation] [king]
/townyadmin set capital [nation] [capital]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] npc
/townyadmin set name [town/nation] [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc rename [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc list
/townyadmin war toggle
/townyadmin war toggle [on/off]
/townyadmin givebonus [town] [n]
/townyadmin reload
/townyadmin newday
/townyadmin backup
Console only

/towny seed
/towny tree

LWC CommandsEdit
LWC Related
LWC: Chest/ Door Protection

o /lwc -c public Create a public protection (anyone can view/modify, but not protect)
o /lwc -c password <password> Create a password-protected protection
o /lwc -c private Create a private protection
* /lwc -m Modify an existing protection
* /lwc -u <password> Unlock something (when asked)
* /lwc -i View information on an already protected inventory
* /lwc -p Activate a mode if it is not blacklisted
* /lwc -r <protection|modes> Remove an existing protection or all modes activated on you

Shop CommandsEdit
Shop Related

/shopcheck [Item]
/shop list [Page #]
/shop list buy
/shop list sell
/shop list info
/sell [item] - sells one of the named item in your hand or inventory

/sell [item] [# or all] - sells that amount of the block in your inventory

/buy [item] - Buys one of the named item from the global shop

/buy [item]
  • - buys that amount of the named item from the global shop

Iconomy CommandsEdit
Iconomy Related
/money - check your balance
/money ? - Help for basic money commands
/money rank - Rank on the topcharts
/money top - Richest players list
/money pay [player] [amount] - Send money to a player
/money pay [player] [amount] : Send money to a player.
/money : Get your current account balance.

MCMMO CommandsEdit
/mcmmo - Displays a description of the mod and how to play

/mcc - Displays a list of McMMO commands in game

/mcstats - View detailed information on your McMMO stats

/mctop - Views the list of the top 10 people in McMMO for the server.

  • - Views the list of ranks for a certain page of McMMO ranks. (Ex. /mctop 2 Shows who in the 11-20 top in McMMO for the server, and /mctop 10 will show who are in the 91-100 top in McMMO for the server)

ICOLand CommandsEdit
===ICoLand Related
LANDID - ID # of the land you want the command to act on
ADDON - the name of the addon ( announce, noenter, heal )
PERMTAGS - permission tags they are formatted like: :, where is the playername or the special tag "default", and is either "-" to remove a perm, or "t" or "f" to indicate granting or denying permission

/icl - shows /icl help
/icl help - help screen
/icl list - lists all properties
/icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
/icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info will show you info on a specific land ID#
/icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
/icl buy addon - buys the specified for the specified - addon prices are listed under /icl info
/icl sell land - sells the land specified by ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
/icl sell addon - sells the specified at the specified
/icl edit name
/icl edit perms
Admin commands
/icl modify perms - (admin) - modifies a ' permissions
/icl modify addons - (admin) - modifies a 's addons
/icl modify owner - (admin) - changes the owner of a


Announce - will announce the name of the area when a player enters or leaves
NoEnter - will deny people from entering the zone
Heal - will heal players over time
NoSpawn - no spawns ( and removes mobs from the zone on a period configurable time )
NoBoom - no explosions ( not yet implemented )
NoFire - blocks can not burn or be ignited
NoFlow - lava/water will not flow in this zone ( if you have build perms you can have single source blocks in mid air heh )===

/whois - View detailed information about a player (requires Op)

/a - Toggle admin chat (requires Op)
/setmyspawn - Set your own personal spawn location stored in a file
/myspawn - Return to your own personal spawn as if you had died (use this instead of suicide)
/chunkme - this fixes the world holes that seem to be appearing everywhere...
/admin - sends a pm to Fatnoobs desktop
/pvp (on/off) - to turn off the ability to pvp ( pvp is set to its default - off - on login )
/sethome - sets your home

/home - goes to your sethome location

Mob Arena CommandsEdit
The Mob Arena is Not Completed Yet
Mob Arena Related
/ma join

/ma leave

/ma spectate

/ma list

/ma notready

VIP Commands

/Thru - Lets you go "Thru" walls and/or blocks that have an opening behind them or above them...
/J or /Jump - Teleports you to the block your cursor is on.

/Ascend [Number of levels] or /Descend [Number of Levels] - You got up or down how many levels you wish.

/Top - Takes you to the highest block that has been placed above you.

/spawn - Takes you to the VIP spawn, which has some "Special" shops which are not available to [Member]s

/sethome (name of home) - VIP's get an extra two /sethome's, which amounts to a grand total of 3 places that you can teleport to by using /home. After you do /sethome (name of home), to get there all you have to type is /home (name of home).

/wb - Lets you open up a crafting/work bench where ever you are, it can come in handy when you need to craft an item, but you dont have a work bench.

/enderchest - Lets you open up an enderchest where every you are. It is great for extra storage when mining or farming.

/Back - Takes you back to the last place you were before you teleported or died.

« Last Edit: 24 Apr 2014, 19:45:15 by SeaofRed79 »


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jul 2013, 01:46:36 »
Wait a minute, we have a wiki, and I didn't know about it? What kind of sorcery is this...


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jul 2013, 01:49:51 »
The way I found the page was I just googled and I've had it bookmarked for awhile since I'm kinda slow when it comes to commands. haha


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2013, 02:41:48 »
thanks! i needed this!


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2013, 06:04:11 »
I always wondered what all the commands were, now, thanks to GG, here they are!



Towny Commands

It Costs 500,000 Noobz to be able to creat a Town. Anyone who wants to can make a town, but it is wise to know what you are getting yourself into before you deside to make your own town, because once you create the town, theres no turning back.

/tc [message] :Town Chat: To stay in Town Chat just do /tc: To get out of Town Chat do /tc again.
/nc [message] :Nation Chat: To stay in Nation Chat just do /nc: To get out of Nation Chat do /nc again.
/msg playername your message : send a private message to playername
/reply your message : send a private message to last payer who sent you a message

/resident set mode tc : to talk by default in Town Chat
/resident set mode nc : to talk by default in Nation Chat
/resident set mode reset : to talk by default in normal Chat

Resident Related

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /player or /r

/resident : your stats
/resident ? : Resident help list
/resident [resident] : Resident stats
/resident set mode map : toogles automap
/resident set mode townclaim :toggles autoclaim
/resident set mode map townclaim : toogles map and autoclaim
/resident set mode reset : disables map/autoclaim
/resident friend [add/remove] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove resident to your friendlist
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove offline resident to your friendlist
/resident friend clearlist : clears friendlist
/resident delete [resident] : delete resident of our friendlist
/resident set perm [on/off] :enable disable permissions on your plots
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :more specific
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off] :even more specific

reset : Reset modes to default.
map : Show the map as you move between town blocks.
townclaim : Claim as you walk.
townunclaim : Unclaim as you walk.
tc : Talking to your town won't require you to prefix "/tc".
nc : Talking to your nation won't require you to prefix "/nc".
waratk : Show logging of hp of the places your town is attacking.
wardef : Show logging of hp of the places your town is under attack.

Towny Related

All towny commands can also be used with it's alias /t

/town : your town stats
/town ? :town commands list
/town list : list of towns
/town leave : leave your stone
/town here :infos on the town you're located
/town spawn : teleport to your town's spawn
/town claim : expand your town in the wilderness chunk you're in
/town claim rect [radius] : expand your town in a rectangular form
/town claim rect auto : same but with auto dimension
/town unclaim: unclaim a parcel
/town unclaim all : unclaim every parcel of your town
/town unclaim rect [radius] :
/town withdraw [$] :withdraw money from your town bank account
/town deposit [$] : deposits
/town new [town] : create a new town with you as the mayor
/town new [town] [mayor] :Same but with mayor specifics
/town [add/kick] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick resident to your town
/town [add+/kick+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline resident to your town
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick assistants to your town
/town assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline assistants to your town
/town set board [message ... ] : set your town messageboard
/town set mayor [mayor] :changes your mayor
/town set homeblock : changes your homeblock
/town set spawn : change your spawn
/town set perm [on/off] : same than resident perms , but for town
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :same
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] :town
/town set pvp [on/off] : enables/ disables pvp
/town set taxes [$] : set Town tax
/town set plottax [$] : set Tax for the plots
/town set plotprice [$] : set the plot price.
/town set name [name] : renames your town
/towny top money resident/town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most money
/towny top residents town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most residents
/towny top land resident/town/all/nation : show which residents/towns/nations have the most claimed land

Plot Related

/plot claim : claims a plot
/plot unclaim : unclaim it
/plot forsale : setting it for sale
/plot notforsale : not setting it for sale

Nation Related

/na : Allows you to talk and stay in Nation Chat

/nation list : shows a list of all the nations on the server
/nation [nation] : shows information on the named nation
/nation leave : leaves the nation your town is in
/nation withdraw [$] : withdraws the numbered amount of money from the Nation Bank
/nation deposit [$] : deposites the numbered amount of money into the Nation Bank
/nation new [nation]
/nation new [nation] [capital]
/nation assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation add [town] .. [town]
/nation kick [town] .. [town]
/nation delete [nation]
/nation ally [add/remove] [nation]
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation]
/nation set neutral [on/off]
/nation set taxes [$]
/nation set name [name]
/nation set king [resident]
/nation set capital [town]
/nation set name [name]

/towny ? : towny help list
/towny map : shows map
/towny war stats : show war stats
/towny war scores : show war scores

Towny Admin

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /ta

/townyadmin ?
/townyadmin set [] .. []
/townyadmin set king [nation] [king]
/townyadmin set capital [nation] [capital]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] npc
/townyadmin set name [town/nation] [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc rename [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc list
/townyadmin war toggle
/townyadmin war toggle [on/off]
/townyadmin givebonus [town] [n]
/townyadmin reload
/townyadmin newday
/townyadmin backup
Console only

/towny seed
/towny tree

LWC CommandsEdit
LWC Related
LWC: Chest/ Door Protection

o /lwc -c public Create a public protection (anyone can view/modify, but not protect)
o /lwc -c password <password> Create a password-protected protection
o /lwc -c private Create a private protection
* /lwc -m Modify an existing protection
* /lwc -u <password> Unlock something (when asked)
* /lwc -i View information on an already protected inventory
* /lwc -p Activate a mode if it is not blacklisted
* /lwc -r <protection|modes> Remove an existing protection or all modes activated on you

Shop CommandsEdit
Shop Related

/shopcheck [Item]
/shop list [Page #]
/shop list buy
/shop list sell
/shop list info
/sell [item] - sells one of the named item in your hand or inventory

/sell [item] [# or all] - sells that amount of the block in your inventory

/buy [item] - Buys one of the named item from the global shop

/buy [item]
  • - buys that amount of the named item from the global shop

Iconomy CommandsEdit
Iconomy Related
/money - check your balance
/money ? - Help for basic money commands
/money rank - Rank on the topcharts
/money top - Richest players list
/money pay [player] [amount] - Send money to a player
/money pay [player] [amount] : Send money to a player.
/money : Get your current account balance.

MCMMO CommandsEdit
/mcmmo - Displays a description of the mod and how to play

/mcc - Displays a list of McMMO commands in game

/mcstats - View detailed information on your McMMO stats

/mctop - Views the list of the top 10 people in McMMO for the server.

  • - Views the list of ranks for a certain page of McMMO ranks. (Ex. /mctop 2 Shows who in the 11-20 top in McMMO for the server, and /mctop 10 will show who are in the 91-100 top in McMMO for the server)

ICOLand CommandsEdit
===ICoLand Related
LANDID - ID # of the land you want the command to act on
ADDON - the name of the addon ( announce, noenter, heal )
PERMTAGS - permission tags they are formatted like: :, where is the playername or the special tag "default", and is either "-" to remove a perm, or "t" or "f" to indicate granting or denying permission

/icl - shows /icl help
/icl help - help screen
/icl list - lists all properties
/icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
/icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info will show you info on a specific land ID#
/icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
/icl buy addon - buys the specified for the specified - addon prices are listed under /icl info
/icl sell land - sells the land specified by ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
/icl sell addon - sells the specified at the specified
/icl edit name
/icl edit perms
Admin commands
/icl modify perms - (admin) - modifies a ' permissions
/icl modify addons - (admin) - modifies a 's addons
/icl modify owner - (admin) - changes the owner of a


Announce - will announce the name of the area when a player enters or leaves
NoEnter - will deny people from entering the zone
Heal - will heal players over time
NoSpawn - no spawns ( and removes mobs from the zone on a period configurable time )
NoBoom - no explosions ( not yet implemented )
NoFire - blocks can not burn or be ignited
NoFlow - lava/water will not flow in this zone ( if you have build perms you can have single source blocks in mid air heh )===

/whois - View detailed information about a player (requires Op)

/a - Toggle admin chat (requires Op)
/setmyspawn - Set your own personal spawn location stored in a file
/myspawn - Return to your own personal spawn as if you had died (use this instead of suicide)
/chunkme - this fixes the world holes that seem to be appearing everywhere...
/admin - sends a pm to Fatnoobs desktop
/pvp (on/off) - to turn off the ability to pvp ( pvp is set to its default - off - on login )
/sethome - sets your home

/home - goes to your sethome location

Mob Arena CommandsEdit
The Mob Arena is Not Completed Yet
Mob Arena Related
/ma join

/ma leave

/ma spectate

/ma list

/ma notready

VIP Commands

/Thru - Lets you go "Thru" walls and/or blocks that have an opening behind them or above them...
/J or /Jump - Teleports you to the block your cursor is on.

/Ascend [Number of levels] or /Descend [Number of Levels] - You got up or down how many levels you wish.

/Top - Takes you to the highest block that has been placed above you.

/spawn - Takes you to the VIP spawn, which has some "Special" shops which are not available to [Member]s

/sethome (name of home) - VIP's get an extra two /sethome's, which amounts to a grand total of 3 places that you can teleport to by using /home. After you do /sethome (name of home), to get there all you have to type is /home (name of home).

/wb - Lets you open up a crafting/work bench where ever you are, it can come in handy when you need to craft an item, but you dont have a work bench.

/enderchest - Lets you open up an enderchest where every you are. It is great for extra storage when mining or farming.

/Back - Takes you back to the last place you were before you teleported or died.


Great but may I just add /tc and /nc do not currently work


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #5 on: 15 Oct 2013, 15:02:21 »
When you post a link to a wiki, there's no need to paste the whole page content again on the forum :P
(and to quote it all again)


Re: ALL the Commands
« Reply #6 on: 15 Oct 2013, 18:07:26 »
From the Wiki,
sethome (name of home) - VIP's get an extra two /sethome's, which amounts to a grand total of 3 places that you can teleport to by using /home. After you do /sethome (name of home), to get there all you have to type is /home (name of home).
Non-VIPS had 2 homes too, so it's an extra one home for vips:P