Guide to Salvage  (Read 7356 times)

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Guide to Salvage
« on: 10 Nov 2014, 16:09:06 »
This is a guide to the updated salvage since there has been a little confusion with how it works. I'll write it a bit like a FAQ type thing with questions and answers.

What has changed?
In relation to the old system of salvage (pre-November 2014) lots has changed. Everyone now has the ability to salvage irrespective of your repair level, there are also now abilities to salvage damaged items and get enchants back from items.

I already had repair 1000 with better salvage why change it?
We have to keep up-to-date with plugins, we don't directly create McMMO we simply use it on our server, this means we have to go with any changes the developers of it implement, including this change. This change is however a lot fairer as you work up towards getting a better salvage rather than it randomly starting at an arbitrary number. Salvage can also now be much more powerful with the ability to restore and gain enchants from items.

What is Salvage?
Salvage allows you to get back some (or all) of the items required to craft certain items by clicking the item against a gold block. It will break apart the item into its components, some of which will drop on the floor for you. The higher your salvage level the more (and better) items you'll get back.

Who can salvage?
Everyone is now able to perform salvage, no matter what repair level you are!

How to I level Salvage?
Salvage is a child skill (meaning it is calculated as an average of other (parent) skills) of repair and fishing. So to level up salvage you need to work on repair and fishing.

How come I only get 1 item back?
Salvage is a progressive skill, so the higher your level the more if gives back, basically meaning that you need to be a very high level before it begins to give multiple items back.

How come it says I need a higher level?
This is likely referring to damaged items. In lower levels of salvage you can only salvage full (completely undamaged) items. As you level up you'll unlock advanced salvage which will then allow you to salvage even damaged things!

What is advanced salvage?
Unlocked at a certain point; advanced salvage allows you to salvage back damaged items. As with normal salvage the higher your level the more you get back.

What is arcane salvage?
When salvaging an enchanted item arcane salvage gives a percentage chance for you to get back either a part of full enchant back from the item in the form of an enchantment book. You can then use the book to enchant something else. The higher the level the increased chance of getting the enchant (or as close to the enchant) as possible.

If you have anymore questions please feelf free to ask them, and I can add them to the above list.


Re: Guide to Salvage
« Reply #1 on: 14 Nov 2014, 13:52:14 »
I can understand people's frustration at this, but I'm glad for this. Repair is hard to level, I myself am still only at iron. This opens up the ability to the scrubs like me, I'm really excited.