Towny Commands  (Read 5141 times)

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Towny Commands
« on: 3 May 2011, 12:21:12 »
This is easy way to know what you can do in a town or nation for commands hope this helps.

Town Resident Commands

/resident ? - Resident Help Menu
/resident list - List all residents of a Town
/resident - View your resident information
/town leave - Remove yourself from a town as a resident
/towny map - Show town map
/towny prices - View town pricing

Town Mayor Commands

Starting up a new Town
/towny prices - View town pricing
/town new <town-name> - Create a town named...
/town new <town-name> - Short form to create a town named...
/town set name [town-name] - Change town name
/town - Town stats
/town - Short form for Town stats
/town add <playername> - Add a particular resident
/town deposit/withdraw <amount> - Deposit or withdraw money into the town bank
/town claim - Claim an addition town block
/town unclaim - Unclaim a town block
/towny map - Map of the town
/resident set mode map - Pops the map up in chat when walking between blocks
/resident set mode reset - Turn off map popping up in chat

/town set taxes [amount] - Sets the daily tax owed by residents

Assigning Town Permissions
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] - Set town permissions
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] - Set town permissions
/town set perm [on/off] - Set overall town permissions
/town set mayor [resident-name] - Transfer Mayor status to another player
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident-name] - Set up/Remove an assistant to the Mayor
/town set board [message] - This is displayed user players when they view your town details
/town set homeblock - This moves the central home block. This may be useful in wartime.
/town kick [playername] - To remove a resident from a town
/town delete [town-name] - Delete a town
/town withdraw/deposit [amount] - Withdraw or deposit money from the town's bank account

Towny Chat Channel Commands

Quick Commands:
/tc <message> - Chat with other residents of your town
/nc <message> - Chat with other members of your nation
Channel Commands
/resident set mode tc - Town chat mode
/resident set mode nc - Nation chat mode
/resident set mode reset - Switch out of Town/Nation chat mode
« Last Edit: 14 May 2011, 20:00:08 by Fatnoob »