A way to get VIP, VIP+  (Read 3648 times)

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A way to get VIP, VIP+
« on: 14 Sep 2018, 22:41:43 »
the sever should add a way to get VIP or VIP+ tho many people way not like this like about having a player who payed for VIP+ and might think its unfair but if someone like me who played a ton over the summer and one month gained of 3300+ powerlevel soon as the top players of the month thing was added i was like dang it i wish i could have waited a month then i wish there was a way to get VIP+ soon as the /Warp top thing was added so for the prices i think it should be                      12 top of the top books to get Vip+ so if you played all month and got the top spot you got 10 top of the top then you gotta get first,second,third you can get vip+ so then it will make it more enjoyable for the people that play alot  so for vip you should make it 6 top of the top books to get it or maybe 64 generals just for that i think that would be a decent price.

if you have a way to make it better make a post plz  :)


Re: A way to get VIP, VIP+
« Reply #1 on: 14 Sep 2018, 23:07:12 »
By not doing it. Simple as that. Would you rather remove top in general and get no rewards for playing? This was how it was before hand. If you want to complain then we can go back. Sorry if this is negative but I'm tired of people complaining about not being able to get free things. You can still buy it I'm pretty sure.
Edit: if this was added you need to clear up the price, but it needs to be really expensive. I didnt play as often as I wanted during summer and still got 10 books. And you play a lot because you enjoy it, if you dont, why play? It's your choice to play.
« Last Edit: 14 Sep 2018, 23:11:09 by Hyperspacechewy »


Re: A way to get VIP, VIP+
« Reply #2 on: 15 Sep 2018, 00:01:55 »
It would have to be a LOT more  then 12 top of the top for VIP+, something like 100 top of the top for VIP then, VIP+ would be a hundred more, this would allow those with VIP to get VIP+, and those who don't have VIP or VIP+ can get VIP+. This way it would take some EXTREME dedication to get VIP, and if your that dedicated, I think you deserve VIP.


Re: A way to get VIP, VIP+
« Reply #3 on: 16 Sep 2018, 15:06:50 »
Nice thread Macadam, I hope you find a way to get VIP.