ADDING TO THE /cmodify @[IGN] COMMAND ( not the with the /cmodify [IGN] )  (Read 594 times)

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  Hello there Noobstown Staff, my IGN is Hexidecima and I had an idea that may help towny work a little more efficiently. Of course I will completely understand if this idea is rejected for any reason, and no explanation is needed. After all, it is you who runs the server not I. Furthermore I will do my best to explain this idea and use examples to my best ability. Please Bare with me, I am not coding savy at all.

     I live in the beautiful town of Windermere. We have a hard-working staff and often times we help each other out on various builds in town. However things become quite difficult when one of us place a chest or a hopper(a lock type item) and later another staff member from town has to move/remove it. These types of items have locks and owners. Now access to these items can be shared by using the /cmodify [IGN] command. In addition these items can also be modified by those who do not own the item; the owner must input the command /cmodify @[IGN] to enable another player to modify that item. However, any player added to that item with the /cmodify [IGN] or /cmodify @[IGN] cannot destroy the item itself. So, if my fellow staff place a sign, I or other staff must wait until that staff member who placed it logs back on to move it. I understand that this is put into effect for anti-grief purposes. However, I believe anyone who has the knowledge and will to do a /cmodify @[IGN] surely understands what they are doing. after all it is not a command that one would serendipitously stumble upon; it is quite specific. I was wondering if perhaps the /cmodify @[IGN] could include the destruction/removal or the item itself. Once again I understand this is a grief protection, but anyone who is using the /cmodify @[IGN] one any item despite its rarity and value is clearly not worried about those they give  access to.

     In conclusion I am asking if the /cmodify @[IGN] will give an added admin the right to destroy/remove the placed item, even if it is placed by another player. If for any reason this is not possible, I would hope that at least a new command can be put it that would allow a similar effect. This is for the purpose of making it easier for staff in a town to work together at different times if possible. Thank you for your consideration.


While we're at it I have another highly useful suggestion. Although this probably can't be done without creating a custom version of LWC. It would be very handy if we could create groups of players and assign container permissions to a certain group. In that way if a new town staff member adds or leaves I don't have to update the permissions on a few hundred chests manually.