Beacons in the Wild  (Read 3950 times)

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Beacons in the Wild
« on: 4 Mar 2014, 04:53:14 »
Beacons should be allowed in the wild, because some people (like me) only live in the wild world not the towny world. If anything I think we should at least have a vote.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #1 on: 4 Mar 2014, 05:16:46 »
Beacons are disabled as it might annoying people in an area near you (as I have heard) and are for now disabled.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #2 on: 4 Mar 2014, 08:12:29 »
I have moved this to Suggestions & ideas thread as it doesn't belong in Noobscraft General.

Also, Beacons are disabled due to players could have a effect on the beacon( I.e Jump) and the player living next to them may not want that effect due to the effect could be pretty annoying.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #3 on: 4 Mar 2014, 13:51:29 »
Also, Beacons are disabled due to players could have a effect on the beacon( I.e Jump) and the player living next to them may not want that effect due to the effect could be pretty annoying.

Oh so what you're saying is that because someone didn't respect a person, and didn't ask if they may move in very close to them, we are not gone be allowed beacons in the wild? Just cause the space between plots are 3 chunks, doesn't mean you have to set up your area at the exact edge of anothers area.

A Beacon got a max reach of 50 blocks, if anybody is within that radius of my home, they can leave, I never said yes to anyone moving in next to me, so it's their own fault they didn't walk a little longer out.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #4 on: 8 Mar 2014, 18:06:45 »
Perhaps an addition of a wild beacon with a reduced radius would be a happy compromise?


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #5 on: 8 Mar 2014, 21:43:01 »
Please keep in mind the wilderness is a free world.  A player needs no permissions to set up homestead wherever they like.  As such, the argument of, "I didn't give them permission to be near me" is invalid.  Perhaps Lawrence or Fatnoob can expand on their reasons in the future.
« Last Edit: 8 Mar 2014, 21:47:38 by Duelcon »


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #6 on: 9 Mar 2014, 00:23:09 »
Please keep in mind the wilderness is a free world.  A player needs no permissions to set up homestead wherever they like.  As such, the argument of, "I didn't give them permission to be near me" is invalid.  Perhaps Lawrence or Fatnoob can expand on their reasons in the future.

I just dislike the way Jack worded his opinion, it was a persons choice, their own choice, to move in at the exact edges of someone elses chunky home, so they have no right to say "no don't place a Beacon as I do not want these buffs in my area", they moved in next to my area, they have to deal with the Beacon, or they can move.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #7 on: 9 Mar 2014, 04:34:46 »
Along that line of thinking, couldn't a person argue that if you want a beacon, you can just move to a town?


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #8 on: 9 Mar 2014, 14:09:51 »
Along that line of thinking, couldn't a person argue that if you want a beacon, you can just move to a town?

Well I was the first to move in to my area, people moved in around ME, so they choice themself to move in next to my chunks, so they really can't complain, also I doubt a Beacon effect will hit them, as it's a shield of 3 chunks around someones Chunky Home, and a Beacon effect only goes 50 blocks (2 more blocks than 3 chunks).


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #9 on: 9 Mar 2014, 20:49:10 »
I agree with Minerman on this one, Why shouldn't we be allowed beacons in our home? If someone moves close by to people and then complain that they are getting buffs for free how is that our problem? They did decide to move close to someone which they are entitled to but we should be entitled to beacons if we can make them.

Just what i think of this...


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #10 on: 10 Mar 2014, 01:16:43 »
Please keep in mind the wilderness is a free world.  A player needs no permissions to set up homestead wherever they like.

Somewhat Duel, it's hardly "Free" with the prices on the chunks, v5 was free. Quite honestly due to the cost's limiting by build, were someone to set-up too close to me and ruin my planning at this point it would be enough to make me leave the server for good, considering a similar thing happened in v5.

a Beacon effect only goes 50 blocks (2 more blocks than 3 chunks).

Also a good point considering that the outer perimeter block is for the most part useless for anything other than walkways and walls.


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #11 on: 10 Mar 2014, 02:11:50 »
I just want effects in my base, they are very usefull and just cause somebody else live next to me, which was their own fault and choice I should add, I am not gone be allowed a Beacon? Or 5?


Re: Beacons in the Wild
« Reply #12 on: 10 Mar 2014, 15:18:02 »
As explained previously by other users beacons are disabled because their effects are able to extend beyond your land and possibly into other people's; as a result of this we have taking the most reasonable step which is to prevent their use in the wilderness completely. This prevents arguments between individuals living near each other and as it is equal to all users it doesn't give any select individuals an advantage over others. So simply put for now we won't be allowing beacons in the wilderness however if Bukkit ever offers a sensible way to reduce/limit the reach of a beacon we may look into changing this.

A Beacon got a max reach of 50 blocks...
You need to be aware that the border around land is 32 blocks (2 chunks) so even with this the highest tiers of beacon would extend beyond the border; and possibly into other people's land.

Somewhat Duel, it's hardly "Free" with the prices on the chunks, v5 was free....
When Duel previously mentioned that land was "free" he was referring to the fact that anyone is entitled to buy any unowned land anywhere in the world and not that land pricing was 0. Referring to the "freedom" to purchase anywhere. If people buy land which is next to yours they are allowed to do so, you don't own it until you own it; if you feel this isn't fair please post a new suggestion topic explaining what different methods we could use for this and we'll be happy to review them.

If someone moves close by to people and then complain that they are getting buffs for free how is that our problem? They did decide to move close to someone which they are entitled to but we should be entitled to beacons if we can make them....
If you think about this from a different angle though a user could move into land and then you could place a beacon with an effect they don't want and they then can't do anything about it? Or if you move in next to them and place a beacon again they'd have no way to prevent it?

BUT SURE GO AHEAD< register your stupid cobble hut 4 chunks away from me, complain about the beam ... and then never come back to play again.  Super excited about that.
If people are inactive for long enough their land will be completely sold off and reverted back to wilderness thus freeing it up for you or others. We specifically designed the land ownership system to ensure that continuously inactive users don't keep their land.

Perhaps an addition of a wild beacon with a reduced radius would be a happy compromise?
We may actually look into this for the future allowing a custom effect radius given from a beacon, it would be a good compromise and would be allowed to work with the existing land ownership system. Thanks for the suggestion.

If you wish to open another more friendly discussion about the beacons please do so, but it needs to stay on topic about beacons and not about land ownership (that needs to be a separate topic).

Topic locked.