Chest shop Tax V2  (Read 5961 times)

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Chest shop Tax V2
« on: 4 Jul 2018, 10:20:01 »
I made a topic about this before but that was a while ago. You can find it here, if interested:
Anyway, if I'm right there is a 5% tax on chest shops unless it was changed. I believe that instead of the money being taxed just disappearing, that maybe some of it could be given to the town the chest shop is in. This can help towns grow as they have another source of income besides donations. Anyway thanks for reading my suggestion and enjoy your day.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #1 on: 4 Jul 2018, 15:47:50 »
This sounds great. I didn't even know there were taxes lol.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #2 on: 4 Jul 2018, 16:30:47 »
Maybe 25% of the taxes collected goes to nation then 75% of taxes goes to town... but I'm not sure what a nation would do with the money, possibly have nation events... wait we should do that!


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jul 2018, 21:59:31 »
I made a topic about this before but that was a while ago. You can find it here, if interested:
Anyway, if I'm right there is a 5% tax on chest shops unless it was changed. I believe that instead of the money being taxed just disappearing, that maybe some of it could be given to the town the chest shop is in. This can help towns grow as they have another source of income besides donations. Anyway thanks for reading my suggestion and enjoy your day.
There is a 5% sales tax (charged to the seller) on shop signs, yes; the seller (be that the chest owner or the person selling to a shop) will receive 5% less than the sale value displayed on the sign. I can understand your suggestion in terms of wanting to make money, however the sales tax is one of only a small limited number of ways that money is actually able to leave the overall economy; something we somewhat want to allow for.

I can understand the idea that maybe Towns could add an additional sales tax on top of the 5%, so they could maybe set a custom additional tax which would then go to the Town. What do you think about that, is that something you might want or is that not in the spirit of what you were suggesting?


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jul 2018, 01:03:05 »
There is a 5% sales tax (charged to the seller) on shop signs, yes; the seller (be that the chest owner or the person selling to a shop) will receive 5% less than the sale value displayed on the sign. I can understand your suggestion in terms of wanting to make money, however the sales tax is one of only a small limited number of ways that money is actually able to leave the overall economy; something we somewhat want to allow for.

I can understand the idea that maybe Towns could add an additional sales tax on top of the 5%, so they could maybe set a custom additional tax which would then go to the Town. What do you think about that, is that something you might want or is that not in the spirit of what you were suggesting?
There is a tax? Is that why when I sell say... 64 raw fish for a shop that buys it for 100 I only get like 90? Or is that a bug...


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jul 2018, 01:31:32 »
you should get 95 nbz back if it's from the chestshop.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jul 2018, 01:33:55 »
There is a 5% sales tax (charged to the seller) on shop signs, yes; the seller (be that the chest owner or the person selling to a shop) will receive 5% less than the sale value displayed on the sign. I can understand your suggestion in terms of wanting to make money, however the sales tax is one of only a small limited number of ways that money is actually able to leave the overall economy; something we somewhat want to allow for.

I can understand the idea that maybe Towns could add an additional sales tax on top of the 5%, so they could maybe set a custom additional tax which would then go to the Town. What do you think about that, is that something you might want or is that not in the spirit of what you were suggesting?

Yes maybe towns could be able to set tax on that 5% tax. So maybe town owners can make it 2% on the 5% and the 2% goes to their
town. Good idea ItsLawrence +1


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #7 on: 28 Jul 2018, 04:08:44 »
Loads of players who join with 5000 nbz default, buy a 5k plot and at first tax, lose it all ..

It would cut quite a few towns in half i guess and a few players who will be like 'lost my stuff, might as well leave the server' or just be upset that they lost their stuff.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jul 2018, 04:46:42 »
Highly disagree. I don't like loosing money as it is, at that rate I may as well just sell to /shop. And I already know that if you buy an upgrade like floris said, most new players would just quit.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jul 2018, 05:59:01 »
Yeah I agree with hyper. I mean if the money isn't going anywhere what's the point? I mean your just losing money with no real purpose...


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jul 2018, 08:29:48 »
There is already 5% tax. I would make the thing something mayors can toggle so not all towns will have town tax on top of the normal already set 5% tax.
If you don’t like mayors who set an extra tax upon just don’t have a shop in that town.
And for the already set 5% although the money goes nowhere it helps remove some from the economy.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #11 on: 28 Jul 2018, 08:32:00 »
(Sorry for the double post again, after writing first one I wanted to add something else)  Mrfloris how will they lose everything at first tax? The nbz isn’t taken from your balance but it’s taken during the transfer of the chestshop.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #12 on: 28 Jul 2018, 15:07:23 »
And what if it's one of the only shops that have what you need or is convenient? If part of the tax went from the 5% that disappeared already then I'd be fine with that. But adding more? No bueno.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #13 on: 28 Jul 2018, 15:29:11 »
You don’t get taxed from buying anything, if that’s what you mean by if it’s one of the only shops that has what you need. The tax just comes out of the nbz transferred. Actually you don’t even get affected by the tax thing if you are buying, the price on the sign is how much you pay. I don’t see how the tax can affect you on buying stuff from a shop that has something you need and it’s the only one.


Re: Chest shop Tax V2
« Reply #14 on: 28 Jul 2018, 17:20:03 »
Maybe i am just not understanding things because i am sleep deprived. I agree with the consensus ! .. (goes to bed)