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I made a topic about this before but that was a while ago. You can find it here, if interested: https://www.noobscraft.com/idea/chest-shop-tax/Anyway, if I'm right there is a 5% tax on chest shops unless it was changed. I believe that instead of the money being taxed just disappearing, that maybe some of it could be given to the town the chest shop is in. This can help towns grow as they have another source of income besides donations. Anyway thanks for reading my suggestion and enjoy your day.
There is a 5% sales tax (charged to the seller) on shop signs, yes; the seller (be that the chest owner or the person selling to a shop) will receive 5% less than the sale value displayed on the sign. I can understand your suggestion in terms of wanting to make money, however the sales tax is one of only a small limited number of ways that money is actually able to leave the overall economy; something we somewhat want to allow for.I can understand the idea that maybe Towns could add an additional sales tax on top of the 5%, so they could maybe set a custom additional tax which would then go to the Town. What do you think about that, is that something you might want or is that not in the spirit of what you were suggesting?