Chest shop towny accounts  (Read 1080 times)

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Chest shop towny accounts
« on: 30 Jul 2015, 12:37:22 »

I know I am like annoying with the suggestions.
But as a mayor I know that towns are opening shops in town but all the profits goto the town.
Me being one of them I had this wacky idea last night when I was half asleep... Why not make a Towny Bank Account that is also compatible with the chestshop plugin.
I don't know if this is within The towny version you are creating and chestshops abilities.

But I have thrown it out there now we can sit on it and see if it squeaks.




Re: Chest shop towny accounts
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jul 2015, 22:21:26 »
I agree that this would be quite interesting/helpful.  Though i would add a way to say what percentage of money goes to the town so that he/she could get supplies to help restock the shops if needed.


Re: Chest shop towny accounts
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jul 2015, 22:30:33 »
I'm pretty sure this is already a thing cause I've seen it done somewhere else, but you need admin privileges so you'd need an admin to make it and there's the risk of someone selling a ton of stuff and your bank running out of money(or you could just not buy from people). Though I don't know if it was a different plugin but I did find someone who said it was true as long as you had chest shop and towny, so all an admin has to do is put town-actualtownname instead of where people put their name on the chest shops and people can buy and sell directly to the town bank(though I don't guarantee that it works but maybe someone else knows or could try it out with an admin).


Re: Chest shop towny accounts
« Reply #3 on: 31 Jul 2015, 01:31:02 »
You can just take the money you make from a chest shop and deposit it into the town bank. I know Windermere we only have a very small profit made on our town shop chests so not enough to make a huge difference.