Enable TNT block damage  (Read 4296 times)

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Enable TNT block damage
« on: 31 Jul 2018, 17:45:39 »
Imagine, clearing that 5x5 chunk down to bedrock and it wont take you 3 days and 8 people giving up on helping you.

Given that the server is mostly grief free, it shouldn't be a problem. As some players have been told, any perms you give other players you do at your own risk.

This would also actually give us an mcmmo mining perk 'back' as well, blast mining.


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #1 on: 31 Jul 2018, 18:23:36 »
If this gets a toggle to turn on off like flux mining, this has my vote. Especially if it's say limited to your town plot, or your wild chunk .. and maybe only works if YOU do it - so if i have build perms in tidal's plots, and i try to use it: wont work. That way i know i am the only one damaging my stuff, and not someone who abuses their tnt blast perms.

but yeah, id love to have some vanilla stuff back!


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #2 on: 1 Aug 2018, 20:00:07 »
YES! PLEASE I need soo many chunks mined out :P

If this gets a toggle to turn on off like flux mining
What's flux mining BTW?


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #3 on: 1 Aug 2018, 20:08:31 »
Flux mining is an mcmmo mining 'perk' where ores will auto smelt sometimes and drop ingots. It's actually inefficient as heck because when you smelt normally there's a double drop chance. VIP can disable this. Otherwise if you don't want it to happen you need to use silk touch on ores.


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #4 on: 1 Aug 2018, 20:11:07 »
Flux mining is an mcmmo mining 'perk' where ores will auto smelt sometimes and drop ingots. It's actually inefficient as heck because when you smelt normally there's a double drop chance. VIP can disable this. Otherwise if you don't want it to happen you need to use silk touch on ores.
Cool thanks :P thankfully I know that double drop from smelting isn't VIP lol unless it has been changed...


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #5 on: 2 Sep 2018, 17:14:51 »
bumping for notice


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #6 on: 2 Sep 2018, 17:51:26 »
I dont know how I feel about this. There have to be a lot of changes to how it works, like if I cover a chunk in TNT and ignite it, would the explosion go into other chunks? If it doesnt this would be the most efficient way of mining by far. Would it also hit your other chunks though? Maybe make it a toggle and then a perk of like 50k per which you could toggle on and off, deciding what blocks you could destroy with it? That way it doesnt destroy nearby builds?


Re: Enable TNT block damage
« Reply #7 on: 3 Sep 2018, 00:56:39 »
I thought that server lag was another issue. Too much TNT being set off could crash the server.