NoobsTown Pocket edition  (Read 16927 times)

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NoobsTown Pocket edition
« on: 27 Jul 2015, 23:45:50 »
Hey everyone!

As it may of come to everyone's attention minecraft pocket edition now supports multiplayer functionality and in the favour of it being in a technicality a bukkit program it also allows plugins such as guess what... TOWNY!!!
Therefor I think we would be able to build another Noobstown for players who only have the luxury of playing on their mobile telephones and tablet, It would also support a donation plugin so therefor it would not be running off pc noobstowns costs.

I have alot of family that play on their tablets who would be extremely interested in this.

And also I know the developer will be thinking "There is no pc user name support for minecraft pocket edition as of yet" but their is a clever work around where you change your username on pocket edition to your ingame name and then you can register to the server with a password

Hope this is taken into consideration.




Re: NoobsTown Pocket edition
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2015, 00:45:53 »
Hey everyone!

As it may of come to everyone's attention minecraft pocket edition now supports multiplayer functionality and in the favour of it being in a technicality a bukkit program it also allows plugins such as guess what... TOWNY!!!
Therefor I think we would be able to build another Noobstown for players who only have the luxury of playing on their mobile telephones and tablet, It would also support a donation plugin so therefor it would not be running off pc noobstowns costs.

I have alot of family that play on their tablets who would be extremely interested in this.

And also I know the developer will be thinking "There is no pc user name support for minecraft pocket edition as of yet" but their is a clever work around where you change your username on pocket edition to your ingame name and then you can register to the server with a password

Hope this is taken into consideration.



Sounds like something we could look into for the future, but right now we're working on some big updates for Noobstown including our own towny system etc. thanks for bringing this to our attention. If anyone else is interested in this, please do say so below.


Re: NoobsTown Pocket edition
« Reply #2 on: 26 Nov 2015, 07:47:05 »
I do too feel like it would be nothing but advantages to have a mcpe server for noobstown I'm hardly ever able to play minecraft unless I'm at my friends house and I work mainly every day so I don't get much off time the only Minecraft I really play is pocket edition so I would love to see this happen


Re: NoobsTown Pocket edition
« Reply #3 on: 26 Nov 2015, 23:57:50 »
MCPE is in my eyes a more casual version because if you're going to build a massive town, you're most likely going to build it on PC instead of doing it on your phone for hours. It might be good for more casual players or players without ample access to a PC, but the major flaw in this plan would be getting players to dedicate hours and hours and hours to get an economy or town system a fraction of the size of our current V6.


Re: NoobsTown Pocket edition
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jan 2021, 14:59:43 »
I would love to build and support a town from my mobile device. Done it a few times on other servers. Would love to see the noobstown community again. Still hoping for a mobile server.


Re: NoobsTown Pocket edition
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan 2021, 20:53:46 »
I would love to build and support a town from my mobile device. Done it a few times on other servers. Would love to see the noobstown community again. Still hoping for a mobile server.
At the moment we don't have any plans to expand into Minecraft Bedrock (the non-Java version of the game, including mobile), it's a completely separate thing at the moment, and so would involve reworking completely everything from the ground up, which unfortunately is definitely too much work at the moment. Not saying it'll 100% never happen, but it's definitely not in the plans right now.