Private messages not so private?  (Read 3671 times)

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Private messages not so private?
« on: 3 Jul 2018, 20:21:38 »
So in game you know how you can /PM people to talk to just them? Well a couple of weeks ago a friend and I were planning something secret, (still secret) and asked mods if they could see messages, and they said it didnt concern us. We then proceeded to plan inferring that it didnt. (Bad play on our part). So today I was talking to someone else about not seeing them for awhile, via /pm and it got into the topic of other servers. While I know were not supposed to talk about other servers, it was one on one, and I said I already knew that one, having no affect. A mod did /msg and told us that wasn't allowed. I understand that they're there to enforce rules, but it clearly states private message. I honestly wouldn't care, but you now need outside of game communication to talk to friends about secret stuff to plan in game. This needs to change. Even if they say they dont care, they read it, and in a server of probably 30 or 40, 5 or 6 people being able to read private messages just isnt good. Please change this.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jul 2018, 20:22:04 »
No hate to the mods, there just doing their job.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:06:04 »
In my personal opinion I completely understand why every command and message sent to the server is echoed to the chat-mods, moderators and administrators. They need to be able to properly assist, moderate and sometimes take preventive measures. It's a valid consequence for offering a family friendly community.

That said, while I get that, I can't say I feel comfortable at all that personal conversations are shared as a default. If there's a reason to moderate they should be able to use it. I don't see why the team needs to hear NSA every move I make. But it is what it is.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:14:06 »
I agree. I know that they should be able to moderate, but I'm pretty certain you can just /ignore if theres a problem, or you can screenshot to report. Really I see know reason when other measures are in place, that mods need to see PRIVATE messages. (sorry if that came across rude.)


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #4 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:32:41 »
I agree. I know that they should be able to moderate, but I'm pretty certain you can just /ignore if theres a problem, or you can screenshot to report. Really I see know reason when other measures are in place, that mods need to see PRIVATE messages. (sorry if that came across rude.)

To point out the point why they have access though .. you guys were talking about another server - if that's against the rules, they can remind you that it is .. and you get prevented from having the account sanctioned because of rule-breaking. So in that case: that's why.. I guess. But I've run many forums in the past and helped out on a lot of them as well. I've noticed due to privacy laws changing etc, that quite a few communities stopped using the term private for a person to person message. They call it a direct message, a personal message, a conversation, etc.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #5 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:42:55 »
Yeah, whole I understand we were in the wrong there, it makes planning stuff that we don't want people to know about difficult, because even if you dont care, or say you read it, youll always know what it is.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #6 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:55:22 »
As you're hopefully aware Noobstown advertises itself as being family friendly and suitable for a range of ages; part of this means we have a role to play in trying to ensure that Noobstown is seen as a safe place for people to play, including maintaining our rules.

The selected Noobstown staff team have access to a number of tools that allow them to monitor a number of areas of the game and other Noobscraft services. These tools are for moderation use; to allow us to gain a greater picture of what's happening at any point in time. As is a standard practice among online service providers we log a range of information about use of our server and site, if needed selected parts of this information can be used for maintaining safety including our rules. It would be irresponsible of us to not keep a proportional record of these things in case it were required.

We have a strict rule within the staff team that information gained as part of their moderation activities should not be shared, or used elsewhere beyond their moderation role at that time. The only reason you should even notice it is for moderation purposes.

As I have for other players I'll happily go into further detail with you directly if you have any concerns about your personal privacy including detailing what information we hold and use, we have got a privacy policy available at

At this time in the interests of safety I have no plans to change this.


Re: Private messages not so private?
« Reply #7 on: 3 Jul 2018, 21:58:41 »
Thanks for clarifying the policy with staff. I was mainly concerned about about what they could share. I'll go ahead and lock this thread.