[Suggestion] Ability to let visitors kill friendly mobs  (Read 2571 times)

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Hey larry,

I know it's possible to do this per chunk, but for example: if we have a place where we put spawners and allow people to use them for friends, it would be kinda nice if we could just toggle it on for all the wild plots, and just turn it off for all the wild ones again at a later time. Instead of per chunk.


Re: [Suggestion] Ability to let visitors kill friendly mobs
« Reply #1 on: 8 Apr 2018, 14:37:32 »
I know it's possible to do this per chunk, but for example: if we have a place where we put spawners and allow people to use them for friends, it would be kinda nice if we could just toggle it on for all the wild plots, and just turn it off for all the wild ones again at a later time. Instead of per chunk.
Due to technical limitations at the moment this isn't something that can be easily added without some big re-working. I would however like it eventually so that you can manage chunks on a wider scale; which would include things like the ability to toggle those actions on all (or a wider selection) of your land. There will have to be some considerable behind-the-scenes reworking first to allow this, but it is something I'd like to add.


Re: [Suggestion] Ability to let visitors kill friendly mobs
« Reply #2 on: 8 Apr 2018, 15:18:06 »
Ah, I understand, and thanks for explaining this on ts last night as well a bit more.
Hey! btw, it was good to see you on ts again :)

It is nice to hear that this might be in the works and possible at some point. It would be nice sometimes to just reset that to 'no longer allow on any chunk', knowing it overrides whatever chunk we once might have setup - guaranteeing that players can't toggle in those chunks we forgot about, be it a switch, herd, or whatever. Looking forward to this :)