[Suggestion] Additional RPG features  (Read 5882 times)

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[Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« on: 25 Mar 2018, 07:29:28 »
Hello hello team,

We love to play survival, and we love to level up on things like mcMMO to be a better miner, farmer, etc. But after playing since 2012, I have to say: I kinda wish there were more RPG possibilities.

When breeding and having animals, I wouldn't mind if that's a leveled system. From easy level 1, to harder level 25, for example. With 1 coming with no perky perks, but maybe level 25 we can pick the colors for our sheep..

Or if we're fighting mobs, bring back some of those mineapoc features back so we can have dumb level 1 angry mobs just kinda staring at up, but we might not get anything when we slay them with our sword, but level 25 might be a tough little ****** that requires certain enchants to even get killed.

Player levelling for starters to heroes. Where the more we play the better our character develops. This would be quite nice so we know who might be knights. We have veterans and vips, but those are donation ranks from back in the day and new players since the EULA change can't get any perks like that. Rewarding active players with a status to pick or level up to would be nice. I wouldn't mind markin myself as a knight if i pvp a lot, or a dwarf rank if i mine a lot, etc.

Talking about dwarfs and what not, what about just basic things like being a miner, a farmer, etc. We could have jobs, making extra money through the things we already do .. the more we build, the richer we get, something a builder can't get if they dont have time for mining. This means the more i work on my plots and chunks, the more money i have to buy more wild chunks and expand my empir.. i mean /home Jobs are a great way to be "the farmer" on the server, or "a shop keeper".

A miner could get abilities as well, not only would they allow to mine for archeology items that raaaarely drop, they might get a perk like 15s of nightvision very randomly.. just another example. Making mining more fun again. And we don't like that stuff? we can just not join that job.

Instead of the pets we have now, which don't do anything but 'look i got this one', i wouldn't mind a little companion that is hard to get and soul bound to me. It could die , but i can use /gem to revive it. I can feed it and keep it active to help it grow and level it up.

Certain things like a knight by the way, could have a unique magic spell or ability on their sword to increase chance of turning mobs into a mob head, or a mob upon death to drop their entity as a spawn egg.

Even if any of this is hard to obtain, or very low chance, .. it just adds to the gameplay, especially when you play for hours.

Talking about pve, pvp - we should be able to perhaps utilize this more. We had fun doing mob arena, but maybe to get more players on, - allow it, but only if there are ten players? this way ppl can't do it over and over or with their alt account. They need 5+ more players to start one. Having arenas for pvp where you get a kit and the reward gets mailed as a /gift, and you leave the arena you get your old inventory back.. then it's fair for all and a fun fight against mobs and/or players.

I never do quests, but many do - and many times over as well. Besides scoring 'yet another head' .. it would be nice if there's perhaps a leaderboard of people who played it and leveled up their quest?

For towny there's a whole load of other rpg suggestions when it comes to shop, embassy, assistants, etc to make it more fun to have an active town. But with so many questions i might just write a separate discussion for that.

I do not want to create an environment of 'i am the best miner, i am the best elf with bows and pvp', i want a fun gameplay experience where we can get together and play.. without being like 'ugh hold on, let me set up 15 plots as embassy and get back to you in 30m' and after 30m they are like 'ok, i gtg now, sorry' .. and you have to undo everything. The downside of a completely locked down world, is less gameplay together unless they are a friend of your plot/chunk.  Teaming up as a farmers, a party for mining, a group for levelling abilities.. and shop keepers for rare items, etc.. it would be nice RPG

I wouldn't mind mining to get a couple of old archeology artifacts, collect them, and finally after 6 months trade them against npc in various towns for unique tool or armour/weapon upgrades.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #1 on: 27 Mar 2018, 20:48:37 »
This sounds awesome, especially the additional jobs and ranks. We wouldn't just be another towny server, we need something more.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #2 on: 27 Mar 2018, 21:17:42 »
Awesome idea.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #3 on: 27 Mar 2018, 21:31:39 »
Awesome idea.
This sounds awesome, especially the additional jobs and ranks. We wouldn't just be another towny server, we need something more.
Glad to hear you two like it, I hope more people are excited about new features - and I hope that helps convince larry a bit to consider a couple of them.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #4 on: 4 Apr 2018, 13:06:09 »
friendly weekly bump.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #5 on: 4 Apr 2018, 15:35:40 »
     I for one am totally 100% for this, especially the part about different jobs, miner, builder, farmer, and so forth. It's all well and good being ranked in McMMO but it gives you little to no worthwhile reward and gets tiring after a while. But if people were to get 'rewarded' per say for things they enjoy doing, then maybe it would create more of a buzz.
     Leading on from the old VIP ranks from back in the day, I am almost certain there is a way around rewarding people in a similar form, you look at other servers for instance, they all some form of system like that, like Floris said the status pickaxe or the ability to fly on skyblock servers, crates that you can open to get random special items or armour that's otherwise unobtainable, and so on and so forth.
     I would love to see the MineApoc zombies come back where they differ in level and difficulty, the higher the level, the hard the kill and better loot it may drop, or more exp you gain, etc.

Anyway, in short, I am all for these ideas and support it 100% :)


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #6 on: 20 Apr 2018, 22:42:03 »
Perhaps the stronger mobs that spawn would spawn depending on your swords/unarmed/axes skill


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #7 on: 31 Jul 2018, 18:37:49 »
Quarterly bump.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #8 on: 1 Aug 2018, 20:03:47 »
Possibly having some more of MCMMO skills like say: End city raiding, enchanting, crafting so there would be more skills to level , as many people have hit the limit *cough* floris *cough*


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #9 on: 1 Aug 2018, 23:13:00 »
Possibly having some more of MCMMO skills like say: End city raiding, enchanting, crafting so there would be more skills to level , as many people have hit the limit *cough* floris *cough*
it really isn't just me who's doing loads of mcmmo levels, entangled, whuck, warriorben, .. they've been owning the game quite well, as well. to just name a few.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #10 on: 2 Aug 2018, 00:53:29 »
it really isn't just me who's doing loads of mcmmo levels, entangled, whuck, warriorben, .. they've been owning the game quite well, as well. to just name a few.
I didn't say you because you had loads of mcmmo levels I said you because you've caped out 4 skills :P


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #11 on: 2 Aug 2018, 04:23:42 »
We really dont need new skills. And mcmmo is a plugin in which there really isnt more. We have the April fools, but that's april fools. You could show salvage but whatever. We could list loads of skills and go on forever if we just chose randomly. I think it's fine as it is. If someone doenst like something just dont choose it.


Re: [Suggestion] Additional RPG features
« Reply #12 on: 10 Mar 2019, 01:39:34 »
i would love the btw